Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1072: One thousand and eighty five

After hanging up the phone, Feng Yuanlin came back from the terrace and saw Shuyan sitting on the table and drinking continuously. Drinking was like drinking water. This act shocked Feng Yuanlin, seeing that Shuyan's face grew more and more. Red, Feng Yuanlin's right eyelid jumped, strode over and immediately took her wine glass away.

But Chi Shuyan immediately grasped it, and Chi Shuyan pursed her lips, her mouth still very clear: "Feng brother, I'm a little thirsty, let me drink water!"

Feng Yuanlin's eyes widened: "You said this is water?"

"What's it if it's not water?" Chi Shuyan's head was a little dumbfounded, and her head had been dumbfounded since just now.

Feng Yuanlin looked at Shu Yan again and again, and saw that her expression was exactly the same as before he went out on the phone just now. Could it be that Shu Yan was drunk just now?

Feng Yuanlin looked at the newly opened wine bottle on the table again, and couldn't think much about the last shock and aggrievedness of Qin Qing's derailment. He immediately called Zhen Bai and asked him to come and pick up the person.

At the same time, I was a little bit dumbfounded. He was the one who was cheated, and the drunk was the wife of Zhenbai who persuaded him.

The stamina of the wine came to his head, Chi Shuyan's head became more and more dizzy at this moment, vaguely saw what Feng Feng was talking in front of him, and quickly showed a smile, grinning softly and asked: "Brother Feng, is Zhenbai here? I'm still thirsty and a little sleepy!"

At this time, Feng Yuanlin was really sure that Shuyan was drunk. He thought about it and planned to drive people to the Qi clan. At this time, the door of the private room was pushed open. Feng Yuanlin thought that Zhenbai was here. A pretty little guy came in and stared at him defensively.

Feng Yuanlin is a little bit rare. The little guy Li Yu over there has a look on his face to guard him, and leaning over to grab Chi Shuyan's clothes, whispered: "Shuyan, Shuyan, wake up, some man wants to take advantage of you. Up."

When Feng Yuanlin heard the little guy's mouth, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, and saw that this little guy was familiar with Shuyan calling Shuyan's name, but he didn't stop the little guy from getting close to Shuyan.

Feng Yuanlin planned to pour a cup of strong tea to soothe Shu Yan before he came to Zhenbai, when he saw a tall and familiar figure appearing at the door, who was not Zhenbai?

Seeing Zhenbo coming over, Feng Yuanlin breathed a sigh of relief.

Qi Zhenbai glanced over Feng Yuanlin, and then fell on his cheeks, a little flushed, a little bit drunk, lying on the sleepy woman on the table, his eyes condensed, and a little startled.

Zhenbai’s eyes were too sharp. Feng Yuanlin felt guilty when he thought that Shuyan had been drinking with him just now. He now doubts that Shuyan has only three glasses of alcohol. He said, "I’m not the fault of tonight. Be careful to get your wife drunk!"

Qi Zhenbai just nodded, didn't speak much, and strode over to take the person out. The little guy Li Yu was somewhat defensive and vigilant, but the little guy was not at all the opponent of a big man like Qi Zhenbai, and he didn’t care about this little guy. Not reconciled, Qi Zhenbai immediately embraced his daughter-in-law in his arms.

Although Chi Shuyan was drunk, she was very well-behaved. She smiled when she saw people. He yelled at most a few times and was dizzy and sleepy. He wanted to sleep, and stayed in a man's arms without struggling.

The man's Leng Rui's face softened subconsciously. At this time, Li Yuchu also came in. Not only did he see Ms. Shuyan drunk, but he also saw an imposing man holding Ms. Shuyan.

He was about to ask if he wanted to cook some hangover soup. When he met the sharp and forceful glance of the man in front of him, Li Yuchu immediately

I couldn't help but feel a little weak, and I was frightened and frightened when I first saw the emperor that year.

After Chi Shuyan was drunk, he saw the visitor in a daze, and subconsciously smiled.

Qi Zhenbai looked at his daughter-in-law with a bright smile on her lips, the smile on her lips narrowed a bit, before holding the person and walking out, he put his wife's head on his chest so that people could not see her face again.

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