Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1121: One thousand one hundred thirty four

Chi Shuyan gave Brother Feng a look, and Brother Feng immediately realized and found an excuse to dismiss Wei's father and mother.

To be honest, Feng Yuanlin understands Shuyan's thoughts very well. It is not that he does not tell Weifu and Weimu the truth, but that even if he really tells Weifu and Weimu, he will not believe it. People always deny everything before they get used to things. Things that seem ridiculous, but forget that sometimes absurdity does not all mean lie, but when you encounter it, you will regret it.

When the father and mother were supported, there were only five in them: Chi Shuyan, Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin, Chang Hao, Xiong Luoying, and Wei Panyang.

Chi Shuyan didn't care whether Wei Panyang believed her or not. After a while, she said that it was their business to believe it or not. After all, it was their fate and it was their choice.

Just make a choice and don't regret it.

Chi Shuyan sat on a sofa, because Wei Panyang's was a superior ward, which was not only a separate superior ward, but also a sofa, TV, special balcony and toilet, which was very convenient.

She sat down and saw other people standing nervously peeking at her, and she motioned everyone to sit down.

In addition to Wei Panyang, Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo, Chang Hao, and Xiong Luoying were all very nervous, and their right eyelids kept twitching. Xiao Ningjin keenly sensed that Master Chi had something to tell them. It might not be a good thing, and the nurse's death Maybe there is a relationship.

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Ningjin became even more nervous, her hands were twisted together, her expression very disturbed, and the others were similar, and she was also flustered by the sudden death of the female nurse.

A few of them were courageous before, and they were curious to know what gossip had gone out, but just now they heard that there was an accident with the female nurse, and a few of them were afraid to go out to inquire.

Chi Shuyan caught everyone's expressions one by one. Seeing that Wei Panyang was calmer at the moment, she was relieved that she didn't yell at panic disorder as before.

Chi Shuyan did not speak for a long time, and everyone felt more and more uneasy. The calmest Xiao Ningjin couldn't sit still, and the others couldn't sit still. In the end, Xiong Luoying and Jiang Duo couldn't help but asked, "Chi... Master Chi, you...what on earth do you want to tell us? We all listen to you!"

Xiao Ningjin and Chang Hao also immediately echoed: "Master Chi, you quickly say, we all listen!"

Wei Panyang didn't say a word, Chi Shuyan didn't care, and said, "Before I say this, everyone is prepared."

As soon as Chi Shuyan's words fell, the voices of the boys swallowing louder, and all of them turned pale.

Chi Shu's face looked a little helpless, these guys had the courage to provoke that thing, why are they afraid now? But thinking of this is not something that a few guys are willing to provoke. In the final analysis, these guys are too unlucky and were provoked by that thing.

Xiao Ningjin spoke again at this time: "Master Chi, you...Are you going to tell us about the female nurse?"

Chi Shuyan nodded: "Something!"

"Then... the female nurse is really dead? Master Chi, she... how did she die?" Jiang Duo asked suddenly.

Chi Shuyan didn't conceal it, and said directly: "The female nurse was a little unlucky. She was stabbed dozens of times. She was not lucky. A few of them were stabbed to the fatal place, so she died!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone's complexion changed one by one. Not only was Wei Panyang frightened and fell directly from the bed to the ground, just about to howl, Chi Shuyan swept over with cold eyes, the other party immediately shut up, but his face was pale and trembling. .

Others are no better than Wei Panyang. The people sitting on the sofa are directly on the ground in shock. The disposable cups in the hands of the few drinking cups hit the ground. The water is sprayed on the ground, and the hands keep shaking, and the faces are more intense. Their faces were even more scary, especially when they thought of seeing the ghost rushing with their own eyes at the beginning, and a few of them were shaking more severely.

Chi Shuyanxin said that she hadn't reached the key point yet, and these boys were so frightened. What did she say afterwards? These guys will not be scared!

But even if these boys were really frightened, she had to continue talking. After a few minutes for the boys to digest, she continued: "As you guessed, the reason why this female nurse died is indeed your cause. That thing moves your hands!"

Xiao Ningjin's throat was dry. He wanted to squeeze out a reluctant smile, but he couldn't squeeze a smile out. He gritted his teeth and said, "Master Chi, then... isn't that thing just... haunting us?"

He has seen a lot of ghost movies and novels before. Didn't he say that the thing is only for people who are looking for it? Or did the ghost movies they watched before were fake?

When I think of them indirectly killing an innocent person, not only Xiao Ningjin, but the other people are guilty and frightened, and their hearts are more heavy and cold.

Chi Shuyan nodded and said: "Indeed, speaking of it, if it's ordinary ghosts or other ghosts that are difficult to do, they will be afraid of heaven and will only get entangled with people who provoke them, but you are lucky. It's a big ghost!"

Seeing a few boys look dumbfounded and at a loss, Xiao Ningjin's pupils tightened when he heard the word "big ghost", and vaguely felt that "big ghost" was not a good word.

Chi Shuyan specially explained for them what a big ghost is, and told them the original words of the same old brother: "Speaking of which, the ghost guest you provoke this time is the water ghost. There are generally three types of water ghosts: ordinary water. Ghosts, a little Daoist water ghost, and the last kind is the big ghost! The first two are not big things you provoke, although they will cause killing, but they take into account the heavens, and they dare not want to be unscrupulous, and generally only harm the people who are entangled. It will not harm others!"

As soon as the conversation turned, Chi Shuyan glanced at a few paler-faced boys, and continued: "And this big ghost, most of the previous lives have too much resentment. It kills people to cultivate, even if it didn't do well before, but give it Cultivation over time, thousands of miles away, is very terrifying. The most important thing is that it generally ignores the way of heaven and kills and kills people in its cultivation. Whether it is the person who provokes it or other people, it is possible to use it. Especially those who provoke it, Almost all must die!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin, Xiong Luoying and other big ghosts who had been thoroughly popularized by Chi Shuyan and the words "No doubt must die" trembled and trembled, their eyes turned black, and they rolled their eyes. The appearance of fainting.

There are also a few boys who are urinating directly from the trousers, but they are not aware of their incontinence at all. They are shivering all the time, curled up, and their faces are whiter than the white paint they just painted.

Chi Shuyan took a few rides before fainting, and continued to set off the bombshell: "And the most important point, just now I found out that this big ghost can expel ghosts!" After that, he cast the big ghost on the girl. The nurse said to Shi Ran's hands-on thing again: "So you guys get ready!"

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