Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1049: One thousand and sixty one

Compared with other people's confusion and more frightened emotions after listening to Chi Shuyan's words, Jiang Duo is the only strange thing in a group of boys. What Chi Shuyan said, he immediately nodded, a stubborn loyal dog fan, blurted out and said. : "Master Chi said so well!" After saying it, there was a warm applause!

Chi Shuyan:...

Lu Yunfeng:...

other people:……

Although Chi Shuyan is a money fan, they are all based on basic principles. As long as the other party does not sin against her, she earns the money she deserves, and is not too greedy for cheap.

Lu Yunfeng felt that his sister-in-law was not cheating at all, and he was really real. He had known his sister-in-law before calling his sister-in-law, secretly telling his sister-in-law that these boys are rich people.

Tens of millions could save his life. Jiang Duo felt it was very worthwhile. Almost Chi Shuyan just finished speaking. He immediately said that he had no objection. After he finished speaking, others were silent and silent. Jiang Duo let him play with him. A few people like Chang Hao, Xiao Ningjin, Xiong Luoying and others immediately agreed, fearing that there would be no village in this mountain.

He is now very curious about what kind of benefits Master Chi gives them. You must know that the things Master Chi Taobao offers are good treasures. If you don't need to grab them, you can buy them directly, regardless of how much money he wants.

Chang Hao, Xiao Ningjin, Xiong Luoying finally agreed with Jiang Duo's enthusiasm.

Wei Panyang suddenly opened his mouth to raise an objection first, and said with an arrogant expression: "This lady,..."

Chi Shuyan didn't take the other party's tone seriously, and said without delay: "My last name is Chi, and my name is Shuyan, you can call my name directly!"

Wei Panyang is a very arrogant dude on weekdays, and only others can please him. These tens of millions are just a trivial matter to him, but he does not believe that the little girl in front of him is a powerful celestial master, so let’s not talk about it. Believe it or not that there are such things as ghosts in this world.

Although the successive deaths of Wang Yu and Shen Zhihua have shocked and frightened him, the police also said that Shen Zhihua might commit suicide. It is not excluded that Wang Yu also died in an accident. Meeting a ghost is the most absurd excuse.

These days, because of the sudden death of Shen Zhihua and no one knows from whom the word'ghost' was spit out, a group of them began to be dubious and convinced that there was a ghost, until Lu Yunfeng took them to a little girl and said that the little girl in front of him was a'tianshi'. Wei Panyang felt more and more ridiculous and unreliable about the matter of'encountering ghosts'. At this time, he asked provocatively: "I don't know how old Miss Chi is now? What kind of industry is she engaged in?"

Wei Panyang's question attracted everyone's attention. Lu Yunfeng and Jiang Duo first heard Wei Panyang's questioning of his sister-in-law (Master Chi), and their expressions changed first.

Wei Panyang didn’t see the face of the two change. Jiang Duogang wanted to speak for Chi Shuyan. Wei Panyang first said to Jiang Duo: "A Duo, after all, it’s a matter of our lives. I shouldn’t ask a few more questions. Question?"

Chi Shuyan first replied for Jiang Duo: "Of course there is no problem." He answered his question just now and said: "Nineteen years old, a freshman at Yanjing University."

Hearing this, Wei Panyang smiled a little, and even sneered in his heart, and asked provocatively: "Miss Chi is a heavenly master?"


"What do you mean by reluctance? Or does it mean that Miss Chi admits that she is only a half-bucket of water and half a celestial master, no, not even a half-bucket of water?" Wei Panyang's tone was provocative and brought a lot of this. Questioning and aggressive, just say that Chi Shuyan is a liar!

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