Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1198: Go to Jiang's for dinner.

On the way back to Kyoto, Chi Shuyan told a few boys when the Taobao store items would be on the shelves, but did not promise what they could buy.

I really want to buy it. When the time comes, I can buy it by myself. She will not open the back door. As for the effect of good things, Chi Shuyan is too lazy to publicize.

As the saying goes, the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys.

She is not worried about not being sold.

Jiang Duo is okay. He has bought a lot of good things before. Every time he stays up late to browse the master’s online shop, he is used to it. In addition, because of the Nourishing Pill and Lingmi bought from Chi Master’s shop, now his grandfather and parents In good health, he is not too greedy for other good things.

If it hadn't happened suddenly, he was still doing the online shop for his family. He hadn't gone home these days. His parents called him every day for this.

Fortunately, these days, Master Chi’s online store has no time to put things on the shelves. Otherwise, he didn’t earnestly rushed to buy them. He had to finish it with his dad. It is probably impossible to get pocket money.

To be honest, Jiang Duo is sincere and sincerely grateful to Master Chi’s online store and Master Chi. First of all, the Nourishing Pill from Master Chi’s online store directly saved his grandfather. If it weren’t for the Nourishing Pill, his grandfather would have had an accident. .

It's not that he likes to curse his grandfather, it's true.

When his grandfather was at home before, he always sighed like that, saying that he was lucky to meet a distinguished person.

Second, Master Chi's online store not only changed the atmosphere of his stalemate at home, but also completely changed his position at home.

How much his dad didn't want to see him before, he treats him better now.

The relationship between his parents has also become very good.

Isn't Master Chi his nobleman? No, it should be the nobleman of his family. Jiang Duo made up his mind when he had to invite Master Chi to his house for a meal. If Master Chi went to his house, his grandfather and parents would not know how happy it would be.

It is estimated that his father is in a good mood, and he has pocket money again.

The only pity is that Jiang Duo thought about this and looked at a few friends next to him. If there is no such thing, maybe when he can mobilize this group to help him buy good things together, but now these few My friends know that the things in Master Chi’s online store are good things, and it shouldn’t be possible to "use" a few friends.

Suddenly I missed the time when a few boys didn't believe that Master Chi was a master at all, and even doubted that Master Chi's online shop was a black shop.

At that time, I was muffled to make a fortune, where are so many opponents? In the future, the competitiveness of the good things from the master online store will be much more.

Now other people haven't tasted the benefits of the things sold in Chi Master's online store. If they really tasted it, they probably regret it.

It was the moisturizing pill that made him seriously ill soon, and the moisturizing pill and spiritual rice that helped his dad adjust the dark wounds. If it is a moisturizing pill or spiritual rice, it will definitely be taken out. Cause shock and sensation.

Anyway, it can be seen from the online shop of his grandfather and his dad who are used to seeing wind and waves and good things.

Every time he bought something from Master Chi’s online store, he saw his grandfather and his dad, as carefully as thieves, put the things in the safe where the jewelry was originally stored.

And also check three times a day.

He really felt that Master Chi was not only a master at catching ghosts, but also a master at refining good things.

Although he is not greedy, everyone is selfish. Of course he wants to grab more good things for the family. When Jiang Duo is meditating, Xiao Ningjin, who is the most sensitive and calm, does not know what to think of. When Master Chi closes his eyes to rest, Secretly asked Jiang Duo: "Aduo, by the way, I heard that the old man was seriously ill before. Did you buy some Nourishing Pills at Master Chi's online store for him to eat? The old man got better?"

In fact, they had heard about this a long time ago, but they didn't believe it at all at first, but now that they know what Master Chi is capable of, the more they find it reliable.

Xiao Ningjin said this in a very low voice, but other people still pricked their ears to hear clearly.

At the moment Jiang Duo wanted to continue to pretend to be innocent and said that he did not know that he would continue to make a fortune, but a few friends now know almost the same. He also revealed some truths in order to convince a few brothers of Master Chi, even if he deliberately deceived him. This kid will definitely go to Chi Master's online shop to try something online soon.

He is going to lie again, which may provoke public anger. Maybe a few friends remembered that he had pitted their old accounts of Nourishing Dan before, and then settled the old accounts and new accounts together. Thinking of this, Jiang Duo was a little uneasy.

