Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1083: One thousand and fifty six

Sure enough, just as Qi Mu had said, she and Qi Zhenbai had just entered, and the old man Qi looked at them expectantly, a wrinkled face with a kind and loving expression.

Qi Zhenbai first shouted: "Grandpa!"

Chi Shuyan also yelled. Old man Qi seemed to be in a very good mood when he saw the couple, and he smiled cheerfully: "It's fine when you come back! It's fine when you come back! I have dinner tonight and stay at home for one night!"

After the old man said this, he said with a special face: "Daughter-in-law, Zhenbai, my old man hasn't looked at you for a long time. Stay at home tonight, let me take a good look."

Without waiting for Qi Zhenbo to speak, Chi Shuyan happily responded, "Okay, grandpa! Grandpa will be fine in a while! It doesn't matter if my face is dirty!"

A word opened the old man's eyebrows and smiled, hehe he laughed.

Father Qi let the two sit down. Father Qi and the second uncle of the Qi family were all busy with their own affairs and were not in the living room. Qi Yunchang and several cousins ​​were not in the living room at this time. Thinking of Shuyan's chess skills, they rode before dinner. , Old man Qi beckoned the kid to come and play chess with him.

Chi Shuyan's eyes were smiling, and he immediately squatted beside the old man without pretending to be pretentious. He chose Heizi and said with a smile: "Grandpa, it doesn't matter who plays first in this chess game, but as the saying goes, respect the old and love the young, you play first! "

"Ghost elves!" Old man Qi happily played a chess piece, and Chi Shuyan also followed.

When Mr. Qi played chess, he didn't forget to ask Zhenbai about going to the military area to meet his future father-in-law. He asked by the way, "Zhenbai? Did your kid listen to me and say hello to your future father-in-law?"

Hearing this, Chi Shuyan raised his eyes and looked at the straight and stern man standing in front of him. Before the man could speak, Old Man Qi directly asked Chi Shuyan: "Daughter-in-law, Zhenbai, this problem is for you. You see this kid for you. Did I say hello to your dad?"

Chi Shuyan thought that although her dad didn’t like Qi Zhenbo very much, he already recognized him. Besides, the man in the military district helped her and sometimes helped her dad. Her dad was very surprised. She never shows up and has a good temper, but her father is worried that the two families are not right.

I was afraid that when she entered the "rich family", it was as deep as the sea, so she always deliberately ignored the man, but this man suffered a lot of grievances in the military area.

Chi Shuyan couldn't help feeling a little guilty when she was distressed, so the old man asked at this time, she nodded without hesitation, and couldn't help but say a lot of good things to the man, without repeating the good things, and raised her eyes and blinked to look at the man in front of him.

She didn't know that she had just raised her eyes, and the tall man in front of her looked calmly and moved aside.

Chi Shuyan:...

Here, Old Man Qi didn't see the subtle actions of the two of them, and he couldn't help but laugh when Shu Yan did not repeat the good things that he said for Zhen Bai: "You ghost fairy mouth is so sweet! In front of this kid, don't be afraid This kid's tail is up to the sky?"

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but glanced at the unmoving man in front of him, and secretly said that whoever had his tail up to the sky, this man would not, he was always calm, rational and restrained.

Halfway down, she saw the man's eyes move from the side to the chess pieces on the table. She thought that the other party was a little interested, so she took the initiative to speak: "Do you want to be together?"

Qi Zhenbai suddenly rushed to his old man: "Grandpa, I have something to do. You and my daughter-in-law will play chess first, and I will come back later!"

Chi Shuyan:...

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