Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1069: One thousand zero eighty two

Chi Shuyan didn't like the taste of alcohol very much. As for the amount of alcohol, she had never drunk and drank less. She didn't know how much her alcohol was. But now I saw Brother Feng, who was about to suffer internal injuries, had to die with the gentleman.

Seeing that Brother Feng hadn't spoken for a long time, Chi Shuyan used the excuse of apologizing to fill three cups.

Seeing that Brother Feng had not spoken or spoken, Chi Shuyan thought that Brother Feng might be angry with Qin Qing when she was concealed, so he had to continue to drink as long as Brother Feng was happy, and said: "Feng Brother, I know it’s a bit late for me to confess these things to you today. I don’t want to explain more. I just hope you can be happy. After all, there are always scumbags in life. You should also be lucky to know scumbags before you get married. The true face of her. She cannot affect your life."

When drinking, the red wine tasted sweet, although she felt that the red wine should not have much alcohol content, and the horrible stamina was too much, while filling the wine, while estimating the time, she sent a WeChat to the man Qi Zhenbo and asked him to arrive. Come pick her up here when the time comes.

I don’t know if Chi Shuyan’s drinking and persuasion played such a role. Feng Yuanlin finally reacted somewhat. When Shuyan was drinking again, he suddenly grabbed her wrist and grabbed the glass in her hand. On one side, he poured his own wine.

Although Feng Yuanlin's face is still ugly, Meiyu's anger is still somewhat relieved. Most of the bottle of red wine was given to her just now. Seeing the appearance of Brother Feng, Chi Shuyan had to open it to Brother Feng again. Bottle of wine, I poured myself half a glass, and said: "Brother Feng, you can drink as much wine as you want today, and I will drink with you until dawn!"

Feng Yuanlin took a few deep breaths and exhaled a suffocating breath. He looked at his bright face and looked at him with a little guilt hidden in front of him. Looking at his beautiful face, somehow, his feelings of anger and almost suffocating internal injuries finally improved. Speaking of it, after being shocked and angry about Qin Qing's derailment, he accepted it very quickly.

Thinking that Qin Qing always used an excuse to perfuse him for a while, he saw her as close to other men with his own eyes. He believed in Qin Qing’s character at the beginning and didn’t want to maliciously speculate on her. Now think about it. I'm afraid Qin Qing had a close relationship with that man at that time.

Speaking of it, his feelings for Qin Qing have already been almost let go. If he had just learned about this before, he wouldn't be upset about it and Qin Qing would ask it thoroughly, he would never be reconciled.

But now he doesn’t have much expectations for the woman Qin Qing, and the few remaining feelings are completely worn out. Apart from some insults, embarrassment, and some shocks and depression in his heart, he has no other emotions. Before, he was somewhat guilty for the other party, but now , He thought his guilt was unnecessary.

Even deep in his heart, he breathed a sigh of relief.

These days, he also feels more and more that he is not conspiring with Qin Qing as a woman, and he also feels that Qin Qing is strange to this woman. That's good, at least now he can be cruel to that woman, and it's not as sorry for him. .

A chill flashed in Feng Yuanlin's eyes. When the wine in the glass was filled, Shu Yan Yinqin next to him immediately filled him with wine. With that diligent and guilty appearance, Feng Yuanlin was a little bit amused.

It's just that he really can't laugh now, he can only laugh dryly and bitterly, but when his own woman cheats when they are between two people, this is not only a face but a double blow to the man, but more humiliation. He has nothing to Qin Qing now. Feelings, but it's not relieved for a while.

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