Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1123: One thousand one hundred thirty six

When Wei Panyang heard that this matter might involve his parents, it was a panic. The talisman in his hand almost didn't catch it. He was panic and suspicious of looking at the woman in front of him, but now he really believes that there is something in this world. Ghost, I don't know if he thought about Fang Yinglong and Jin Ming, Wei Panyang suddenly choked, but forced his eyes to flush, and nodded hurriedly.

Chi Shuyan still wanted to speak. The phone ringing suddenly rang. She glanced at the screen and saw Qi Zhenbai's phone. She felt less solemn before, and her brows couldn't help showing softness. She picked up the phone and heard the other party say The car had stopped at the entrance of the hospital, Chi Shuyan nodded and said, "Okay, I will go out immediately!"

"Zhen Bai picked you up?" Feng Yuanlin asked suddenly.

Chi Shuyan just nodded, and the originally quiet ward again sounded with miserable howlings and crying. Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo, Xiong Luoying, Chang Hao and other people really regarded Chi Shuyan as their backbone. When they thought of her leaving, they might Facing something, the hands and feet of a few people inevitably became frightened, and they were cold all over, and the few boys who had just gotten up looked like they were about to fall down and limp.

Seeing that Chi Shuyan was about to leave at this time, the few boys couldn't help but choked with tears, "Chi...Master Chi, can you not leave? No matter how much money we pay, we... we ask you to be alone. Personally protect our celestial master."

This was what Xiao Ningjin said. As soon as Xiao Ningjin's words fell, other people responded with choking.

Chi Shuyan opened the mouth and said: "I will carry the talisman I gave you close to my body, and nothing will happen. Besides, I will protect you personally tonight. I have to visit the Swan Lake where you were before in a day or two. You can still hope Am I protecting you alone? Or do you plan to revisit my old place?"

As soon as Chi Shuyan's words fell, the others turned pale and violently shook their heads when they heard the words "Swan Lake" and "Revisiting the Old Place". They will never go to this place to kill, never go again! too frightening! Terrible 1

In the future, they will not travel anywhere out of town!

This trip cost their lives, and the price is too high, they dare not go anywhere.

Feng Yuanlin said at this time that he would stay in the hospital specifically, so as to give some comfort to the boys.

Chi Shuyan Chong nodded a few times, indicating that the jade card will be delivered to them tomorrow morning. If it is not delivered tomorrow morning, it will be at noon.

The boys nodded obediently.

When Chi Shuyan went out, several boys resolutely expressed that they would take her to the door of the hospital personally. Wei Panyang was afraid of staying in the ward alone, and sent her together.

Feng Yuanlin also followed a few boys. Chi Shuyan saw that he was out of a hospital and there were so many people sent to him. Some helpless and a little dumbfounded, he did not refuse.

As soon as she got out of the hospital, she saw her man's car with her eyes sharp. Before getting in the car, she looked at the few boys who were pitiful tails who followed her behind her. She felt a little bit softened in her heart, and said softly, "This Remember not to go home for a few days. If you don't want to hurt your home, and if there are strangers or acquaintances visiting, remember to see if the other party is abnormal!"

Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo, and Chang Hao all heard Chi Shuyan's illocutionary meaning, and Feng Yuanlin also heard it, knowing that Shuyan was worried that the big ghost was possessed by others, or the ghost was possessed by others. , His face changed suddenly.

The other boys who had just calmed down were so frightened that they wanted to cry for their father and mother, their hands were soft and cold, and they were cold all over.

Chi Shuyan really didn't intentionally scare them, but just in case, let a few boys know the seriousness of the matter, seeing a few pale faces nodded honestly, looking like they were listening.

Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. Just about to get in the car, her eyes suddenly swept over a beautiful young girl who had just come out of the hospital to get in the car.

Seeing this young girl stepped into the car, the black lifelessness on her forehead completely covered her face. Beyond the black lifelessness, red light appeared, flashing thunder and lightning, and Chi Shuyan's face changed abruptly.

Following Shuyan’s sight, Feng Yuanlin saw Shuyan staring at a little girl who was about to get in the car. Feng Yuanlin looked at Shuyan’s sudden change of complexion into the bottom of his eyes. There was a throb in his heart, his right eyelid jumped sharply, and his heart was subconsciously uneasy. Others also choked inexplicably.

Chi Shuyan ignored other people’s thoughts and strode over. Just before the girl was about to close the car door, she held the car door and said, "This girl, this car is not suitable for you to get in tonight. Hit another one?"

As soon as Chi Shuyan's words fell, the driver turned his head and stared at him and cursed Chi Shuyan.

Chi Shuyan continued: "This little girl, do you see this driver is so unqualified, so late, are you at ease in his car?"

Chi Shuyan originally thought that this pretty girl would listen to her, but she didn't know that the other party raised her brows and looked at Wen Wenjing quietly. She had a very bad temper. She kept her cold face and told her not to be nosy, which car she wanted to ride. It's all done, no need for her to interfere.

Chi Shuyan was riding the other person while talking, and accidentally touched the other person's wrist. The picture flashed in Chi Shuyan's mind immediately. I saw that the driver was driving halfway, suddenly moved badly, and looked at the beauty of the girl in the back seat. , Rape first and then kill, throw the corpse into the wilderness.

The more Chi Shuyan looked at her face, the more ugly she looked. She wanted Brother Feng to take the person directly into the police station, only to find that the man had no criminal record, and his popularity was not black, but gray. The bad guys are not good guys, but they are very easy to go astray. I am afraid this driver's intention to kill the girl is temporary.

But no matter what, a little flower girl was ruined in the hands of a beast, and Chi Shuyan couldn't bear to emphasize again: "This girl, this car is not suitable for you to get in tonight. It is better to take my car. , Where do you want to go back? I will send you off?"

The pretty girl broke away from Chi Shuyan's hand without thinking about it, and scolded her for being insane.

Chi Shuyan didn't pay attention, and the other party broke free, regardless of Chi Shuyan's arm is still in the car, he closed the car door directly, Chi Shuyan's pupils shrank, his hands were quick and his eyes quickly retracted his arms, and the black car quickly drove out of Chi Shuyan. In front of.

Chi Shuyan didn't expect that the little girl was so kind as a donkey liver and lungs, her complexion was a bit ugly.

"Shuyan, what's the matter with you?" Feng Yuanlin saw that Shuyan's face was wrong, and said hurriedly. Next to him, Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, and Chang Hao were also very curious, not knowing what Chi Shuyan was. what for.

Chi Shuyan thought that it was the life of a little girl, and she didn't care about the same little girl. His expression was a bit heavy and he said, "Brother Feng, I'm afraid that something has to trouble you. Just now I thought that little girl might die tonight. Rob, the driver is the murderer! See if you can let the police catch up with the car!"

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