Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1216: Nineteen

Jing's auction house box, hung up the phone, Chi Shuyan always looked a little embarrassed because of the phone call.

However, she had a thick skin and a very calm complexion. She swept Jing Hengshen's WeChat account. The two of them succeeded in becoming friends. They didn't talk about other twists and turns, and started buying herbs.

It was because of the phone call just now that Jing Hengran saw that her eyes were obviously different and abnormal.

When buying the herbs, Jing Hengran personally entertained him, Chi Shuyan chose some herbs she needed, settled the bill, and was about to leave.

Before leaving, Jing Hengran said, "Ms. Chi walks slowly. If you have any needs, you can contact me directly on WeChat. I will be free anytime. Of course, if the pill that Ms. Chi refines is willing to auction at our Jingshi For auctions, we only cooperate with our Jingshi auction house, and Miss Chi can offer all kinds of conditions."

Although Chi Shuyan had the thought of cooperation in her heart, she didn't plan to trust the man in front of him so quickly, and really cooperate with him, pursing her lips: "Thank you, I will consider it carefully."

Chi Shuyan turned to leave, Jing Hengran suddenly shouted to humanity: "Miss Chi, people don’t give good judgments about personal relationships, but as the saying goes, the old ones don’t go, the new ones don’t come! Miss Chi is so good, only people go. Hurrying to adore, I hope Miss Chi will not dislike me for talking too much."

When he said this, Jing Hengran had a modest gentleman's face, and his face was as gentle as a spring breeze. In addition, he looked good, which added a lot of points.

It was the first time that Chi Shuyan saw people so pleasing to the eye. Of course, she also liked the other person's saying, "The old won't go away, the new won't come." But now she really doesn't want to talk about feelings anymore.

Feelings do whatever it takes, I'll talk about it later, don't worry!

Chi Shuyan nodded at the other party: "Thank you!"

After leaving the Jingshi auction house, Chi Shuyan took advantage of no one to collect these herbs into the Universe Ring, and then dialed Lu Chengfu's phone and prepared to pick up the little guy Lin Haoxing.

As soon as Lu Chengfu got on the phone, he first called his sister-in-law excitedly.

"Sister-in-law, if you don't call, I have to call you for the next two days!" Lu Chengfu's tone was a little excited.

Chi Shuyan was in a good mood when he heard Lu Chengfu's voice, and said, "What can I do for you?"

Lu Chengfu was naturally fine. He was just thinking about contacting his sister-in-law. He used to be well-connected, but since his sexuality was exposed, apart from the few Qi Hao he had made, he didn’t have many real friends, so Lu Chengfu cherishes his good friends. Of course, here he is. The one who is most grateful and grateful is Haozi's wife.

Now in Lu Chengfu's heart, Haozi's sister-in-law is no different from Yu Jinzhou's sister-in-law, so when he speaks, Lu Chengfu's tone is intimate: "Nothing else, I miss you very much. Sister-in-law, when will you come to my house for dinner? rice?"

But soon Lu Chengfu remembered that he had recently ordered meals at Li Yuchu’s restaurant every day. It’s not as convenient to eat at his house as to go to Li Yuchu’s restaurant.

So Lu Chengfu quickly changed his words: "Sister-in-law, but to say in advance, I don't know how to cook. I will prepare at most a menu to send to Li Yuchu to help."

Chi Shuyan was overjoyed by what the kid Lu Chengfu said. After the two talked for a while, she quickly explained the matter of picking up the little guy Li Haoxing.

Lu Chengfu wailed over there.

"what happened?"

"Sister-in-law, can you pick up the stars a few days later? I and Jinzhou both like stars. Don't you know that there are no stars at home, but I and Jinzhou are totally unpopular at home. There used to be Li Yuchu who paid OK, but now..."

Having said that, Lu Chengfu began to pretend to be pitiful.

Chi Shuyan knows that Lu Chengfu’s personality likes to be lively. Besides, she’s usually busy. Lu Chengfu and Yu Jinzhou really helped her take care of the little guy Lin Haoxing for a few more days. Chi Shuyan is also grateful, but it’s really not good. Troubled them, and said: "Yes, then I will pick it up the day after tomorrow?"

