Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1151: One thousand one hundred sixty four

Chi Shuyan doesn’t know Yang Lan’s psychology at this time, but even if he knows Yang Lan’s mind at this time, he doesn’t bother to stop it. Sometimes some people are destined not to hit the south wall, not look back, or bleed, and never remember. The bitter fruit of this matter.

Chi Shuyan originally thought that Brother Feng would ask her for leave in the morning, but at noon, she didn't get any news, and thought that Brother Feng had forgotten to notify him, so she had to call Brother Feng.

It's a pity that she made a few calls to Brother Feng this time, but they didn't get through, thinking that there was something urgent for Brother Feng, Chi Shuyan had to give up, and planned to wait for Brother Feng to call her back.

After class in the morning, she took Yang Lan to the bathroom. Zhen Yu took the initiative to invite Chi Shuyan to dinner, and said enthusiastically: "Shu Yan, Yang Lan said that someone will invite us to dinner later, let's go to the school gate and wait for her!"

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to speak, Zhen Yu said again: "It seems that the Feng Xiaoge took the initiative to invite Yang Lan and Wei Man to dinner last night!"

When the two classes were over, Yang Lan told her about it. Just now, I saw that Yang Lan's face was very good, and it was obvious that the two really hooked up.

Zhen Yu still admires Yang Lan's ability to hook up with the very good-looking Feng Xiaoge. Except that she is a little worried about Yang Lan's rotten peach blossoms and her unlucky fortune, she really hopes Yang Lan for other things. Well, I also hope that Feng Xiaoge can become Yang Lan's true son.

The man is okay for a while, knowing that the prodigal son will turn around.

Chi Shuyan was stunned when she heard Zhen Yu's words. Obviously, she didn't expect that Yang Lan and Feng Yuancen would develop really fast, but think about what Yang Lan said to her this morning and Yang Lan's personality. There is nothing wrong with progressing so fast!

Chi Shuyan originally planned to refuse, but Zhen Yu obviously did not give her a chance to refuse, so she raised her arm and walked out of the school.

It wasn't long before Feng Yuancen drove over before Yang Lan, Chi Shuyan and Zhen Yu recognized each other and the other's very embarrassing red sports car.

Because of the relationship between the other party and Yang Zhi, Zhen Yu took the initiative to greet each other, greeted him and looked at the man who got out of the car. Today, the other party was wearing a lavender high-end shirt, trousers and leather shoes, with a fair face and handsome face, especially It was a pair of peach blossom eyes that caught the attention of many people.

Although Zhen Yu had a bit of an impact on Feng Yuancen’s facial features last night, today, she really felt that the other party’s face was really pleasing and good. While feeling Yang Lan’s good fortune, she couldn’t help but worry about Yang Lan’s ability. Really let such a prodigal son look back.

If there is the ability to make the prodigal son turn around, it is a good story, but if the prodigal son is not capable of turning around, Zhen Yu dare not think about the consequences.

I didn't dare to like Zhen Yu in everything. She felt that the other party was good, and Yang Lan was not bad and had the means. Maybe she could really make the prodigal son Feng Xiaoge look back.

Zhen Yu said enthusiastically: "Feng Shao, are you here to pick up Yang Lan? She is in the bathroom and will be out soon!"

Feng Yuancen's eyes swept Zhen Yu, and then his eyes fell on Chi Shuyan beside him, with an uncontrollable scorching heat deep in his eyes, his lips curled up, and his brows revealed a natural bewitching gentleness: "It's okay, I have time. , By the way, what do you want to eat for a while?"

When Feng Yuancen said this, he kept his eyes on Chi Shuyan the whole time, his eyes did not conceal the burning and appreciation. Because of his skin, he didn't seem indecent. The brows were filled with romantic meaning, so he asked. A Chi Shuyan name.

Zhen Yu didn't think much, but thought that the other nobleman had forgotten things, and forgot all of them last night, and took the initiative to introduce herself and Shu Yan.

Feng Yuancen Taohua's eyes had a gentle smile, and her lips were raised in a deep and hoarse tone: "Shu Yan, this name is really good!" The tone was a bit ambiguous.

If an average woman heard Feng Yuancen's words, she would blush shyly, and Chi Shuyan just wanted to roll her eyes.

For one thing, since she asked if the other party was Fengge's cousin, she subconsciously regarded him as a junior. Secondly, don't think that she didn't hear the ambiguity and other meanings in this kid's tone. She had already seen this kid clearly. Someone figured out the details of this kid, but didn't want to flirt with this kid.

