Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1139: One thousand one hundred fifty two

Chi Shuyan tore off the two charred talisman on the foreheads of Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang. When they pulled it off, they saw the talisman on their foreheads turned black.

No matter how stupid the two are, they can also guess something with this incredibly black talisman, not to mention that they are not stupid, and they gasped for air-conditioning. When they thought that they might be entangled by that ghost, they gasped. , I couldn't calm down for a while, but they didn't even understand how they provoke that thing!

Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang's eyes were full of horror and horror. When they spoke, their voices were a little choked.

"Chi...Master Chi, what happened to us...Ning Jin and I? And...Ahao, he...Is he all right!" There was a trembling in the words, and I can imagine Wei Pan Yang's heart at this time. fear.

Chi Shuyan collected the pale expressions of everyone in her eyes, and said, "Chang Hao is okay and will wake up in a while! As for you two..." At this point, she subconsciously glanced at the polished noodles in front of them. .

Xiao Ningjin keenly understood Chi Shuyan's meaning, and immediately asked, "Master Chi, is there something wrong with this aspect?"

As soon as Xiao Ning Jin's words fell, Jiang Duo and Xiong Luoying immediately stared, thinking that they hadn't eaten the noodles right away. At that time, Wei Mu kindly cooked several bowls of noodles and sent them to eat, but they didn't think about anything at the time.

The noodles were very fragrant, and it was so fragrant that everyone swallowed their mouths. The others immediately picked up the food, but Jiang Duo and Xiong Luoying didn't like eating noodles, so they accepted Wei Mu's kindness and did not touch them.

Thinking that the two of them alone hadn't turned black, Jiang Duo and Xiong Luoying were more suspicious of Wei Mu, but Wei Pan Yang's mother, even if they really harmed them, how could they harm their own son.

Wei Panyang immediately widened his eyes and said, "Impossible. My mother can't even harm my own son. There can be no problems with this."

Wei Panyang said with a pale face: "Master Chi, if you speak, this must have nothing to do with my mother, right?"

Seeing everyone looking at her nervously one by one, Chi Shuyan said: "It is true that it is not the mother of guard who harmed you, but there is indeed a problem with this aspect. This food is for the dead! The living cannot eat it!"

As soon as Chi Shuyan's words fell, Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo, and Xiong Luoying almost lifted their feet and kicked the bowl in front of them when they were frightened by the words'food for the dead'. Dense cold sweat oozes out of their foreheads. A burst of chill seemed to pour in from the soles of their feet, and the chill reached their heart.

Especially Xiao Ningjin thought that what they ate today was the food brought by Wei Mu. Jiang Duo and Xiong Luoying were okay. The two were picky eaters. Wei Mu had been cooking noodles, so they never touched.

Wei Panyang knew that his mother had made dead people's food for them at this time, his eyes widened and his face was stimulated: "Impossible, impossible! Impossible!"

He said it was impossible, but in his heart he believed in the words of Master Chi in front of him. In addition to Chang Hao's vomiting blood just now, Wei Panyang panicked.

At this time, Xiao Ningjin thought of some anomalies in Wei Mu. Previously, Pan Yang Mingming said that his mother didn't cook very often. People who can't distinguish between salt and sugar can count on her good cooking skills to make delicious food?

Xiao Ningjin had an absurd and terrifying conjecture in his mind, and he hurriedly looked at Master Chi.

Chi Shuyan didn't hide it at this time, nodded and said, "Wei Panyang has a problem with his mother! It should be something possessed!"

The news fell, even more shocking than just giving them food for the dead.

When Wei Panyang heard that his mother might be possessed by that ghost, his face changed greatly. For fear that his mother might have something, he suddenly got out of bed with a wow and planned to hug Chi Shuyan’s legs. Chi Shuyan quickly held down his hands and eyes. The other's shoulders let him sit on the hospital bed.

Wei Panyang simply hugged Chi Shuyan's arm and cried directly: "Master Chi, please, please help my mother! Please! Please! Please!"

Just as Chi Shuyan was about to speak, he suddenly heard the movement at the door, with a calm expression that made Wei Panyang shut up.

Wei Panyang:...

Xiao Ningjin everyone:...

After hearing a creak, the door was suddenly unscrewed. Everyone followed the sound and saw Wei Mu stiffly staggering in with a tray in her hand, with a loving tone: "Pan Yang, are you hungry? Mom did some more Eat, you all share it."

If the previous boys heard the words of Wei Mu, they would have been happy, but at this time Master Chi revealed the bottom of "Wie Mu", and at this time everyone saw the "Wie Mu" bring food in.

The boys gritted their teeth and shivered fiercely. They swallowed their saliva, and their faces turned pale. They still calmed down a little when they saw Master Chi in front of them.

"Oh, Pan Yang, a new visitor came to see you. Why didn't you tell your mom in advance? Mom also makes a lot of food for you all to eat together!" He said very kindly, and put the tray on the table.

Wei Panyang didn’t really believe what his mother would do for them to eat, but at this time he suppressed the fear in his heart and carefully observed his “mother” in front of him. In the past, his mother used to call him kindly and tenderly. Not Pan Yang.

But today his mother called him Pan Yang, making him very violent, and the more you look at it, the more violent it is. If he didn’t believe in what his mother was getting on the body before, then there are already twelve points in the words of Master Chi. .

Thinking of that something **** thing on the **** body, Wei Panyang wanted to cry right now, holding Master Chi's arm harder and harder, his face full of panic and nervousness.

It seems very strange that "Mother Wei" everyone doesn't talk or eat. Seeing that they don't touch her dim sum, "Mother Wei" is a little anxious: "Pan Yang, let your friends try Mom's cooking together. Dim sum. By the way, two of your friends didn’t like noodles just now, right? You can try this dim sum first, it tastes good!"

'Mother Wei' said and stuffed Jiang Duo and Xiong Luoying with a few snacks. When they touched the cold hands of the dead man and the cold hands of'Mother Wei', they almost pulled out of their throats and screamed. 'The hands that touched kept trembling, and then I thought that the things made by the'guardian' were all things eaten by the dead. Jiang Duo and Xiong Luoying almost were about to cry. Fortunately, Master Chi is here now, and the two of them are holding back the fear in their hearts. After taking a look at Master Chi, Master Chi calmly saw that they did not speak.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, not daring to startle the snake, shaking their voices in unison: " need! We...we don't like this snack either!"

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