Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1048: One thousand and sixty

It is true that Jiang Duo’s vision is too diligent and enthusiastic. Chi Shuyan couldn’t help but look at the other party more, and saw that the other party was wagging his tail, diligent and enthusiastic. She was a little interested and a little bit dumbfounded and confused. The head said: "Okay, I will call you Xiao Jiang from now on!"

After hearing this, Jiang Duo's eyes brightened, his face was very happy and excited, and he almost forgot the main business that came here today.

Chi Shuyan also discovered that the young Jiang Duo in front of him, his complexion was much better than that of the other guys, and he was very energetic. She glanced at him and saw a familiar jade sign on his neck, which suddenly realized why this kid With so much energy, this kid is lucky to see.

Lu Yunfeng recorded Jiang Duo’s diligent appearance in his eyes, and remembered that he was so diligent to stop him from moisturizing the pill. If it hadn’t been for this boy that he did encounter a terrible dirty thing, he really didn’t want to introduce Haozi’s sister-in-law to Jiang. Duo this kid.

Anyway, he sees this kid who has been courting his sister-in-law is not pleasing to the eye.

Compared with Jiang Duo’s diligence and enthusiasm, the other teenagers were a bit quieter and more suspicious. They thought that Lu Yunfeng was pretty reliable. The master introduced to them must be a respected old Taoist or monk. How could they know that he was such a young man? Little girl.

Is this so unreliable?

Chi Shuyan didn't immediately ask a few guys what happened recently, but instead asked if they had eaten?

To be honest, these days, these are the first time in their lives that they have encountered such a weird, terrifying and spiritual thing. Even if there are many brave boys in them, they are still scared enough by the recent events, except for Jiang Duo. Other people can’t eat well or sleep well, no matter how good the food is, they’re not in the mood to eat. After all, their lives are almost gone.

Seeing a group of people shook their heads, and a few other guys with a bad expression directly expressed that they were not hungry and did not want to eat.

Chi Shuyan still let the Yu Restaurant kitchen cook some more dishes and serve it on the table.

Many people saw her actions, and they couldn't help but doubt the reliability of Lu Yunfeng's introduction of the master this time. Shouldn't the professional Taoists and monks immediately ask them what happened?

Chi Shuyan didn't see the suspicion in the eyes of the few boys, and put the menu on the table and let them order their own dishes.

It didn’t take long to wait for the dishes to be on the table one by one. The dishes were delicious and delicious. Only Lu Yunfeng and Jiang Duo were the happiest to eat. The food here is so **** delicious, and everyone who can eat it has their tongues. , Secondly, for Jiang Duo, if you find this master Chi, everything will definitely be solved. When you think of the nourishing pill in the Taobao shop opened by this master, he pulled his grandfather back from the ghost gate. Master Chi's ability is to be convinced.

Although others were absent-mindedly eating this meal, there was still a lot of panic in their eyes, but the taste of this dish was really **** good, and many people still ate a lot.

When everyone was almost full and had business coming to the door, Chi Shuyan was naturally very happy and smiled and said, "Since you were brought by Yunfeng to find me, I will naturally give you a discount. But before we talk about these things, Why don't we negotiate the remuneration first, so as not to delay your life in the middle of the work, it will be bad. Although I still don’t know whether you are getting involved with ordinary ghosts or evil ghosts or wicked ghosts, the rewards are equal to ten million. Between ten million. Ten to twenty million are ordinary ghosts, and more than 30 million are evil ghosts and evil ghosts. It depends on how badly you get into the dirty stuff. In other words, the better the dirty stuff is taken, the cheaper the price. The more difficult it is to conquer this dirty thing, the more expensive it is. I wonder if you have any other opinions?"

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