And he felt that a few friends already believed what he said before, that the things in Master Chi’s online store are good things and that the Zirundan saved his grandfather’s life. Ning Jin suddenly asked about this, maybe he wanted him to elaborate. Drag out these things.

If he changes his mouth and hides, he will not believe him, and he will simply be a favor. Besides, his real competitor is not his own brother, but other rivals who snapped up Chi Master’s online store.

Maybe their brothers can still cooperate!

Thinking of this, Jiang Duo no longer hides his own privates. He immediately got better after taking Nourishing Pill for his very seriously ill grandfather. He also said this in detail last time, but how did he come in detail this time? He also explained how Nourishing Pill and Na Lingmi had taken care of his father's old injuries.

Of course, the most shocking thing is that his grandfather has been taking nourishing pills. His gray hair was half black and he was a lot younger. Anyway, these days, his grandfather has changed from the dullness of the past, and he does not go to the square every morning with a young man to get Tai Chi. Or just go to the square dance with the old lady.

Also, his dad's white hair is a bit less, his face looks very good, and his mother is also a lot younger.

Speaking of it, at the beginning, Chi Shuyan deliberately restricted the purchase of moisturizing pills. The main reason was that moisturizing was only the most basic and ordinary pill, but after all, it carried a lot of spiritual energy and was excellent for ordinary people.

You should know that the aura of the nourishing pill is only the first few bags of spiritual rice that Chi Shuyan washed, and the effect is better than the spiritual rice that she roughly washed again.

Ordinarily, one or two bottles can improve a person’s body to a certain extent, but if you keep taking it all the time, getting younger is not a problem.

She was afraid that this incident would cause too much shock, so she deliberately restricted purchases, making it impossible to buy Nourishing Pills all the time, but she didn't expect Jiang Duo to be lucky all the time. She restricted the purchase of Nourishing Pills several times, but all had his Copies.

Old man Jiang has been taking Nourishing Pill, so the mistake made him not only blackened his hair, but also became a lot younger. This was something Chi Shuyan never expected.

Jiang Duo didn't have a bit of hiding this time. He explained the effects of the nourishing pill and the effect of Lingmi very specifically and carefully. He also compared his grandfather with his father. Xiao Ningjin, Wei Panyang, Chang Hao, Xiong Luoying listened to Wait for a crowd of people to be moved.

Afraid that a few brothers would not believe him, Jiang Duo also said that if they do not believe, they can go to his house to see his grandfather and his parents. Anyway, he, the grandson (son) who sees his grandfather and parents every day, feels his home. People's changes should be more intuitive to others.

Jiang Duo felt that his grandfather had changed the most. After all, his grandfather took the most moisturizing pills. Because of his old age, the benefits and changes were great.

Jiang Duo consciously didn't speak any exaggeration or any suspicion of advertising for Master Chi. Xiao Ningjin heard a few exaggerations but had to believe Jiang Duo's expression in front of him.

Not to mention that a few boys now have a deep understanding of Master Chi's abilities, maybe what Arduo said is really possible.

Xiao Ningjin had more thoughts, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Aduo, we will all be free for a while. After the delivery of Master Chi to go back, how many of us should visit your father and uncle and aunt?"

Jiang Duo knew Ning Jin's purpose and naturally agreed, but Jiang Duo was still a little selfish. He kept his eyes closed and rested on Master Chi, and suddenly wanted Master Chi to go to his house too.

But at so late, Master Chi looked a little tired, Jiang Duo didn't know whether he should call Master Chi to his house.

An hour later, when Master Chi opened his eyes and awake, Jiang Duo still didn't hold back what he said: "Master Chi, it is estimated that I will arrive at home at 7 or 8 in the evening. Everyone will go home for dinner later. Master Chi, are you going? ?"

Before Chi Shuyan refused, Jiang Duo acted like a baby for the first time in his life. He said diligently: "Go! Go! Master Chi, you are going to my house. My grandfather and my parents will definitely be very happy! Everyone hasn’t eaten, go to my house for dinner and then go back."

Seeing Master Chi’s delay in agreeing, Jiang Duo gritted his teeth and said: “Master Chi, if it weren’t for you this time, we might all have to die, and my grandfather, Master Chi, you should have recognized me. I'm Jiang Xiaoduo from your online shop. If it weren't for you, my grandfather might have had an accident earlier now. Master Chi, no matter what, you must go this time. Ning Jin, Pan Yang, Luo Ying, A Hao, you say is not it?"

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