Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1120: One thousand one hundred thirty three

Here, Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying were very excited about Chi Shuyan's plan to sell jade medals. When they came in, they just wanted to tell Chang Hao and Aduo the good news, and they saw that Chang Hao and Aduo were bargaining with the closed game.

When the two of them walked over, they heard that Chang Hao and Aduo's price had been raised to 60 million. Looking along the line of sight of the two, Xiao Ning Jin and Xiong Luoying saw the jade card on the neck of the closed game with sharp eyes, and their eyes lighted subconsciously.

Had it not been for Master Chi who had promised to sell jade medals to them just now, I am afraid that both of them would have their eyes attached to the seal in front of them.

Of course, Xiao Ningjin now understands that this closed game might have a lot to do with the master Chi. After he made up his mind to offend no one dare to offend this closed game. Seeing that Chang Hao and Aduo wanted to buy and sell, he Quickly relieved the siege for the siege, pulling Jiang Duo and Chang Hao aside, bowed their heads and said something, the two eyes brightened, they were very excited, and they jumped in ecstasy.

Seeing that Xiao Ningjin was relieved, Feng Yuanlin took the excitement of Jiang Duo and Chang Hao not far away. Feng Yuanlin faintly felt that it had something to do with Shuyan and Yupai.

But he really didn't expect that the jade medal Shuyan gave to him was so valuable. When he thought that those guys just called for 60 million, he almost didn't dare to ask for it now!

I just think that the jade medal on the neck is worth a lot of money, no, not just a lot of money?

Does Zhenbai's wife need to be so capable? Still making money so great?

Weifu and Weimu were next to him and didn't know what Jiang Duo was talking about with this lockdown, which could make the boys so excited, Wei Panyang's eyes were a bit complicated.

Xiao Ningjin didn't forget what Master Chi told him before. He walked to Wei Panyang's ear and whispered a few words. Seeing that Wei Panyang didn't speak, he took Weifu and Weimu out for a while, Xiao Ningjin said: "I I can only tell you that the few of us were able to escape in the box at the beginning thanks to Master Chi! Pan Yang, as you know, there is only one life, you should consider it carefully and give me an answer tomorrow morning. I don’t want to say too many things to stimulate you !"

After Xiao Ningjin said these words, he didn't look at Wei Panyang's expression again. He walked to the front of the game and made up his mind to befriend him. Before he could say anything, Feng Yuanlin's phone suddenly rang.

He answered the phone and waited for news of the dead from the other side of the phone, his face suddenly changed suddenly, and he turned and rushed out the door, but he did not forget Jiang Duo and Xiao Ningjin who shouldn't mess with things, fearing that they would have trouble. , Ask them to stay here obediently, don't run around.

Xiao Ningjin and Jiang Duo saw something wrong from Feng Yuanlin's face, but they didn't know what had happened to make Feng Yuanlin look so ugly.

The boys felt a little uneasy, Xiao Ningjin suddenly remembered how Master Chi had refused to sell them jade medals before, but suddenly let go, unless...

Thinking about this, Xiao Ning Jin couldn't help shaking his hands, and his face paled inexplicably.

Jiang Duo, Xiong Luoying, and Chang Hao saw Xiao Ningjin's ugly face and were a little puzzled, so they quickly asked him what happened?

Xiao Ningjin said that she was okay, but her hands shook more severely, especially when Wei Mu came in with a pale face and told them that a nurse had suddenly died in the hospital. Xiao Ningjin almost fainted in shock, another irritated Wei Pan. Even before Yang, his face was pale, and he yelled: "That thing must have found us! It must have been that ghost! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Dad, mom, I don't want to die!"

Wei Panyang cried and yelled, making Weifu and Weimu caught off guard.

The faces of Jiang Duo, Chang Hao, and Xiong Luoying suddenly turned pale, and their bodies were shaking.

On the other side, in the intensive care unit of the ICU, Chi Shuyan glanced a few times and fell on Shi Ran, who was still pale, with aura.

