Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1152: One thousand one hundred sixty five

Feng Yuancen was not embarrassed when he heard Chi Shuyan dismantling the stage. The smile was gentle just now. Although Yang Lan's face was not stiff at this time, her face was still very ugly when she took the passenger seat.

In the car, Yang Lan took the initiative to find a topic to talk to Feng Yuancen, but it was a pity that Feng Yuancen didn't seem to be interested in Yang Lan, but was more interested in Chi Shuyan.

Zhen Yu looked at Yang Lan and felt very embarrassed. No matter how dull she was, Yang Lan looked at this little brother Feng, but it was obvious that this little brother Feng looked at Shu Yan, and was always courteous. .

What happened to Yang Lan's appearance that the two hooked up that morning?

Chi Shuyan, who was dedicated, was naturally not a dull person. He realized that Feng Yuancen wanted to soak her in her mind. To tell the truth, when the other party flirted with her from time to time, Chi Shuyan did not hold back and wanted to find Brother Feng. Let's talk about life issues with his cousin.

Looking at Yang Lan's look of loss and ugliness, Chi Shuyan couldn't help but pinched his eyebrows. He never felt that sometimes feelings are such a complicated matter.

She is not interested in playing a **** love triangle.

Not to mention that she already has Qi Zhenbai, really not, and she didn't plan to have any thoughts with the boy Feng Yuancen in front of him. It is better to have thoughts with him than with Feng Ge.

So when the other party showed his hospitality again, Chi Shuyan didn't even want to vomit directly about having a boyfriend.

I don’t want the other party not to retreat but to advance, become more enthusiastic, and say, “It’s okay to have a boyfriend. Besides, Shuyan, aren’t you married?”

Even if he is really married, it's okay as long as he is interested.

It can only be said that Chi Shuyan did not expect this kid's lower limit to be so low. Looking through the rearview mirror and seeing the other person's mind, Chi Shuyan's forehead bounced with blue veins, and his eyes were a little cold: "Really?"

Feng Yuancen had no thoughts of worrying about Yang Lan's mood at all, and continued: "Shu Yan, why don't you consider me? Besides, even if you get married now, isn't it that you can't divorce? I'll wait for you!"

Feng Yuancen said as he blinked Chi Shuyan through the rearview mirror, eyes very ambiguous.

Chi Shuyan Naoren jumped suddenly and suddenly, this kid didn't hook up with Yang Lan, but what happened to him now in front of Yang Lan?

The atmosphere in the car became more awkward, and Zhen Yu didn't know what to say for a while.

Fortunately, it didn't take long to arrive at a high-end restaurant.

Feng Yuancen took the three people to the restaurant on the second floor. Yang Lan first found an excuse to go to the bathroom. Zhen Yu was a little worried about Yang Lan, so Shuyan greeted her and went to the bathroom to see Yang Lan.

Chi Shu Yan Chong Zhen Yu nodded back.

When Yang Lan and Zhen Yu left, Feng Yuancen did not conceal his interest in her. The two spoke for a while, most of which were the other side's initiative. Chi Shuyan was absent-minded and perfunctory.

Not long after, Feng Yuancen suddenly left the table. He didn't know where to find a red rose. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Shu Yan, what I said in the car just now is true, and I am true to you. Why don’t you consider me? I don’t mind if you have a boyfriend. If you agree, you won’t regret it!"

After talking, the man gentleman bowed and handed over a bright red rose again, curled up his lips and said: "Flowers match the beauty, this rose is dedicated to the most beautiful woman in the restaurant!"

Feng Yuancen's actions were very high-profile, his voice was not too loud, and the restaurant was very quiet, but it was enough for many people next to him to hear him. Others did not know that they thought it was a couple who proposed marriage. For a while, the restaurant on the second floor saw you next to him. This pair of'good-looking men and beautiful women' applauded enthusiastically, and some people said to her,'Promise him! ’

Not to mention that Chi Shuyan was shocked and embarrassed by Feng's cousin's "fast confession" at this time, and at the same time, she once again understood Feng's saying that this kid was unreliable.

To be honest, this kid's mouth is really sweet, and it's especially sultry. The cliff is an old driver, but Chi Shuyan couldn't bear this sultry to her.

Just as her forehead jumped suddenly, almost unable to resist the urge to run wild, she just wanted to speak, she met a very familiar and ugly face that was very gloomy not far from the seat above, and saw that the man's face was dark and his eyes looked Cold and sharp, there is light in the eyes, not Qi Zhenbo, who is the man?

Chi Shuyan was stunned when she was about to refuse, her face was slightly startled, she really did not expect that she would be so unlucky to meet this man here, seeing a man not far away with a dark face at the speed of light, and the gloomy light under her eyes It is getting heavier and heavier, Chi Shuyan can't see clearly what he is thinking for a while, just about to speak out.

Seeing the man got up and suddenly led people away from her.

Have a look at her from beginning to end!

Chi Shuyan:...

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