Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1085: One thousand and ninety eight

Qi Zhenbai's words broke the calm on the table. What did the people who had been stunned just now see? Before anyone else could speak, Mr. Qi couldn't help but feel distressed and looked at the coughing wife Zhenbai with red eyes, waved her hand and quickly asked her to take someone to the bathroom.

Wait, what are you doing in the bathroom?

The Qi family elder hurriedly asked the aunt to pour a few cups of warm water and send it over.

Mother Qi is a worrisome mind. At this moment, seeing Zhenbai's daughter-in-law is so hot, why don't you rest assured, just about to get up and take a look, unable to withstand Qi Hao's diligence, he was the first to follow along, looking worried. Near the bathroom on the first floor, I heard the sound of splashing water and the earth-shaking cough of my sister-in-law.

Mother Qi and the second aunt of the Qi family also followed. Even the old man came over and took a look. Qi Zhenbai held someone on the washstand and asked her to rinse her mouth. The door was half opened, and he saw the old man and his mother. His father had passed, Qi Zhenbai asked everyone to go back to eat.

Old man Qi was a little worried, and asked again: "Zhen Bai, Yan Yan is really okay? You cough so badly? Would you like the doctor to come and see!"

The old man was also so irritated by the cough.

The mother Qi next to him also nodded worriedly.

When Chi Shuyan thought of the'murderous Oolong' caused by a hot pepper, she was so embarrassed that she knew that the Qi family came to care about her, and she was afraid that she would affect everyone's appetites, so she quickly said: "I... ...It's okay, grandpa,! "Mom.

Before he finished speaking, there was another earth-shaking cough.

Over his head, the man’s voice was cold and angered and majestic: "Shut up!"

Chi Shuyan:...

Qi Zhenbai's tone was not very good here. He was heard by Mr. Qi, Mr. Qi, and Mrs. Qi outside. First, Mr. Qi and Mrs. Qi took turns to train him. The main reason was that he was not patient and tempered!

Qi Zhenbo was silent.

Because she caused the man to be scolded, and last night she suspected that she had the possibility of'the red apricot coming out of the wall', Chi Shuyan felt even more guilty. She didn't have any confidence in this man, coughing and raising teary eyes She just glanced at the tall man beside her, and when she glanced at the man's cold face, she started coughing again.

When she coughed, Chi Shuyan was very depressed. She asked herself if her strength was enough, how could she have thought that she would be planted on a pepper for a lifetime, making her so embarrassed and embarrassed.

Fortunately, the man behind him then persuaded the old man, father and mother Qi to let them go back to the dining table in the hall to continue eating, and she sighed with great relief.

At this time Qi Hao's voice came: "Sister-in-law, can you drink boiled water?"

For his sister-in-law, Qi Hao brought the teapot directly and brought a cup.

Chi Shuyan never felt that Qi Hao’s voice was like the sound of nature. Although she was not coughing and coughing as much as she had just now, she still had a fever from the hot pepper in her stomach, which was very uncomfortable. She nodded quickly and said: "Yes...Yes, Haozi, you pour... me a glass of... water!"

Chi Shuyan hurriedly got up, just about to take the water glass in Qi Hao's hand, when Qi Hao suddenly said, "Sister-in-law, I don't know if the temperature of the water is too high, I'll taste it for you!"

There is only one cup at the moment. Qi Hao has a very carefree personality. He just finished pouring a cup of water and was about to try the temperature for his sister-in-law.

As soon as I raised my eyes, I saw my brother in the lobby staring at him with dark and chilly eyes, and the hands and feet he stared at became soft and frightened. When he remembered the consequences of having once praised his sister-in-law's beauty for no reason, Qi Hao beat him fiercely. He shivered, and quickly shook his hands and handed the water glass to his cousin: "Brother, you can try the temperature for my sister-in-law!"

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