When the familiar Jiang Tongle's voice sounded, Cai Xuanqiao was agitated. When she thought that Jiang Tongle was not dead, she didn't have to pay any responsibility. Maybe she could get a credit. She wanted to open the car door and let Jiang Tongle right away. Come right away.

She thought so and did the same. Before she opened the door of the car with excitement, Chi Shuyan kicked the door quickly, and said coldly: "I said she is not a human being. If you want to open the door, try!"

As soon as the words fell, Cai Xuanqiao's angry face was pale, and he didn't believe what the girl in front of him was coaxing people. What is Tongle not a person? Could it be a ghost?

Cai Xuanqiao didn't want to refute and curse directly: "I knew that your student was not at ease with Tong Le! The even more wolf-hearted person next to him would still have a conscience or two when he touched his heart. You are a good student, and his conscience is eaten by dogs. !"

The other people who were excited when they heard Jiang Tongle’s voice and thought she was okay were because of what Chi Shuyan said just now.

She stopped her face and stared at Chi Shuyan, and because of Cai Xuanqiao's abuse, many people saw her look more subtle. Most people didn't believe in any ghosts at all, so they all fell on Cai Xuanqiao's side and asked her to let go and drive the door. .

Seeing Chi Shuyan turning a blind eye, Lao Yu and Chen Jin's lips trembled, and the excitement of the eyebrows faded a little, calmer. Before Cai Xuanqiao continued to find the fault, Chen Jin said quickly: "Shuyan, okay, don't scare everyone. Tong Le is fine, let her get in the car quickly!"

Chen Jin has been arguing and winking, hoping that Jiang Tongle will be fine, and the big things will be turned into small things. Jiang Tongle can't blame her for this.

Lao Yu also followed suit. Is this kid still unaware of the seriousness of the matter?

Chi Shuyan glanced at Chen Jin, who was equally excited. Here, Cai Xuanqiao couldn't hold back his temper and directly scolded Chi Shuyan, saying that she was a black sheep and was not worthy of being a school student. Nobody else is allowed to save people. How could there be such a vicious student in this world? Cai Xuanqiao made up his mind to go back to school this time and talk to Director Huang about this student. Since this girl is the black sheep of their school, she is not worthy of their school. .

Cai Xuanqiao glared at the Chi Shuyan in front of him. He felt distressed a bit or two at Jiang Tongle, who kept patting the door of the car outside, and said hurriedly: "Tong Le, wait for the teacher, wait for the teacher. The teacher immediately gives You open the door!"

"Jiang Tongle" outside also replied excitedly: "Thank you teacher! Teacher, save me! I'm afraid it's too dark!"

If you don't listen carefully, this voice is similar to Jiang Tongle's. If you listen carefully, this voice is a bit shrill and mechanical, without any emotion, and it's completely unlike what people say.

Cai Xuanqiao and most people are now focusing on Jiang Tongle’s okay point, but neglecting to listen carefully to her mechanically rigid voice without the slightest temperature, and hurriedly said: "Tong Le, wait for the teacher, the teacher immediately let Someone opens the door to let you in the car!"

When Chen Jin, Lao Yu and other students heard Jiang Tongle say they were afraid, they suggested that Chi Shuyan drive the door. Huang Shanming and Mao Di also suggested to drive the door as soon as possible. At this late hour, if a girl was left out, she would definitely do it. Afraid, the boys all aroused pity and pity.

It was Su Yu, Yao Zhao, Ji Mingshu, and Yu Bo that felt weird and something wrong with Jiang Tongle's voice. Su Yu had always been keen instinct, and always felt that something would happen if he opened this door, and blurted out: "Can't open it!"

As soon as Su Yu's words fell, everyone was stunned at the thought that Su Yu would say these words.

Cai Xuanqiao couldn't believe it, but she didn't have time to care about Su Yu at the moment, so she made up her mind to drive slowly this time.

Without opening the door, she opened the door by herself, and at the same time said cruelly: "You are waiting for the school's disposal!"

Speaking of it, Chi Shuyan didn't have a slight affection for a woman surnamed Cai. Before, he was concerned about the death of the other person, but he listened to the woman who kept beating her and cursing her and threatening her.

She really wasn't a Madonna who didn't care about anything. The temperature in her eyes gradually faded. Since this woman was rushing to die, she couldn't do anything about it. Besides, this woman really didn't need to kill a car with her life.

Chi Shuyan raised his lips when the woman in front of him sarcastically threatened again: "Do you really want to open the door?"

"Hurry up! Are you deaf and don't you hear Tong Le's cry for help? Hurry up and drive the door!" Cai Xuanqiao said viciously. The more he looked at this student, the more he became unaccustomed, and disgust flashed in his eyes.

Chi Shuyan nodded: "Sure! I open the door!"

Unexpectedly, Meng Ping's screaming and frightened voice suddenly sounded very excited: "Can't open, there are ghosts, there are ghosts!"

As soon as Meng Ping spoke, he was covered by Mao Di and Huang Shanming, thinking that this kid was frightened because of the ghost story they told just now.

