Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1119: One thousand one hundred thirty two

"What about after?" Chi Shuyan asked, narrowing his eyes.

Xiao Ningjin said: "Wang Yu died suddenly afterwards. The body was salvaged by the police in the Swan Lake. The first person the police notified was Shi Ran. Shi Ran was also the only person who saw Wang Yu's body."

He always feels that Shi Ran seems to know something. It seems that after knowing Wang Yu's death, Shi Ran was very shocked. They were also very shocked at the time. They didn't understand how Wang Yu suddenly said that he died. As for Wang Yu, the police said it is possible. Suicide, they didn't believe a word, but they racked their brains and couldn't figure out how Wang Yu died. The body was still in Swan Lake.

Later, Shen Zhihua suddenly died again, and was judged by the police as a suicide. He died in the bathroom and blood in the same place. At that time, they faintly thought of something but did not dare to think more.

Before long, some of them suspected that they might have been wicked. To be honest, they did believe it at the time. So Arduo said that he took them to find a celestial master. They were still very excited. Unfortunately, they only looked at people and looked at them. At his age, he does not believe that Master Chi is really a celestial master, and this has led to a series of tragedies.

For the past two days, he has been thinking, if they believed in Master Chi, Wei Panyang and Fang Yinglong also believed in Master Chi, would Fang Yinglong and Jin Ming not have to die? Shi Ran would not know whether he was alive or dead until now. Can you survive?

Chi Shuyan didn't know what Xiao Ningjin said at this time. He gave her a lot of useful news tonight. Now she is more and more sure that something is unusual, but she is not sure whether it is a big ghost or not.

Generally, there are three types of water ghosts: ordinary water ghosts, some Taoist water ghosts, and big ghosts!

Ordinary water ghosts and some Taoist water ghosts do not look at their eyes, but the water ghosts who can generally become big ghosts are very cruel and evil ghosts, or even worse, because of various grievances in previous lives. Died in the lake, was bound in the lake, and resented very much.

Only by finding a substitute for the dead ghost can you get free to leave that place, but the people who are entangled, entangled, and remembered by it all have no good end. The most important point is that the other party keeps killing people to find a substitute for the dead ghost. This is the most terrible thing. Very fast!

Although ordinary water ghosts and some Taoist water ghosts also harm people by finding substitutes for dead ghosts, they are still very afraid of the heavens, and they dare not make too many lives. However, the big ghosts, which can be called more powerful ghosts than the powerful ghosts, ignore the heavens unscrupulously. Stop killing and killing people to practice, and the speed of cultivation can be said to travel thousands of miles per day compared to other water ghosts.

Before, she only thought about the positive side. Now that after listening to Xiao Ningjin’s narration, she has to think more. After all, so many lives have been killed in such a short period of time. Thinking of this, Chi Shuyan's eyes are a little serious. Of course, these are hers. Anticipate the worst result.

Think about it in a good direction. In case a few boys are not provoking big ghosts, and some Taoist water ghosts are also possible, it is not impossible for some Taoist water ghosts to replace dead ghosts.

She only hopes that a few boys will have better luck now. If some of them are really offended by big ghosts, things will be much more complicated, and others in Kyoto may also be implicated.

Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying were a little flustered by Chi Shuyan's gaze from time to time. Xiao Ningjin was very intuitive and couldn't help but said, "Master Chi! Is there something you want to tell us!"

Chi Shuyan saw that she hadn't spoken yet, and the hands of the boys kept trembling. It was not good to tell the truth now. She probably told the truth now, for fear that the two boys in front of him would cry.

Just in case, Chi Shuyan said: "Tomorrow you want a jade medal, everyone prepares 30 million! Willing to follow..."

Before Chi Shuyan finished speaking, Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying had their eyes wide open and couldn't believe that Master Chi was such a good person? Are you willing to sell them jade tiles?

Did they hear me right? To make sure that they heard it right, the two of them were afraid that Chi was reluctant, and quickly nodded and said: "I am willing! I am willing! I am willing! Master Chi!"

Chi Shuyan nodded: "You also ask Jiang Duo and Chang Hao. Ask them if they want it! Also recently, if you don't want to hurt your family, you'd better not go home!"

"They must be willing! Master Chi, they must be willing!" Before they were greedy with the jade medal on Jiang Duo's neck. The ones who didn't want it were idiots and idiots. The two quickly nodded for them, fearing that Master Chi would change his mind.

And even if they don’t want it, they can sell it to them directly. They don’t dislike too much of this jade brand. Master Chi only sells it for 30 million, which is too cheap!

"The jade card will be given to you tomorrow!" Chi Shuyan thought for a while.

Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying nodded very excitedly: "Okay, no problem, Master Chi, shall we pick it up tomorrow?"

"No, I will contact you and send it to you then!" Chi Shuyan said.

Chi Shuyan thought about Wei Panyang's affairs. In the end, she couldn't really watch a life and die like this. She thought about it for a while and said: "You can ask Wei Panyang by the way, and ask if he wants a jade card! Ask Wei again. Father and mother!"

Since Weifu and Weimu were involved, Chi Shuyan couldn't guarantee that the thing would not attack Weifu and Weimu.

As for the others, she wanted to give jade medals, such as Team Chen and Xiaoshan. As long as Brother Feng took the case, everyone could not stay out of the matter.

However, this jade brand jade is expensive and expensive. The jadeite that can be made into magical implements is very good. It can store aura and has some aura itself. If it is given away for free, she really can’t afford it, Chi Shuyan When I made up my mind to go back, I used Qi Zhenbai's purple energy to refine the bursting talisman and pure sun talisman.

The Explosive Talisman and Pure Yang Talisman are very powerful to ghosts. It is still very cost-effective to give the Explosive Talisman to someone, and she does not feel distressed.

She just hoped that even if it was not an ordinary water ghost, it was not a big ghost who wanted to kill people.

When Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying heard Master Chi suddenly stare so generously, they thought that Master Chi not only took care of Wei Panyang, but even practiced his parents to sell jade medals. There was something in their hearts that they could not wait to make their relatives act. After the urge to make up the number, he looked envy and envy!

Chi Shuyan saw the intentions of several people and said: "I don't know the way of the water ghost at the moment. I advise you not to involve your family, think about the more important jade card or the more important life!"

Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying quickly interrupted their thoughts and nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, yes, Master Chi!"

"Okay, it's okay, you can go in and see Wei Panyang!"

"Okay, Master Chi!"

When the two of them left, Chi Shuyan sighed and leaned on the wall without moving. The phone rang suddenly. Chi Shuyan picked up the phone and was about to speak. He raised his eyes and suddenly saw a rather stiff nurse walking in the distance. Back, her face changed, she didn't care about answering the phone, she immediately hung up the phone, and quickly followed!

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