Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1047: One thousand and fifty nine

When Lu Yunfeng took the boys to the box, Zhen Yu and Yang Lan had left beforehand.

Lu Yunfeng brought a total of eight people here, namely Jiang Duo, Chang Hao, Xiao Ningjin, Xiong Luoying, Wei Panyang, Shi Ran, Jin Ming, and Fang Yingchang.

When I first entered the box, all of them looked pale, their eyes were frightened, their faces were haggard, and they were black now, and I could see that they were not well rested these days.

Lu Yunfeng saw Chi Shuyan in the box, his face brightened, and he hurriedly yelled, "Sister-in-law!"

This turned the attention of the group of boys behind them a lot, and they all looked at Chi Shuyan curiously. When they saw that she was a young girl, many people were quite disappointed.

However, a group of people still gave Lu Yunfeng a lot of face, and there was no sudden support.

Chi Shuyan squinted his eyes and looked at the few boys behind him. They were all very human-looking. They looked at things together in a similar way. They all played together with the people who were not short of money and had a superior family background. By the way, they disappointed a few people. I didn't care about the income. Anyway, with this kind of distrust, she looked too much at them. Believe it or not, she was only responsible for collecting money.

As Chi Shuyan looked at it carelessly, a handsome young man with long eyebrows, but a lot of scorn in every move, suddenly approached Chi Shuyan with enthusiasm and said enthusiastically and diligently: "Master, my name is Jiang. Duo, you can call Xiao Jiang or Xiao Duo!"

Speaking of it, since they met the ghost, he took the initiative to ask Lu Yunfeng for help. Knowing who Lu Yunfeng took him to find today, Jiang Duo was very excited and relieved.

Speaking of which, the good days in the past are thanks to the Taobao shop opened by this master. He bought a lot of good things in Taobao shop, such as Lingmi such as Nourishing Pill, etc., not only the authoritative hospital announced that his grandpa was not saved. His grandfather's illness was cured directly, and his dad's unhealed dark wounds were restored.

When his dad went to the hospital for a physical examination, the effect of Nourishing Pill and Lingmi was shocking to everyone in his family again, and he became more and more convinced that all the things in this Taobao shop were extraordinary and priceless baby bumps.

For this reason, his father bought a very secret, sophisticated and advanced safe for these things, and put all the moisturizing pills and Lingmi he bought in it. The family watched every day, fearing that a thief would accidentally steal it.

It was also because of his mistake that he found such a magical Taobao store. It was considered the family's first feat. His father never scolded him again, and he did not deduct any more money. Fearing that he is not enough, his grandfather treats him even better. Even if his father gives money, his grandfather often subsidizes him. Various grandchildren call him heartily, sometimes he is very embarrassed, and the relationship between his parents is straightforward. Warm up.

Originally, his family lived well, Jiang Duo is very satisfied with the life of wanting money and spending without being scolded. He didn't know that this time when traveling with a few friends, he would encounter such evil and weird things.

Apart from Lu Yunfeng, he is the most aware of the magic of the Taobao shop opened by the master in front of him. At this moment, even if he saw that the young and beautiful girl Lu Yunfeng introduced to him, Jiang Duo did not dare to neglect or underestimate it. There is still a lot of admiration and enthusiasm in my eyes, for fear of offending the master in front of him, and the master will not sell his good things afterwards.

Of course, if it weren’t for such a horrible and weird thing these days, he now encounters the Taobao shopkeeper master in front of him. The first question he wants to ask is when will the master update the goods of Taobao shop recently? Start grabbing again.

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