Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1153: One thousand one hundred and sixty six

Chi Shuyan wasn't sure how much Qi Zhenbo's man had listened to at this time, but looking at the look of the man just now, I was afraid that he hadn't heard anything that should or shouldn't be heard. When he saw that the other party had an opportunity to explain and didn't intend to give her, she turned around. What does it mean to treat her as a stranger?

Even though she thought so in her heart, she moved quite quickly, and subconsciously got up and wanted to catch up with her to explain that the man had been lukewarm with her for the past two days, and this misunderstanding would really misunderstand the other party, she didn't dare to think about it!

However, Feng Yuancen was quick to stop her with quick eyes and hands, and a pair of peach blossom eyes looked at her with romantic and ambiguous eyes: "Shuyan, how are you thinking about it?"


"Don't! To save face, why don't you take this rose in my hand first?" Feng Yuancen thought she wanted to get caught and smiled and raised her lips to stop her again.

Seeing her lingering and just staring at him, it's just that his gaze is not ecstatic, but it makes him a little bit chilly.

Feng Yuancen touched his arm and saw that most of the attention of many people around him was still on them. He was embarrassed to death if the woman in front of him didn't reply a word.

Feng Yuancen still cared about face, and quickly persuaded: "Since you can't give me the answer now, I will give you a few days to consider it? How about picking up the rose in my hand?"

Feng Yuancen said as he blinked his eyes, and everyone with a good skin was pleasing to the eye.

But from the bottom of Chi Shuyan's eyes, I only feel that the man in front of him is as obtrusive as he is, as he is as disgusting as he is. If it weren’t for seeing the kid in front of him as the cousin of Feng Ge, she’s really real. Want to scrap the other party.

Chi Shuyan glanced at the crotch of the man in front of him while thinking about it. Feng Yuancen was inexplicably covered with goosebumps by this look. It didn't look like an ambiguous look, but Feng Yuancen had a habit of having a bad mouth, and he thought that he might be good at himself. I really fell in love with him, and wanted to inspect the goods. Suddenly, the mouth was in her ear and said ambiguously: "Why, I want to see and want it? I'll give it to you if you follow it, and show you too!"

As soon as the words fell, a familiar but unbelievable voice sounded behind him with choking and questioning: "Shu Yan!"

Chi Shuyan heard Yang Lan's voice. Just about to turn his head, he raised his eyes and looked at a pair of cold, cold, chilly gazes, and saw that the stairs were still tall with his hands held behind him. The man doesn’t know when to return the same way,

I just stood at the top of the stairs and watched their movements. I didn't know how long they watched.

There is no emotion on the man’s face, his eyes are dark and deep without the slightest emotion, his complexion is calm and scary, but his face has just been covered with a layer of frost, and there is no trace of temperature or emotion in the cold. It is even more difficult to look at her. Yan Xin felt cold and frightened inexplicably.

Before she had time to explore for too long, she saw that the tall man not far away did not stop at all this time, and raised his foot downstairs.

Chi Shuyan:...

and many more!

Was the man looking at Feng Yuancen's crotch with cold eyes just now?

This man will not misunderstand again!

Chi Shuyan almost didn't explode in her heart. When the man really left, there was no sound, she immediately wanted to chase after him, but Feng Yuancen was so unwilling to stop him and planned to let Chi Shuyan pick up the rose.

Chi Shuyan suddenly grabbed the collar of the **** boy in front of him, and didn't bother to worry about whether the boy Feng Yuancen in front of him was Feng Ge's cousin or not, and didn't want to put his feet into practice, kicking him directly into his crotch. Suddenly, the screams of the stern men were intertwined with the uproar.

"Feng Shao!" Yang Lan let out a cry of exclamation.

At this time, Chi Shuyan only had Qi Zhenbo the man in his heart, bypassing him and going downstairs to chase people.

How can I manage how much Feng Yuancen was injured behind him, as well as Yang Lan's screams and other reactions, she knew that she would encounter this at noon today, and she shouldn't have come.

Chi Shuyan ran fast, ran out of the restaurant, and recognized the man's black car at a glance. Seeing that the car had started its engine, she strode over and patted the window.

The window never opened.

The atmosphere in the car was too oppressive, and Xu Xudong, who came to talk with his boss, looked tremblingly at his empty-faced boss through the rearview mirror and did not dare to breathe.

Seeing the car windows and doors kept ringing, Xu Xudong didn't need to think too much about who was the person who took the window outside the car window?

As soon as he thought of coming over at noon today, he saw that his future little proprietress might "get out of the wall", her heart trembled, and her eyes trembled. He started the engine but never dared to step on the accelerator. He tremblingly shouted: "Old... boss! "

"Drive!" the man commanded blankly.

Xu Xudong could only listen to the orders of his boss. Just about to step on the gas pedal, the window next to him was suddenly slapped, and the woman's familiar voice sounded, revealing a command: "Drive the window!"

Xu Xudong somehow subconsciously listened to the little girl's order, and when he rolled down the car window, Xu Xudong regretted and quickly looked at the face of the boss in the back seat.

He...he wanted to say that he didn't mean to drive the window just now, but it's useless to say it right now. Seeing his boss's expression just now is still an expression, he is not angry, Xu Xudong breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the car window rolled down, and Chi Shuyan clearly saw the majestic, hard and deep face of the man in the back seat of the car, his jaw tightened on the side, and it became more fierce.

Chi Shuyan glanced at the man in the car, without any expression on his face, and said, "Let your boss get off the car. I have something to say to him!"

Xu Xudong:...

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