Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1172: Teacher, open the door quickly

The driver was taken aback by Chi Shuyan's cold voice, and stepped on the accelerator subconsciously.


"Jiang Tongle!"

Cai Xuanqiao, Lao Yu, and a group of people in the front row were dumbfounded by Chi Shuyan's ‘push’ Jiang Tongle just now, and blurted out and shouted her name.

Cai Xuanqiao and others hurriedly asked the driver to stop.

After the car drove for a short distance of several hundred meters, the driver Zhang reacted and immediately stepped on the brakes, only to find that he could not brake even if he wanted to brake. The driver's name was Zhang, his face pale in shock, panic, and cold sweat on his palms.

The front lights gradually dimmed again, and there was no way for a while, and the lights inside flashed from time to time, and students screamed everywhere.

Chi Shuyan took out a talisman and pasted it on the car, and the lights that had been flashing from time to time returned to stability, and the front car lights came on to illuminate the road ahead.

The driver finally stopped the car. When the car was stopped, Driver Zhang followed him out of the water, his face pale and frightened and collapsed on his seat.

As the bus stopped, the lights came back on and stabilized, and the screams of students in the car stopped.

After a long delay, Lao Yu and Chen Jin reacted first, their expressions turned pale and pale: "What happened? What happened just now?"

The question of the two of them was naturally to ask Driver Zhang, but Driver Zhang was frightened at the moment, his head was blank, and he didn't hear a word from others.

"There is a ghost! There is a ghost! There is a ghost!" Meng Ping, who was frightened before, suddenly ran up to him and shouted in horror!

Being afraid of panic caused by Lao Yu and Chen Jin made Meng Ping shut up first.

Ji Mingshu, Yu Bo, Su Yu, Yao Zhao and others also hurriedly walked to the front of the car. Ji Mingshu pulled Shuyan's arm tightly, and the shock just stopped.

Ji Mingshu didn't know why she relied on Shuyan so much. She always felt that she was at ease by her side. She thought that it was probably the talisman and calm appearance that Shuyan had given her before that made her feel very at ease.

Compared to Ji Mingshu, Yu Bo, Su Yu and others who guessed something inexplicably, the others were all dumbfounded and did not understand what was going on just now.

At this time, Chi Shuyan couldn’t just pay attention to Ji Mingshu. He glanced at the screams and panic of all the students in the car and waited for the driver to calm down. He asked him to drive first and send the car back to the school. As for that The ghost, she can find and clean up later.

Chi Shuyan thought well, but couldn't bear to sprout.

As soon as she let the driver drive, she was immediately stopped by Cai Xuanqiao, who was too frightened: "I don't agree, Driver Zhang, turn around and drive back. Tong Le is still outside. If Tong Le is really wrong, don't try to escape responsibility. Everyone can see exactly what happened just now."

When I thought that the surname in front of me just pushed Jiang Tongle out in front of them, Cai Xuanqiao didn't expect this student to be so poisonous. She anxiously shouted out Jiang Tongle and no one responded.

Thinking that Jiang Tongle might have an accident, Cai Xuanqiao's face suddenly became very ugly. Although she likes Jiang Tongle and treats this student well, the most important reason is that the life and death of this student are related to her immediate interests in the future. If Jiang Tongle really has an accident , She, Chen Jin and Lao Yu, don't want to escape this responsibility.

So Jiang Tongle, the student, really can't have an accident. Of course, if something happens, this responsibility must be borne by someone, but they are the teachers responsible for this outing, so how can they all have some responsibility.

Thinking that the girl surnamed Chi in front of him might affect her future future, Cai Xuanqiao looked at Chi Shuyan at this time and wanted to swallow people.

No, she must pick herself clean. Thinking of this, Cai Xuanqiao's voice suddenly choked up, and her eyes were reddish. He gave the student surnamed Chi in front of him a hard look, and said coldly at Chen Jin: "Teacher Chen, you take Why is this student of China so poisonous? If there is an accident in Tong Le, not to mention that the school can't spare her, I...I can't spare her either!"

