Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1041: One thousand fifty-three

The little guy spit out such a serious and jealous look, Chi Shuyan almost didn't choke on his saliva.

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to speak, Li Yu continued to snorted coldly: "Anyway, you only have that man in your heart. You have forgotten me a long time ago, and you don't care about me!"

Speaking of the last sentence, the little guy’s eyes are a little red, and the little guy Han Yu next to him is trying to comfort little guy Li Yu, but the tendency of the little guy’s eyes to be flushed unabated, Chi Shuyan looks very soft and helpless, and puts his head on his head. He took off his hat and put it on the table, saying: "Who said I forgot you? I want to forget you. How can I come here to see you today?"

Han Yu nodded immediately and said, "Nine Princes, Sister Shuyan must have not forgotten us."

Chi Shuyan patiently touched the little guy's eyes with tears. It didn't take long for the little guy to finally remember that he was a royal child. He was ashamed of crying, and he gave a cold snort. Tsundere said with a little embarrassment: "This king doesn't cry or won't cry. !"

"Yes, you don't cry! I was wrong. I will come to see you more often in the future?" During this period of time, she went to the military area. She did neglect these little guys. However, she didn't see him for some days, Chi Shuyan I found that the little guy Li Yu has changed a lot. For example, the thing about serving dishes today is that before, this little guy probably held the status of a prince and could not do this kind of'lower' work.

But Chi Shuyan didn't know that when he opened the shop, Li Yu did hold the status of the prince and refused to serve the dishes. He thought that serving dishes was commonly known as something that only people could do. Li Yuchu didn't want the nine princes to touch it.

Later, the little guy knew that opening this store would give her money, and the store was too busy, so he condescended to help.

The tears of the little guy Li Yu came and went quickly. He began to excite his fingers and tell her how much money he made for her every day, and then coldly snorted: "If it weren't for you to make money, this king wouldn't Do what the next person does!"

Chi Shuyan:...

She just felt that this kid has changed, and this little guy hasn't changed, but she was really moved in her heart, rubbing the little guy's head, should this little guy be so good to her?

Li Yu's cheeks flushed when he was touched, and gradually became a little irritated, feeling that he could no longer touch his head when he grew up, and he was reluctant to really refuse the touch of the person in front of him.

The little guy suddenly condensed his face with a precocious look of a little adult: "If you see this king more importantly than the man surnamed Qi in the future, and you no longer forget this king, this king will reluctantly forgive you! Let you continue. Earn more money!"

Little Han Yu also leaned forward at this time and hurriedly said, "Sister Chi, I will also make more money!"

Chi Shuyan was dumbfounded by the words of the two little guys, especially the words of the little guy Li Yu. She almost laughed at the words of the little guy Li Yu. The whole person was happy. She said that she had never thought about expecting the two children to make money with her. Not Zhou Papi.

She rubbed the heads of the two little guys in turn, and waved her big hand: "No, the money you make belongs to you." Seeing the two little guys lose their eyes and look dim, Chi Shuyan added: "But you can Leave the money to me!"

The two little guys smiled very happily, especially the little guy Li Yu smiled openly. His small face is exquisite and beautiful, and the people who watch it are pleasing to the eyes. Only when the little guy Li Yu is very tyrant said: "From now on, the king’s money will be all Your money is yours! You must never forget this king! This king has a lot of money!"

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