In her opinion, this kid is quite tall, looks good, and his face is feminine and delicate and fair. Generally speaking, this kind of appearance is very attractive to women, but Chi Shuyan really doesn't appreciate this kind of feminine and white face. She prefers Qi Zhenbai, a man who is hard-hearted and masculine, who can take responsibility.

Chi Shuyan had no interest in the boy Feng Yuancen in front of him, so he hummed.

Feng Yuancen's eyes narrowed while listening, and he kept staring at Chi Shuyan thoughtfully, not sure if the other party wanted to catch his attention or was not interested in him at all.

Feng Yuancen thought about the past when he was in the group of women, and he was even more forward. Looking at Chi Shuyan's eyes, a bit of interest and interest flashed.

Men also look at their faces. Who makes the face of the woman in front of him look so long?

Especially from the opinion of Feng Yuancen, the love scene expert, although the woman in front of him is a little young, she is definitely a stunner regardless of her appearance or figure. Feng Yuancen stared at the face that was rather cold toward him, and Feng Yuanlin's heart moved again. No matter how indifferent the other party is, actively continue to look for topics.

In short, the big beauty has privileges here.

He was accustomed to women's inverted posts before, and suddenly some women were indifferent to him, even if he wanted to get caught, it was a bit interesting!

Chi Shuyan didn't know the twists and turns in the man in front of him at this time. If she really knew, she really planned to call Feng Ge directly again and ask everyone to talk about life together.

Although Zhen Yu was slow, she still noticed that Feng Xiaoge was very enthusiastic and courteous towards Shu Yan. She was a little worried in her eyes, for fear of a **** love triangle among her friends.

But fortunately, Shuyan had the President Qi a long time ago. Although Zhen Yu admitted that the Feng Xiaoge in front of him was really good-looking, it was compared with the President Qi from the Qi family.

Let's talk about the appearance first, she still thinks that Mr. Qi's appearance is better than that of the other party. This is due to the reason that Mr. Qi's personality is too cold.

If Mr. Qi is as pleasant to people as this little brother Feng, with a gentle smile on his face, that face will definitely be more lethal than the face in front of him, and it will definitely be more than one thing, but a few more things.

As for other things, identity, bearing, and temperament, she felt that the other party was even more unable to compare with that Qi. In front of him, Feng Xiaoge was too tender compared to Qi.

Shu Yan absolutely ignored the possibility that Mr. Qi chose to be with this little brother Feng, thinking about this, Zhen Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Yang Lan was late to arrive. When she first saw Zhen Yu, her face was still very pretty. Just waiting to see Chi Shuyan, and Feng Yuancen, who talked to Chi Shuyan from time to time, changed her face subconsciously, and her face was a bit stiff. Naturally soon.

She smiled reluctantly: "Shuyan, are you here?"

Chi Shuyan heard the reluctance in Yang Lan's tone, Zhen Yu was a little confused when she heard Yang Lan's words, but didn't think much about it. After all, the three of them were the best friends to play. Everyone is together on weekdays, how could Yang Lan have any opinions on Shuyan.

Taking advantage of this moment, Yang Lan recovered her expression and took the initiative to speak to Feng Yuancen, her tone was very familiar and intimate, and her tone still a bit ambiguous.

Chi Shuyan raised his eyes and swept across Yang Lan's face at this time, and saw a light black air gradually rushing to Yang Lan's forehead, faintly forming a peach blossom, and quickly dissipated under the suppression of the golden light.

Chi Shu's face was a little solemn, and she kept staring at Yang Lan's face with a frown, only to find that her face had begun to change again, but she couldn't see what it would become.

This is not a good omen!

Chi Shuyan glanced at Yang Lan, who joked with Feng Yuancenji and laughed at Yan Yan, her expression was a little thoughtful, and her eyes were dark.

At this time, Feng Yuancen said very gentlemanly: "Okay, let's get in the car first! I have arranged lunch."

Gentleman Feng Yuancen opened the car door for everyone. Yang Lan obviously didn't plan to take the back seat, and enthusiastically let Chi Shuyan and Zhen Yu get in the car.

Chi Shuyan and Zhen Yu have no objection.

Feng Yuancen suddenly said, "Yang Lan, didn't you say that Shuyan doesn't know how to ride in a car? Why not let her sit in the passenger seat?"

As soon as Feng Yuancen's words fell, Yang Lan couldn't believe her stiff face with the dead person's face. She tried hard to squeeze a smile, but found that a smile could not be squeezed out, and her face was very ugly.

Chi Shuyan said at this moment: "No, I just sit in the back seat!"

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