Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1197: One thousand two hundred and ten

"Well, the most effective way is to call the police directly and go to the police station to help and assist in investigating the case." Chi Shuyan said, Driver Chen's body suddenly stiffened. She didn't see it, and continued: "You have seen that. The murderer, you can describe to the police what the man looks like. I believe that as long as you assist, the police will find the murderer. Of course, during this period, if you don’t get out of the car, the person should know that you are one. Taxi driver, maybe he is looking for you at which taxi station and company!"

After Chi Shuyan's words exploded again, Driver Chen's head was blank and his head went blank, especially when he heard her last words "find you", Driver Chen only felt shocked, and his heart was inexplicably terrified.

Xiao Ningjin, who was listening to her, felt chills and gasped severely.

Driver Chen’s wife was too timid to make a decision, but Driver Chen listened to what the master in front of him said, and immediately decided to listen to her. Driver Chen now believes in the master in front of him very much. A few words from the master last night let him escape. A few pointers are certainly fine.

Driver Chen gritted his teeth and immediately agreed: "Yes...Master, I believe you, I know what to do, Master, thank you! Thank you!"

After finishing talking, Driver Chen made up the five hundred dollars left by the previous fortune-telling, and put aside the gifts brought by his wife, and said in a good voice, "Master, this is my little heart."

Chi Shuyan only received five hundred yuan, but the gifts were not confiscated and the two couples took them back.

Driver Chen and his wife Chen were still reluctant at first. They just listened to the master in front of him with a firm attitude, and the two talents gave up. At this time, even the wife of Driver Chen felt that the master in front of him must be an expert, and did not dare to despise her because of her age.

Before leaving, Chi Shuyan suddenly called Driver Chen to remind him of his kindness: "I think you are not a short-lived person, don't worry, but before assisting the police, you'd better not expose yourself to others easily. !"

Driver Chen and his wife who were still pale when they heard what the master said in front of him were completely relieved, and their faces were much better. Driver Chen became more determined to listen to the master's advice. As long as he assisted the police in catching the murderer, he would definitely do it later. It's okay.

Driver Chen thanked him again, fearing to disturb the master's rest, he immediately took his wife away.

Chi Shuyan looked at the back of the two of them leaving, and asked everyone to go back to their rooms and rest one day, and then return to Kyoto tomorrow.

Xiao Ningjin who was arranged to rest together by Master Chi:...

Didn’t Master Chi say that he asked them to gather downstairs at 9:30 a.m. and take them to Swan Lake to collect the corpses of that ghost and break the final cause and effect?

Chi Shuyan put the expressions of a few boys into his eyes, and said, "I have been to Swan Lake last night, so I don't need to collect the dead body!"

Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo, Wei Panyang, Chang Hao, Xiong Luoying and others:...

Xiao Ningjin couldn't help but ask in horror: "Master Chi, then we and the cause and effect of something, that ghost will not come to us again!"

The others suddenly looked at Master Chi in front of him.

Chi Shu Yanxin said how many lives had been killed by that thing in the past hundreds of years, how many damaging things had been done, and even got a blood pool to practice against her destiny. Even if she had confiscated the other party before, one day that thing could not escape the punishment. God will accept it too, and God can't let people have a causal relationship with it if such a negative thing harms people.

Chi Shuyan and the other boys didn't say that it was so complicated. They only said that she handled everything last night, and they don't need to worry about it anymore, unless one of them is unlucky and hits evil again.

Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo, and Wei Panyang just breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the first half of Master Chi's words, and in a blink of an eye they heard the second half of her words that hit the evil, and the crowd shivered suddenly, this terrible They really don’t want to meet again.

Seeing the reaction of a few people, Chi Shuyan was a little bit smirk, and said: "Relax, your luck should not be so good. You can only touch something like evil in your life. If you are lucky, you can touch it two or three times! "

Xiao Ningjin, Jiang Duo and the others shook their heads hurriedly. They would rather not want this kind of good luck. They almost died after touching it once, and touching it a second time?

"Well, everyone who wants to go to rest to rest, and those who want to go out can also go out, but don't go too far! Come back before ten in the evening!" Chi Shuyan said.