Lao Yu and Chen Jin also remembered Jiang Tongle's fall just now. The two of them stared at Chi Shuyan, who had never spoken, with wide-eyed eyes, and they didn't understand how she had done such a cruel hand just now. Chen Jin's lips trembled a few times, and his head was blank. I don't know why the student Shuyan threw the person out.

However, it was not the time to blame anyone at this moment. Chen Jin quickly made the driver turn his head to look for Jiang Tongle with a pale face. When he thought of the student who fell out just now, he didn't know if something serious would happen.

Lao Yu quickly agreed and nodded, and asked the driver to look back quickly. After a while, they got out of the car and went to find Jiang Tongle's student.

Driver Zhang naturally listened to what a few teachers said, but he always felt a little weird just now, especially when he stared at a scorched talisman in front of him. Others did not pay attention just now. He clearly saw that the student suddenly posted this talisman. It was hard to stop the car, otherwise he dare not think about the consequences.

So after listening to the words of several teachers, Driver Zhang looked at Chi Shuyan subconsciously. Chi Shuyan didn't intend to be wronged and concealed everyone, so he said coldly: "If you want to survive, just drive, don't worry about other things! "After that, the driver urged him to drive.

Although Su Yu, Ji Mingshu, and Yu Bo were also surprised by Su Yan's sudden push of Jiang Tongle just now, they shivered abruptly when they heard her words, and they all hoped that the driver would drive right away. Anyway, this place is today. It feels bad for them.

However, a few good girls who played with Jiang Tongle started crying about Chi Shuyan's crimes, and said that they would look back for Jiang Tongle immediately.

Chi Shuyan suddenly said coldly: "She is not a human! If you want to die, you can go to her and try!"

No one thought she would suddenly spit out such a reason. Chen Jin, Lao Yu and the others looked at Chi Shuyan dumbfounded.

Cai Xuanqiao was stunned for a while, who was trying to find faults. Su Yu, Yu Bo, Ji Mingshu, and Yao Zhao changed their expressions abruptly after hearing this.

Chi Shuyan's right eyelid kept twitching, feeling that there was no time, so he asked the driver to drive quickly.

Cai Xuanqiao didn't believe in Chi Shuyan's words at all, nor did he believe that there were ghosts and gods in this world, and thought of her words as her deliberate revenge. After all, Tong Le had reported this student before, and this student wanted to retaliate against Tong Le.

Cai Xuanqiao didn't even think about it and said: "What nonsense are you a student, your parents sent you to college, where have you read the books these years? I know you just hate Tongle for telling you about it, so now Deliberately retaliate, you said that you are a young student, but why is your mind so poisonous?"

When Chi Shuyan heard this, she suddenly understood why the woman in front of him was able to get involved with Director Huang in the end. The two are essentially the same kind of people, no wonder they got mixed together.

Next to Chen Jin and Lao Yu looked at each other, they were almost shaken by what Cai Xuanqiao said. After all, the two of them saw the student push the person down with their own eyes. They didn't count the push. Just now, they didn't see the suspense clearly. Something was on Tong Le's body and threw people out of the car in fright.

Chen Jin still had some unbelief in his heart, but when he met her clear eyes, he didn't even think Shuyan was that kind of person.

Cai Xuanqiao continued: "Teacher Chen, the student you brought this time is not nearly poisonous or ruthless. Tong Le was pushed so much by her just now, and I don’t know how it is. It’s serious or not. If it’s a conscientious person, maybe even I am sorry and confused, and offered us to find Tong Le as soon as possible, but this student? There is no idea of ​​repentance at all. I think she has no softheartedness or conscience at all. This is simply killing! This kind of student is here. Our school is simply the black sheep of our school!"

Chi Shuyan's brain hurt by Cai Xuanqiao's chirping voice was very impatient. If she hadn't looked at so many people, she would have wanted to kick them straight down. She didn't want to accompany'Jiang Tongle', yes. , She let her go down and accompany her.

Before Chi Shuyan had time to speak, there was a fierce banging sound from outside the car door, and Jiang Tongle's familiar voice sounded as he banged: "Teacher, it's me, drive the door!"

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