Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1122: One thousand one hundred thirty five

Chi Shuyan's last few words blasted into everyone's brains like a blockbuster, exploding their heads into blood slices, blood vessels bursting, and blood coagulated and stiff.

There are a few courageous boys, such as Jiang Duo and Chang Hao, who thought that Wei Panyang and the three of them turned their eyes and fainted. As for Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying, the two of them had to turn their whites, and there was horror in their eyes. As if to stare out from the eye socket, the eye is blood red, and the eye socket is about to split.

The two of them suddenly covered their faces and lost their voices and started crying.

Although Chi Shuyan had anticipated this situation a long time ago, after all, Brother Feng was so courageous, he was scared like that just now. What's more, the boys in front of me were just waiting to see the fainting of some of the boys, crying bitterly, Chi Shu Yan is also very helpless.

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to speak, Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying suddenly hugged her by one leg. They were incoherent and cried out in horror, "Chi...Master Chi,, us." , Save us, we don’t want to die, Master Chi, save us...oooo..."

They regret it! I regretted why I went to the Swan Lake to play in the first place, and I regretted why they didn't listen to other people's advice in the first place, but if they listened to some other people's advice, they would not be so miserable now.

Why are they, why are they!

I thought that it was enough to provoke ordinary ghosts, but now Master Chi tells them that they are lucky to provoke big ghosts, and they would rather not have such luck.

No wonder Master Chi suddenly replied that he would give them a jade medal. This shows the seriousness of the matter. Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying became more and more frightened when they thought about it, and the more they thought about it, the more they became more panicked. They trembled together, their hands and feet were soft, and the limbs were cold and full of chill.

Chi Shuyan was hurt by the two incoherent calls for help and crying. She was worried that these boys would not be able to digest things. She fainted in fear. Now she is quite lucky that she is a little bit lucky except for Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying. Besides, several of them fainted, otherwise the cry was louder and her brain hurt even more.

Feng Yuanlin saw the scene inside when he opened the door handle and came in after opening the guard and the father and mother. Feng Yuanlin was not surprised. If these boys heard what Shuyan said calmly, it would be a ghost.

On the contrary, Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying heard the movement of the door. I wonder if it was too exciting just now. The two of them trembled subconsciously. They were relieved to see Master Chi in front of them and the game was closed again.

But even when Feng Yuanlin came in, the two cries continued unabated.

Chi Shuyan was sitting on the sofa with both legs hugged by the two boys, and couldn't walk away, so he had to ask Brother Feng to wake up the others first, and then let the two boys stop crying, and solve the problem first.

The cries of Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying were a little less, but their faces were very ugly and haggard.

When Feng Yuanlin pinched the other people, he found that some of the boys were peeing their pants. Feng Yuanlin sighed, wondering if these boys were unlucky.

Even when he encountered such a thing, he couldn't calm down.

He only hoped that Shu Yan would immediately accept the big ghost.

When Feng Yuanlin woke up one by one, Jiang Duo, Chang Hao, and Wei Panyang were a little at a loss at first. Soon after they heard what Chi Yan had said, their expressions changed greatly, and the eyes turned black. , Fainted again.

Chi Shuyan had no choice but to immediately warn: "Don't faint now, I will leave first if I faint!"

The other three did not dare to faint again. Although Wei Panyang did not fully believe what Chi Shuyan said before, what she said just now was really terrifying. Even if it was just a story, he was scared and confused. cool.

As for Jiang Duo and Chang Hao, they believe in Chi Shuyan now. When they think of what kind of ghost they provoke this time, that big ghost can drive ghosts to kill people wantonly, and even let other ghosts possess them. At the end of the female nurse, a few people were frightened and their entire bodies were terrified.

Jiang Duo and Chang Hao also forgot that they were all grown-ups at this time. They cried and cried loudly. They rushed over and hugged Chi Shuyan's legs, crying bitterly and crying incoherently for help: "We are wrong. Yes! We were wrong! Master Chi, wow... please, help us!"

Jiang Duo and Chang Hao cried, except for Wei Panyang, everyone else also cried. The one who cried was called a piercing lung with tears and a snot.

Chi Shuyan squeezed her eyebrows, and quickly comforted some of them to stop crying, and Feng Yuanlin also comforted, but the more comforted the two, the more miserable they were crying.

"What to do? What to do? Master Chi, we...Are we going to die?"

"Master Chi, are we really going to die, I...I don't want to die! I miss my parents! I don't want to die! Wow..."

At this moment, these guys are frightened. I really wish I was in a coma like Shi Ran. I didn’t know anything. Or it would be like Fang Yinglong and Jin Ming. When I think of Fang Yinglong and Jin Ming, the faces of these people become fierce again. His complexion was very bleak.

Chi Shuyan saw a few adult boys, no matter how she comforted them, the boys cried harder and had to leave and threaten them regardless.

This stopped their crying, but a few of them had not let go of Chi Shuyan, and seemed to be more at ease holding her legs.

Feng Yuanlin sat on the side of the sofa at this time and said, "Why did it happen sooner? Let you guys do it?"

"Wow! We dare not! We dare not!"

"Master Chi, are we...really going to die?"

"Master Chi, I really don't want to die!"

"I don't want to die either!"

Seeing that a few boys were about to cry again in a blink of an eye, Chi Shuyan had to throw out the bait of the jade card, saying that the jade card would be given to them tomorrow, as long as the jade card was brought, it should be fine.

She said that she took out a lot of talismans from her pocket, including exorcism talismans and a few high-level thunder-attracting talismans, so they were divided.

This Fu Lu immediately gave everyone a shot and divided them up, including Wei Panyang. Now after life and death, Wei Panyang understands a truth, that is, it does no harm to listen to others' words. As for whether the woman in front of him is a real celestial master. He doesn't know now, but it doesn't hurt to have a few talisman in his pocket.

Chi Shuyan glanced at Wei Panyang, and was quite satisfied with his act of acquainting with the current affairs. Thinking of Wei's father and mother, she took out a few talisman and handed them over to Wei Panyang to give his parents, just in case. One, opened the mouth and said: "You don't need to explain more, just stuff this talisman to them, by the way, let them not throw it away, just say it is your own heart!"

He said too much about Weifu and Weimu but didn't believe it. Wei Panyang said his own mind. I am afraid that Weifu and Weimu would not think too much, only that it was his kindness!

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