Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1140: One thousand one hundred fifty three

Seeing Jiang Duo and Xiong Luoying not eating,'Mother Wei' seemed very unwilling to eat, so she turned her eyes to Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang, then glanced at Chang Hao, who was in a coma, and asked with a caring look: "What about this child Chang Hao? Yes? How about I send him to the doctor to see?"

At this time, Xiao Ningjin keenly sensed that the'guardian' was very wrong, and his movements were very stiff. In all likelihood, as Master Chi said, the guardian might have been possessed.

When I thought that the'Mother Guardian' standing in front of them was not a human being, Xiao Ning Jin couldn't calm down no matter how bold he was. He got goose bumps all over his body. Wei Panyang was so timid, he didn't dare to faint, let alone being possessed in front of him. It's his mother, he didn't dare to faint, he looked at Master Chi for help.

"Everyone eat, you are welcome, Pan Yang, let your friends taste mom's crafts, right, I remember Ning Jin and Chang Hao like to **** crafts, why don't you eat them now?"

The lips of'Mother Guardian' curled up, but the smile was strange and stiff.

Chi Shuyan got up suddenly, but Wei Panyang held her arm too tightly, she was together, Wei Panyang trembled all over, Chi Shuyan patted Wei Panyang's hand.

Wei Mu walked towards Pan Yang at this time. Wei Panyang's face changed drastically. Suddenly, Wei Panyang blurted out his voice to Chi Shuyan and asked for help: "Master Chi, help me!"

Wei Panyang uttered aloud, and the others also immediately uttered with horror on their faces.

When'Mother Wei' heard the three words'Master Chi', thinking of the reaction of these boys just now, she no longer concealed it. The original gentle and loving face became hideous, and I saw that Wei Mu's face was Wei for a while. The mother's face that was well maintained was an old face with a hump and wrinkles.

The ward was filled with creepy and gloomy laughter of age: "Master Chi? Did you find a little girl with no hair to take me? I want to kill you! You all must die!"

Speaking of that old face was very excited at the end, the yin bird looked at everyone, and the few boys who were scanned by her cold light turned pale in fright.

Especially Wei Panyang, when Wei Panyang saw that something was really on his mother's body, his face changed greatly and was very ugly and horrified, and his whole body trembled.

Chi Shuyan didn't talk nonsense anymore, and before waiting for the other party to make a move, she took a bursting talisman with a blackened talisman from Chang Hao just now, and poured a bit of aura into the talisman, and then bounced it first.

I saw that bursting talisman smashed on the old ghost, the firelight mixed with golden light flashed, the old ghost screamed immediately, pulled out from the body of the guardian, was smashed out a few meters away, the body slammed on the door, and fell on Ground.

Chi Shuyan quickly helped the Wei Mu who fell unconscious on the ground, and handed it to Wei Panyang to help him, and his eyes fell on the hunchbacked old man with a distorted face in a white shroud.

Wei Panyang immediately obediently helped his mother, but stared at Chi Shuyan with Xiao Ningjin's group of people.

Several people did not expect that the charms that Master Chi gave them were so powerful!

Chi Shuyan's eyes didn't have the slightest temperature, and a bit of aura was lifted again, and he grabbed at the void, and just about to hit it, the door was suddenly opened: "Ayang, your mother..."

Weifu hadn't finished speaking yet, only faintly saw a dark shadow flashing in front of him, Weifu felt that he must be hallucinating.

At this time, Chi Shuyan saw Father Wei suddenly appear at the door, so she had to stop first to dissipate the spiritual energy, and then go out first. She also posted a tracking symbol on the thing, and the monk ran the temple.

Wei Panyang also didn't expect his father to come early or late, but it was too late when the master came to clean up the ghost. When he thought that if the old ghost could not be collected, the boys shuddered suddenly.

At this time, the father of Wei saw his son holding his mother, and saw the appearance of the mother in a coma, and was shocked: "Ayang, what's the matter with your mother?"

Xiao Ningjin, who was worried about Master Chi, said his fellow guard Pan Yang, and ran out first.

Wei Panyang was also anxious, and after thinking about it, he handed his mother to his dad. He also chased him out. He wanted Master Chi to see how his mother was going.

Master Chi, don't accept the old ghost and leave.

Weifu looked dumbfounded when he saw the boys suddenly disappeared.

Chi Shuyan found the old ghost in a sealed ward at the top of the building. Chi Shuyan kicked the door in, and saw that there were many wreaths inside, decorated like the mourning hall, with Xiao Ningzhen and Wei Panyang hanging on it. A black and white photo of five people, Chang Hao, Jiang Duo, and Xiong Luoying, with white candles lit below.

Chi Shuyan waved her hand, and the flames of the candle went out in an instant, her eyes fell on the window, and her spiritual energy slammed.

Hearing a scream, the old ghost was smashed and rolled out immediately, no longer the arrogant and ferocious stubbornness he had just now, he shrank his neck and shivered and pissed: "Don't kill me! Kill me! I was forced to I was forced!"

Chi Shuyan stopped and squinted, "Oh? Who forced you?"

The old ghost shook his head: "I can't say it! I can't say it!"

Chi Shuyan squinted his eyes and looked at the old ghost in front of her. When she saw her black and sullen face, that old face looked quite kind, but it was a pity that as the saying goes, you know people and don’t know your face, and you don’t care about ghosts. This thing is obviously not. What a good thing!

Seeing Chi Shu's face distracted by the old ghost, his originally kind face suddenly became filthy, riding on her'distracted', and suddenly attacked her.

Chi Shuyan drew a bursting charm in the void: "Go!"

The bursting talisman hit the old ghost’s abdomen without delay, and saw a flash of golden light mixed with firelight, penetrated into the old ghost’s belly, and then

I saw a faint golden light flashing in the old ghost's belly, bang! With a sound, it burst open, the old ghost hissed his lungs and howled sternly, and then it exploded to pieces and no sound.

When Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo, and Wei Panyang came in, they saw the scene of Master Chi collecting ghosts, their eyes widened, and it was an eye-opener.

Only after waiting for a few black and white photos of myself hung, there are a few white wreaths next to them, there are white candles, a scene of a mourning hall, a few boys face the black and white photos of themselves hanging on them, their faces For a while, she was pale, her hands and feet softened inexplicably, shocked.

This... this mourning hall is ready for them?

Whoever sees that he is living a good life but there are ‘people’ inexplicably setting up a mourning hall for them, who can calm down?

Xiao Ningjin and a few faintly felt that if Master Chi hadn't come today, and if they had eaten something made by the'guardian' for a few more days, I'm afraid that this place would really become their mourning hall. When they thought of this, their hearts shuddered. , Hundred limbs are hairy and chilly.

Xiao Ningjin originally wanted to take their photos immediately, but they saw the faces of them gradually disappeared, and finally the photos became a blank frame.

Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo, and Wei Panyang's legs were frightened by this supernatural scene. They hurriedly raised their heads and looked at Master Chi in front of them: "Master Chi, this...this...what is going on?"

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