Infused the spiritual energy into his body. After the infusion, she cut her hand on the opponent's pulse. Seeing that the opponent's pulse became stronger, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly he put his hand in Shi Ran's pocket, and when he took out something, he saw that the talisman on the yellow paper turned black into powder. Chi Shuyan thought about the nurse who had entered Shi Ran's ward with a stiff back. His face was a bit serious. Very ugly.

Chi Shuyan thought for a while, and suddenly bit her fingertips and drew a pure Yang talisman in Void. It was the first time she drew Pure Yang Talisman. It was still Void painting. It was a bit difficult, but Pure Yang Talisman did deal with evil spirits, evil spirits or The most useful talisman of other ghosts, after all, ghosts are the most yin thing, yang restrains yin, even if it is only a low-grade pure yang talisman, it is very effective.

Chi Shuyan bypassed the low-grade pure yang talisman and painted a middle-grade fourth-grade intermediate pure yang talisman. She sweated on her forehead. The first time she painted this pure yang talisman, she had seen this pure yang talisman several times in Xuan Yin Jue. , Now I can only paint first by impression.

Chi Shuyan just started painting the stumbling, but fortunately, she is now on the fourth floor of Xuanyin Jue, with a lot of aura. In the end, the stumbling is still painted as a pure Yang talisman.

"Go!" Chi Shuyan whispered, and the pure yang symbol with white light immediately followed the order and imprinted it in Shi Ran's mind.

Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing an uproar outside, he turned around and followed the sound to find Brother Feng.

Feng Yuanlin was also looking for Shuyan at this time. When he saw her, his eyes lit up and he just wanted to call her to come over. Seeing that she was a little pale, she walked out of the door and walked to Shuyan's side, with a little worry in her eyes: "Shuyan ,what happened to you?"

Chi Shuyan shook his head: "I'm fine, Brother Feng!"

Seeing Shu Yan rested for a while, his face was getting better and better, but he was relieved, but thinking of the female nurse's death just now, he looked very ugly and said: "Shu Yan, a nurse suddenly died just now! The whole body was stabbed dozens of times. Does this have something to do with the things the boys were provoked?"

When saying this, Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but feel a little frightened, and asked in a low voice for fear of being panicked by others.

Chi Shuyan nodded: "I saw this female nurse just now!"

Feng Yuanlin's face changed, and he looked at Shu Yan hurriedly.

Chi Shuyan said, "I found that something was wrong with her. I followed her and found that she was admitted to Shi Ran's intensive care unit, and the exorcism charm I gave Shi Ran before turned black. Obviously, that thing wants to continue cutting the grass and roots!"

"Shuyan, did you say that the ghost was possessed by this female nurse just now and wanted to do something to Shi Ran?" Feng Yuanlin's expression was shocked and jealous, and his heart felt cold.

Chi Shuyan said with a solemn expression: "This female nurse's death is obviously the hand of the ghost, but it is not it, but other ghosts that possessed her. I found that the thing can expel ghosts!"

Feng Yuanlin was frightened by Shu Yan's words, almost limp on the ground, his face changed drastically, and he couldn't believe it. It was because he understood the meaning of Shu Yan's last words that Feng Yuanlin was shocked and afraid.

Chi Shuyan continued: "Brother Feng, what I didn't tell you before is that there are three types of water ghosts: ordinary water ghosts, a little pedantic water ghosts, and big ghosts! The first two are still solved, although they will cause killing. , But in the end he cares about the way of heaven, dare not be unscrupulous, but if it is this big ghost, the past life is too grievous, it kills people to practice, even if it is not good at first, but give her time to practice, it is very terrible! I always thought that those guys were just ordinary water ghosts, and at most some savvy water ghosts, but now it’s hard to tell!"

Speaking of this, Feng Yuanlin didn't just want to limp to the ground, but he turned black in front of him and wanted to faint.

He hadn't been afraid of anything in his life, but he felt panic for the first time in his life.

Chi Shuyan glanced at Brother Feng's pale face, and continued: "Besides, Jiang Duo's jade card just hit that thing with a fatal blow, but I didn't expect her to recover so quickly, I am afraid it will be harmless. Feng brother, tomorrow You have to be prepared!"