Although Ji Mingshu, Yu Bo, and Su Yu were shaken by Jiang Tongle’s plea for help, the three of them really believed in Chi Shuyan. Shuyan said that Jiang Tongle may not be a human being, thinking about what he encountered today. Something, maybe Jiang Tongle might not be a human being. Thinking of this, the three of them shuddered severely.

Especially when Ji Mingshu, who had really seen a ghost, heard Shuyan about to open the door, she subconsciously grabbed Chi Shuyan’s hand and shivered severely. She wanted to cry without crying and stuttering on her face: "Really... Ghost! I saw it today!"

Ji Mingshu's words made everyone look at each other. Cai Xuanqiao didn't take Meng Ping and Ji Mingshu's words seriously, but he wanted to open the door slowly.

Chi Shuyan didn't bother to push her with this woman any more, and immediately let go of her foot, Cai Xuanqiao immediately opened the door, and when she opened the door, she saw Jiang Tongle outside the car. There was excitement and joy on the eyebrows, but Jiang Tongle was all right. , The good news is that for a while, she had to talk about what happened just now, so that Jiang Tongle could talk about her meritorious deeds in front of the leader and the awkwardness of the late girl.

When Cai Xuanqiao thought of this, she got more excited and got off the car. He deliberately took a look at someone and cared: "Tong Le, are you okay? Are you okay? Teacher Cai, I was worried about you just now!"

‘Jiang Tongle’ grinned at the corners of his mouth, a pale face that became more and more like the face of a dead person just crawling out under the light of the car lights, and the machine spit out: "I...nothing...thing!"

While talking, gloating proudly and meeting Chi Shuyan's eyes, a hideous and murderous intent flashed across his eyes.

The two teachers, Chen Jin and Lao Yu, and the other students were all right when they saw Jiang Tongle. They were relieved and didn't think much. Chen Jin and Lao Yu were also going to get off the bus. Chi Shu had eyesight and quickly grabbed Chen Jin and Lao Yu. , Raised his feet and screamed and closed the door directly again.

Chi Shuyan moved extremely fast, and after the door closed with a clank, Cai Xuanqiao anxiously slammed the door, and it took a long time for everyone to realize what she had done.

Chen Jin and Lao Yu stared wide-eyed and couldn't believe that she actually shut Cai Xuanqiao, a teacher, directly outside the car door. Because of her shock, Chen Jin and Lao Yu didn't react for a while, and then called Chi Shuyan's name to end. Stuttering almost didn't call it all.

Everyone in the car also looked dumbfounded at this time, and they all looked at Chi Shuyan sluggishly. They didn't expect her to have such courage and shut Teacher Cai outside the door.

Su Yu, Yao Zhao, Huang Shanming, Yu Bo, and Ji Mingshu were also shocked, as if they really knew Chi Shuyan for the first time, and couldn't help but look at her more while admiring them.

Huang Shanming and Mao Di also yelled in unison: "My God, this girl is so temperamental, she dared to attack Teacher Cai! Shut people out! Too awesome! Too girl! But..."

This girl knows Cai Xuanqiao's toughness, and it's really not good to offend her.

The more Huang Shanming and Mao Di looked at her, the more they admired her.

Chi Shuyan ignored the others and said to the driver, "Immediately drive!"

"Wait, Shu Yan, Teacher Cai and Tong Le are still outside. You must not make any more trouble now!" Chen Jin opened his eyes and said quickly. When it came to the end, Chen Jin's voice still trembled. It can be seen that Chen Jin was shocked by what she did. At this moment, I felt quite regretful that he had promised Lao Zhang to bring this student over. If he had known this student's ability to cause trouble, he would never agree.

It’s too scary to be too scared to be old at this time, and I hurriedly echoed Chen Jin’s words, feeling the courage of this girl student, who gave this student the courage to keep a teacher like Cai Xuanqiao out of the car, let alone Cai Xuanqiao and Huang The director paid a lot of money, and he felt that the boy was really in trouble after returning to school.

The fierce door cladding continued to sound. In addition to letting people open the door immediately, most of them were Cai Xuanqiao's nasty remarks, and he also said that the leader would directly expel her when she returned to school.

Chi Shuyan turned a blind eye before he heard, and continued to let the driver drive with a cold face.

"Can't open! Lao Zhang, quickly open the back door!" Lao Yu hurriedly tried to pull the child open and opened the car door, but found that he couldn't pull it anyway, so he could only open the back door.

Chi Shuyan knew that she had to make it clear that the people in this car had to die. Although she didn't care who the people in this car were dead or alive, but since she came in person, naturally she didn't intend to let all these people die outside. In the hands of that thing, the car’s lives were all in the hands of that thing, and it did no harm to her. She immediately said in a cold voice, “Ms. Chen and Mr. Yu, I advise you not to open the door. I will only have one. , But don’t care about the lives of all of you in the car, and one more thing, you don’t think the'Jiang Tongle' outside the door is very weird. Just now, Driver Zhang drove a distance of one or two kilometers. If she is a human, Where can I keep up with the car so fast?"

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