Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1174: One thousand one hundred and eighty seven

It’s okay if Chi Shuyan doesn’t mention it. When it comes to the point of sticking, I immediately let those who didn’t think much about it and just wanted to let'Jiang Tongle’ get on the bus immediately, and there was an inexplicable coldness and chill in my heart. They all shuddered together, and the faces of all the people in the car were wonderful and rich.

The most sensitive people here are Chen Jin, Lao Yu, Su Yu, Yao Zhao, Ji Mingshu, and Yu Bo. Several people immediately changed their faces when they heard this, and realized that something was wrong.

Chen Jin and Lao Yu, who were eager to open the door just now, glanced at each other, and for a while, both eyes were filled with panic and fear.

The sound of the car door being patted outside the car door and the sound of a car crashing door were still ringing. It didn't take long for the voice of'Jiang Tongle' to sound again: "Teacher, drive the door! I'm afraid!"

Hearing the voice of'Jiang Tongle', Chen Jin and Lao Yu were even more agitated. The more they thought about Shuyan's words, the more flustered in their hearts. Speaking of them, they were really atheistic before, even though the student in front of them It has been said that'Jiang Tongle' outside is not a human being, but they don't believe it at all.

But I told Shuyan that the outsider’s "Jiang Tong Le" is really a human. Just now, driver Zhang drove for a kilometer or two. If she was a human, how could she catch up to the speed of the car immediately?

Thinking of this, the two people only felt that their blood was solidified, their heads were blown blank, their foreheads and palms were sweating, and their lips trembled. They racked their brains to say something, but couldn't utter a word.

I glanced at all the students in the car who were equally confused. Of course, there were also a few girls who did not have enough IQ to make friends with Jiang Tongle and spoke for Jiang Tongle: "Teacher Chen, Teacher Yu, Tong Le is outside. This is clearly Tong Le's voice! Let's drive the door and let her come up with Teacher Cai!"

Chen Jin and Lao Yu did not breathe a sigh of relief this time when they heard the kind words for Jiang Tongle. Instead, their hearts became more and more chilled, especially when they thought that Cai Xuanqiao might not be staying with one person at the moment, and the two of them turned pale. .

Although the two teachers’ years of experience are more abundant than those of young people, it’s the first time they have encountered such things as supernatural events.

He hesitated for a while and wondered whether he should let the driver drive away or save Cai Xuanqiao, but how?

Chi Shuyan put the contradictory expressions of the two teachers in his eyes, and did not force them to make a decision. Soon they could make a decision on their own, and simply shut up.

Su Yu, Yao Zhao, Yu Bo, Ji Mingshu, etc., who thought about the seriousness of the matter, stared at Chi Shuyan closely, and each of them turned pale.

Seeing that there was no movement inside, the "Jiang Tong Le" outside seemed to be exhausted, bang! With a loud sound, I suddenly hit the car door a few times, and the rough and sharp voice said impatiently: "Open the door for me!"

At this time, the voice is no longer familiar to "Jiang Tongle", with the sharpness of a woman, and at the same time the rough and unpleasant voice that is crushing sand with a stone mill.

The expressions of everyone in the car changed abruptly, and then Cai Xuanqiao's curses suddenly stopped. After a while, a sharp, stern, and collapsed cry for help suddenly sounded outside the car: "Help, help! Help me! Please! Please help me! There are ghosts! There are ghosts!"

This crying crying scream is not Cai Xuanqiao's, and the sound of tapping the car door is getting louder and louder. At this time, the person who slaps the door can't wait to slap the car door open, accompanied by Cai Xuanqiao's crying scream of crazy collapse, this sharp The screams were very tragic and desperate, and everyone in the howling car was discolored, especially the sentence "There is a ghost" that I didn't know which nerve was pricking everyone. Everyone who was originally confused couldn't help shaking.

There was no movement inside the car, but Cai Xuanqiao's voice became more and more stern. She called Chen Jin, Lao Yu and the names of some of the most familiar people incoherently. Before the people in the car responded, there was a sudden sound of hair straightening outside. The creaking weird laughter was intertwined with the woman's sobbing cry.

