Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1084: One thousand and ninety seven

If Chi Shuyan thought that Qi Zhenbai might be in a bad mood because of Brother Feng's affairs, now she feels that this man's face is so bad that nine out of ten are aimed at her.

Although Chi Shuyan didn't know where she had offended this man, she thought that this man was indifferent to her, curious and helpless.

After playing chess with Master Qi, the man sat next to her when the family was eating, but the feeling of alienation and indifference could not be hidden.

On weekdays, this man habitually picks up vegetables for her, but it’s good tonight. This man eats himself from start to finish, and treats her as a transparent person. Chi Shuyan knows that this man is not stingy and easy to get angry. People, how did she offend people?

She couldn't help thinking of the period when she was blank after being drunk last night, and her brain suddenly hurts. Could it be that after she was drunk last night, she hooked up with Brother Feng and was caught by this man?

Chi Shuyan rejected this absurd idea at the first thought. She asked herself frankly that she didn't have any other thoughts on Brother Feng, and only hoped that Brother Feng would leave Qin Qing's hardship as soon as possible and find a reliable object. !

But apart from this, Chi Shuyan racked his brains and couldn't figure out how she could offend Qi Zhenbai last night. The more ridiculous this idea, but the most explanatory, but she still couldn't accept her drunk'hook up' The fact that Brother Feng was'caught rape'.

She is even more suspicious of her ‘true love’ towards Brother Feng. Is it possible that she can’t see it when she is awake? You only see it when you are drunk

Chi Shuyan tried to think about the possibility of ‘hooking up’ with Brother Feng while complaining, and was immediately shocked by this terrible possibility and incident.

According to common sense, she felt that if she really had the mindset of ‘three and four’, she would never hook up with anyone, Feng Ge, the man’s best and closest friend.

It is estimated that she was shocked by this incident. She just picked out a piece of dried chili from the bowl. She originally planned to pick it out and put it on the table.

The expressionless handsome face of the man beside her suddenly glanced back at her. Maybe it was because of a guilty conscience, her head was blank and she didn't want to suddenly stuff the dried pepper directly into her mouth.

After waiting, she bit into the extremely spicy taste of dried chilies, and suddenly choked on her without spitting it out. Suddenly, a hot and choking smell choked from her throat to her stomach. She coughed, her tears flowed and she kept coughing. .

Qi Zhenbai:...

While talking on the table, the original conversation was interrupted by Chi Shuyan’s earth-shattering cough. Everyone was startled. Following the cough, they looked up and saw that Zhenbai gave Shu the soup that had just been filled in his bowl. Yan Wei went in. Before feeding, he habitually took a sip of the temperature by himself, and then fed the soup into her mouth. He stretched out his hand to hold someone on his lap and patted her on the back with a serious expression.

At this time, Chi Shuyan was really choked by the spicy taste of the pepper. Not only did her stomach hurt, her throat was sore, and her eyes were red. She is not a person who can’t eat spicy food, but the dried pepper just now is extremely spicy, and there are also pepper seeds. , Chi Shuyan's eyes couldn't open for a while and continued to bend down and bury him in the man's leg coughing.

She was afraid that the cough would affect the appetite of others. When she coughed again, she simply buried her face between the man's legs and coughed.

Qi Zhenbai's face was cold at first. At this time, seeing the woman next to her face coughing tightly between her legs, her forehead bounced with blue veins, her complexion changed severely.

He immediately changed his posture and hugged the person on his lap, letting the woman's face touch his chest and coughing. He raised his eyes and frowned and said coldly at Father Qi and Father Qi: "Grandpa, Dad, Mom, you eat first, I'll take someone to the bathroom!"

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