Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1073: One thousand and eighty six

Feng Yuanlin saw Qi Zhenbai’s little action right, and he had to feel that Zhenbai was not generally possessive of Shuyan. He felt that when Shuyan was sober, his possessiveness was somewhat restrained. Now Shuyan was drunk, and this kid didn't conceal his possessiveness.

Seeing Zhenbai going out, Feng Yuanlin also followed.

After going out of the restaurant, seeing Shu Yan had Zhen Bai picking up, he also planned to leave, because of Qin Qing's derailment, he was not in the mood to talk to Zhen Bai right now.

"Wait, wait for me for a while!" Qi Zhenbai suddenly said.

Seeing Zhenbai had something to say to him, Feng Yuanlin had to stop by his car.

Qi Zhenbo patiently and cautiously put his wife in the back seat, let her lie down to sleep, take off her coat and cover her body.

Feng Yuanlin was quite boring, somehow he looked at Zhen Bai's behavior and looked a little fascinated. From his angle, through the light, he looked up and saw Zhen Bai's face cold, but his eyebrows were serious and patient, and he carefully covered Shuyan's clothes. The corner tuck was curled under her.

He was very speechless when he looked at it patiently and earnestly. The cigarette case he had just touched fell directly to the ground. Seeing that this action was so intimate that only his mother and daughter could have, Feng Yuanlin was amazed.

To be honest, he has known Zhenbai for so long. He was never such a patient person before. He is also an absolute male chauvinist. He likes people to obey his orders in everything.

Looking at the machismo, Zhenbai quickly turned into a good man with twenty-four filial piety. Feng Yuanlin's shocked mouth grew, and his mouth could swallow an egg.

Although he knew that Zhenbai liked Shu Yan before, he had never deeply realized that his friend was planted, and he was planted so miserably!

Shu Yan is definitely the nemesis of this kid Zhenbai.

Qi Zhenbai in the car didn't know Feng Yuanlin's brain supplement, and was sure that his wife would not be cold, so he got out of the car and carefully closed the car door.

Feng Yuanlin bent down and picked up the cigarette case. Seeing Zhenbai striding over, he suddenly said, "Aren't your kid planning to be drunk with me?"

"Say over there!" Qi Zhenbai gestured.

Feng Yuanlin had no choice but to follow Qi Zhenbai a little further away. He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, which was still on his body, and took out a lighter to light him.

Qi Zhenbai returned the cigarette to Feng Yuanlin as it was, and Feng Yuanlin's eyes widened: "Don't smoke? When did you quit smoking? No, you still smoked a few days ago.

Qi Zhenbai didn't want to say that his wife didn't like the smell of cigarettes, so he only said indifferently: "I don't want to smoke!"

Feng Yuanlin somehow glanced at his friend in front of him, then turned his head and glanced in the direction of Zhenbai Che, then suddenly asked, "Does Shuyan like to smell smoke?"

Qi Zhenbai looks like you know that you still ask more nonsense.

Feng Yuanlin's eyes widened: "Fuck, Zhenbai, I think your kid is going to become a fairy. Are you going to quit smoking?"

Qi Zhenbai did have this plan recently. He has good self-control and rarely smokes on weekdays. Since his wife does not like the smell of cigarettes, he does have this plan.

Qi Zhenbai didn't like others to listen to his gossip. When he didn't see Feng Yuanlin staring at him with wide eyes and shock, he changed the subject and said directly: "Do you know about the woman surnamed Qin cheating?"

He glanced at Feng Yuanlin whose complexion changed suddenly and almost jumped, nodded and said intently: "It's good to know, and save me trouble with other women! That woman is not for you either!"

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