Because the problem of Swan Lake was completely resolved, the boys were in a good mood. Of course, when they went to Swan Lake, they would never want to go again, unless Master Chi personally followed them and made up their minds not to travel around. Just stay in Kyoto all the time.

After experiencing this, everyone felt that it was not easy and extravagant to be able to live safely.

In a blink of an eye, Chi Shuyan and a group of people stayed in this place for one day and two nights. At noon the next day, when she was watching the news broadcast, the Y city police had already caught the murderer of the corpse and robbery the previous night because of the assistance of Driver Chen. The police arrested people smoothly.

Chi Shuyan finally breathed a sigh of relief for Driver Chen, and took out his cell phone to make a call to others, saying that he would be leaving at one o'clock tonight.

Five people, Xiao Ningjin, Xiong Luoying, Chang Hao, Wei Panyang, Jiang Duo, etc., were probably caused here. In addition, a few friends also died because of things that provoke Swan Lake. There is no good impression. On the contrary, several people are eager to return to Kyoto, so they are very excited when they hear Master Chi's words.

A group of people didn't have much luggage. Jiang Duo drove the car to the vicinity of the inn early. Everyone had lunch and was about to leave, but before leaving, Driver Chen and his wife arrived.

The purpose of coming here is naturally to thank Chi Shuyan. Because the murderer was arrested, the driver Chen heaved a sigh of relief today. The two couples sincerely thank the little girl in front of the master. When they came this time, they brought a lot of them. The special products came here, because the expensive gifts were not accepted before, the two couples also knew a little bit of the little master’s character, and they didn't bring any expensive gifts, only some local specialties.

As for bringing these special products, it is still a little bit of the two couples' hearts.

The two couples didn't know that the master was leaving, otherwise, they would have to bring something more.

Chi Shuyan asked the two couples not to be so polite. Seeing that these are the specialty products of Y city and not expensive, she accepted these specialty products.

Both Driver Chen and his wife were very happy and relieved.

Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, Jiang Duo and the others heard that the matter was resolved, and the murderer was also arrested. Several people increasingly felt that Master Chi's young age was really unfathomable.

Wei Panyang's eyes turned grunting, and inexplicably thought that Master Chi would introduce Shi Ran to accept apprentices to others. Wei Panyang felt that even if Master Chi didn't accept apprentices by herself, her friends would certainly not only have ordinary skills. Thinking of this, Wei Panyang's jealous eyes turned red.

It's not that other people don't know about this. If Chang Hao, Luo Ying, and A Duo knew about this, they would be envious and jealous.

Before boarding everyone in the car, Wei Panyang took up the driver's seat, sat with Master Chi, and secretly asked in a low voice: "Chi...Master Chi, do you accept a disciple?"

In fact, he even wanted to ask: Master Chi, do you see that I have the roots in this aspect?

After getting on the bus with the driver Chen and his wife respectively, no one expected Wei Panyang to suddenly mention such a sentence, but after the words fell, everyone worked up and listened to Master Chi's answer.

They can be regarded as really knowing Master Chi's abilities now, not to mention age, anyway, this abilities is absolutely greater than any other masters.

The boys are in their second year of middle school and are looking forward to learning a few tricks to pretend.

"If you are not afraid of ghosts, I can consider it!" Chi Shuyan lifted his lips and smiled.

Wei Panyang, who choked in a word, was speechless. As for the ‘ghost’, he was really afraid of it. Not only him but also others, who is not afraid of ghosts.

Anyway, what happened to Swan Lake this time almost didn't scare them to death.

A few boys didn’t dare to mention it again, but uncharacteristically wanted to buy the items in Chi Shuyan’s online store, but unfortunately she has been busy recently and has not been put on the shelves. The items on it are almost sold out, even some Fu Lu All were robbed, of course, the people who grabbed the talisman were naturally a few of them.

The three of Chang Hao, Xiong Luoying, and Xiao Ningjin still remembered the previous "Nourishing Pill". The thought that they had handed such a good thing to others before was a pain.

Wei Panyang was a little confused and didn't know about the Nourishing Pill. The other three didn't care about Wei Panyang and couldn't help but ask diligently: "Master Chi, when will your online store be available, such as what Nourishing Pill?"

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