Feng Yuanlin felt even more dizzy, shaking all over.

Chi Shuyan was really worried that Brother Feng could not bear the stimulus and fainted, and quickly said: "But don't worry, Brother Feng, I am going to refine some more bursting talisman and pure Yang talisman when I go back. I should be able to restrain that ghost. By the way, these days I had time to go to the Swan Lake. Originally, I didn't expect the matter to be so serious, so I could only ask for leave first, and at least check the old days of that thing before talking!"

Hearing Shuyan's words, Feng Yuanlin finally had some confidence, but thinking about this big ghost, his throat was blocked, and his heart was panicked, anxious and afraid.

"Shuyan, are you going to tell the truth about this matter?" Feng Yuanlin asked suddenly.

Seeing that Shuyan's eyes were a little bit hesitant, Feng Yuanlin immediately said, "Shuyan, I think we should tell these guys the truth first, so that they can be prepared and be cautious. After all, that thing has been watching. For the lives of these boys!"

Of course, there is one more thing. He also wants to let the boys know the seriousness of the matter, so that they will be less curiosity in the future, and don't cause anything. If it weren't for these boys, where would the nurse be tonight? dead.

Chi Shuyan nodded.

Feng Yuanlin hadn't forgotten the most important thing. Since the nurse is the hand of the ghost, does that mean that the thing is now hidden in the hospital? He quickly asked Shuyan about it.

Chi Shuyan shook his head: "Generally, the big ghosts, evil ghosts, and savage ghosts with high levels of Taoism have a way to hide their own breath. I didn't feel any fluctuations just now. But I can refine some advanced tracking charms to pass that thing Breath find that thing."

Seeing that Brother Feng was deeply worried, Chi Shuyan said: "Brother Feng, don't worry, I just drew a tracer through the breath of that thing on Shi Ran's body. That thing shouldn't be in the hospital now!"

Feng Yuanlin didn't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or worry about it. Even if the thing was not in the hospital, it might be hidden elsewhere, for fear that innocent and unfortunate people would encounter it.

Feng Yuanlin didn't have a character that hurts the spring and sadness of the autumn. He calmed down quickly and said: "Shu Yan, let's go find those boys first!"

Chi Shuyan nodded, if those boys provoke really big ghosts, she can only give a few more people tonight.

Before leaving, Feng Yuanlin handed the death of the female nurse to the team of Chen and Xiaoshan who had rushed over.

Over there, Xiao Ningjin became more and more afraid, and more and more worried. Because of the death of the female nurse, the other boys who were just excited were also scared and fidgeted.

As for Wei Panyang, he almost went mad again. Several nurses came to him and wanted to give him tranquilizers. Wei Panyang was afraid of tranquilizers, so she gradually calmed down.

The ward was very quiet.

Still waiting for them to see Master Tong Chi coming in, each of them looked better, and they got up hurriedly and looked at them uneasily, each hesitantly seemed to want to ask them something.

In the end, Xiao Ningjin couldn't help but suddenly asked: "Master Chi, closed the game, what happened to the nurse? How did she die?"

Xiao Ningjin's words also aroused Weifu, Weimu, and Wei Panyang who were very curious. Wei Panyang was both curious and frightened. He suddenly blurted out and said: "That thing must have come to us, and that ghost must have come to us. We are dying, none of us can escape!"

While talking, Wei Panyang cried again, irritating Wei's father and Wei's mother. He doubted whether there was any problem with his son's head. But before, the doctor in the hospital checked Pan Yang's whole body, including his head, and was sure it was all right. That's it!

Father Wei whispered pretentiously and said in a cold voice: "Ayang, what do you say that this child is immortal? It is unlucky, and where is there any ghost in this world? It's all made up by others! Don't cry, one What's the matter with the crying of the big man and the ladies?"

One sentence blocked what Chi Shuyan was about to say, and didn't know where to start.

Weifu said sorry to Feng Yuanlin and Jiang Duo and his group was a little worried. He looked at Feng Yuanlin and said, "Yuan Lin, do you want me to ask the doctor to do a brain check on this kid?"

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