Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1068: One thousand and eighty one

After Chi Shuyan confessed these words, she felt tight in her heart for a long time. After all, she said that this matter was too much to respond to people, and it was a big blow to Brother Feng. If you don’t say this, how can she get married and marry Qin Qing? See the past?

The thought of Feng Ge in the previous life didn't end well because of marrying Qin Qing, even if the other party really had Feng Ge's child in his stomach, he would never agree to this matter.

Can a child be more important than a brother’s life and happiness?

Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief when she finished speaking, but her heart couldn't help being squeezed. Her throat was very tense. She anticipated the ugly expression on Feng's face when she heard this, but she was really waiting for her to finish this. Then, seeing Brother Feng's face turned from calm to white and blue, his face was ugly, and the back of the hand holding the teacup was bulging. Although he tried to keep calm on his face, Chi Shuyan clearly saw the bottom of Feng's eyes. Surging anger and shock and disbelief.

Chi Shuyan gave Brother Feng time to ease her emotions. After a while, she did not shirk her responsibility and continued honestly: "Brother Feng, in fact...I knew about this a long time ago, but at that time. I don’t know how to tell you about this, plus you broke up with the other party suddenly, I thought there was no possibility for you to get back together!"

After explaining, Chi Shuyan apologized honestly again, and apologized for the concealment she had previously concealed. Sometimes she would think, if she didn’t hesitate, she would tell Brother Feng directly, and Brother Feng would guard Qin Qing, and the woman Qin Qing would pay. Can you succeed?

I'm sorry, she should say it.

Feng Yuanlin was in a really uncomfortable mood at this time. He didn't make a sound for a long time. The action of holding the cup of the teacup stopped. After a long time no other actions, the water in the teacup was completely cold and he did not even take a sip.

Whenever the person who told him about this was not Shuyan but someone else, he was unwilling to believe that Qin Qing would betray him when they were there. The word'betrayal' was undoubtedly a sharp knife, and he stabbed him with a white knife. The red knife came out, dripping with blood.

Thinking of how he was still reflecting on the other party’s changes these days, reflecting on that he was too weak to give him a good life, he looked down upon and was disappointed that Qin Qing had reconciled with him in order to close the family’s background without compromise, but if he was enough Strong, the other party still needs to look at the background of the Feng family?

He was making all excuses for her. Even if he asks that he doesn’t have much feelings for Qin Qing now, he doesn’t want to believe that his self-righteous and beautiful feelings for so many years are so unsightly. The good women he once looked down upon are just the same. No, I don't want to admit that I was once so blind, and I haven't seen such a woman through all these years.

It was also played around by a woman playing in the palm of her hand.

Thinking of this, Feng Yuanlin's chest surged with anger, and he couldn't suppress it, and his hands kept shaking.

Chi Shuyan saw Feng Ge's trembling face with sullen expression, and sighed, with some worry under his eyes, she put the creaking teacup in Feng Ge's hand on the table.

"Brother Feng, if you are angry or angry, don't hold it back, whether you are angry with Qin Qing or the angry I conceal, just let it out if you are angry, don't hold it!"

Chi Shuyan was really worried about sealing brother. It’s not a good way to hold it back like this. She has to be internally injured. After thinking about it, she glanced over a box of wine in the box, and simply took apart a box of red wine and opened a bottle. Pour the red wine for Brother Feng first, then fill it up for yourself, and say: "Brother Feng, do you want to drink? I'll drink it with you tonight! You can drink as much as you want!"

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