Then everyone in the car only heard a scream and howl outside the car that life is worse than death. The screams were terrible and desperate, and all the birds on the treetops were frightened and flew up.

Several students sitting in the front row by the window were curious about what was happening outside, and couldn't help but glance out of the car window. This eye scared everyone who looked at the window, especially the students in the front row. Seeing the scene outside, I was horrified.

Several students screamed and ran away crying from their seats. People stumbled and didn't care about the pain. They crawled frantically while grabbing Chen Jin and Lao Yu's legs, crying bitterly and crying for help.

The atmosphere in the car was quite chaotic for a while, but Su Yu and Yu Bo were the most calm, immediately persuading people to calm down.

Lao Yu and Chen Jin couldn’t help but glanced out of the front-row car window, and saw'Jiang Tongle' pinching Cai Xuanqiao’s neck, holding a sharp dagger in his hand, and stabbing Cai Xuanqiao madly. , She poked and looked into the car window with a sullen face.

Under the light, no matter how'Jiang Tongle' stabbed Cai Xuanqiao or the swollen and rotten face on his face was shocking, it made people see clearly, I was always asking myself that I was very courageous, but this look, especially with The ghost met his eyes, and he almost frightened him, all three souls and six souls frightened away.

Chen Jin is not much better than being older than Yu. Some bright red blood splashed on the window, followed by splashes on his face. His eyes turned black and almost fainted. There were several curious students, including Huang Shanming. , Mao Di, etc., waited to take a look out of the car window. It didn't take long for everyone to subvert their outlook on life. All of them were pale, crying and crying, screaming and screaming about ghosts.

It looked as miserable as it was.

Huang Shanming and Mao Di didn’t know if they were too irritated. They had forgotten the ridiculous remarks made at Su Yu and hurriedly rushed to Su Yu and Yao Zhao and screamed that there was a ghost. .

The person who screams has brain pain.

Chi Shuyan saw that a group of people in the car saw the coffin before weeping. He was too lazy to pay attention to the people, and only let the calmest Su Yu, Yu Bo, and Yao Zhao maintain order, and immediately let the driver drive.

Although Driver Zhang didn't see anything, he was already frightened by the howling atmosphere in the car. After Chi Shu's words fell off, Driver Zhang hurriedly stepped on the accelerator and started the engine to drive wildly.

The car shook, and the lights in the car did not flash from time to time. The people in the scared car started crying more and more in panic. Fortunately, it didn't take long for the lights to flash or dim after they turned on smoothly.

The faint road ahead, Driver Zhang always felt a bit infiltrating, and he did not drive this road no matter how he drove. He has been driving for more than ten minutes, but this road has never ended.

Driver Zhang was a bit older and still believed in something. At this time, he couldn't help but feel flustered. He happened to see a few ‘people’ standing in the middle of the road beckoning for a ride not far away.

Where did the driver Zhang dare to hit someone, he hurriedly stepped on the brakes, in a panic, not knowing what he had pressed, the front and rear doors were opened with a snap.

As soon as the door was opened, everyone in the car screamed and panicked.

Afterwards, several "people" swayed and hurriedly got into the car. Chi Shu's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately threw out a few evil charms, and then asked the driver to immediately close the car door and drive.

The people in the car who were crying and panicked just saw the golden light flashing. The few wild ghosts who wanted to get in the car screamed and were thrown out immediately. The door slammed shut, but one bubble was caught. With a hand full of corpse spots, I saw that the clamped hand automatically opened the door inward, breaking a gap.

Everyone in the car clearly confronted the swollen and rotten face outside and looked carefully at Cai Xuanqiao's, but that face can no longer see Cai Xuanqiao's youthful beauty, only that face is swollen with corpses. , A strong rancid and watery smell came from outside the door, and everyone who was shocked shouted: "There are ghosts! There are ghosts! Really ghosts! Help! Help!"

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