"So soon? Sister-in-law?" Lu Chengfu wailed again when he heard Chi Shuyan's words. This time before Chi Shuyan could speak, Lu Chengfu honestly stated his purpose and said: "Sister-in-law, I actually keep the stars at home, except There are other purposes of increasing popularity. You also know that I am with Jinzhou. We are in a particularly stable relationship now, and we are sure that we will not get married in the future. We plan to stabilize some showdowns with the family in a few years. But these premises They are all based on the premise of having children. Besides, I can’t bear to say that I don’t want to live with Seiju because I don’t have children, so I plan in my heart for a few years. Both of us will go to surrogacy and raise two children. Now I want to take the stars to practice hands !"

After hearing the black line, Chi Shuyan also felt a little grumpy. Lu Chengfu's mind is good, but this kid is too anxious. Besides, if this kid really wants to practice hands, he has to find a baby to practice hands, but think about it. Taking a baby to Lu Chengfu, she was really worried, Yu Jinzhou was more reliable.

In the end, Chi Shuyan didn't discourage Lu Chengfu's enthusiasm, and told him the address of his villa, and told him directly that if he was not available at any time, let him send people to her villa.

Lu Chengfu excitedly agreed: "Thank you sister-in-law, thank you so much, sister-in-law!"

Chi Shuyan said something to Lu Chengfu, and asked Lu Chengfu to let the little guy Lin Huixing answer the phone.

"Sister Shuyan! I miss you so much!" Not long after, Lin Haoxing's crisp voice sounded, and he heard that the little guy was not aggrieved, his voice was crisp and excited.

Hearing what the little guy said, Chi Shuyan had a rare sentiment that missed this child. The little guy Lin Haoxing is usually well-behaved, very obedient and good-looking, plus the long and good-looking, it is difficult for ordinary people not to like it.

Chi Shuyan said a few words to the little guy, and also exhorted some things, mainly to make him obedient.

"Sister Shuyan, I will, I will be obedient!" Lin Haoxing obediently said.

Before finally hanging up, Chi Shuyan gave the little guy her phone again, indicating that the little guy can call her whenever he wants to go back to her or if he has anything to do.

Lin Haoxing nodded obediently and agreed.

I'm sure that the little guy lives in Lu Chengfu's house well, and Chi Shuyan is also relieved. After thinking about it, before going to the villa, I should go to the imperial restaurant to inform Li Yuchu a few, and by the way, see how Li Yuchu and the other two little guys That's it.

It's just that she just got into the car, and her cell phone rang suddenly, because a man almost broke her call before, she was a little bit shadowed about the call, but she waited to see that it was a strange call.

She answered the phone, and the familiar voice soon came: "Shuyan, it's me, Teacher Yu!"

Before receiving the call from Teacher Yu, Chi Shuyan almost forgot what Teacher Yu had said to her in the hospital. At this moment, she remembered that she was a bit solemn on her face and asked, "Teacher Yu, you Did the child in your sister's belly say that she was born now?"

It just so happened that it was really such a thing for Yu to find Shuyan at this time. These days, because his sister's belly is still safe and there is no sign of production at all, he is now more and more worried.

On the other side of his mother, I don’t know who is brainwashing. He keeps saying that his sister is carrying an extraordinary **** in her belly and that his sister is carrying Nezha's reincarnation. At first he wanted to laugh when he heard this, but he now sees Looking at his sister's face and condition, she was really worried, and she couldn't laugh anymore.

These days, he thought about it and thought and thought that Lao Zhang’s student was really capable, so he wanted to invite Shuyan to come and see.

When Chi Shuyan heard this, thinking about the seriousness of the matter, he immediately responded: "Teacher Yu, you give me the address, and I will rush over now!"

Old Yu said the address immediately, and the driver who drove Chi Shuyan also said the address and asked him to take her here.

Forty minutes later, Chi Shuyan came to Teacher Yu's house in a more remote suburban community.

It seems that because the teacher’s family is well-off, I live in some high-end residential areas, but it is a bit more remote from the city, but the housing prices here are also good.

Chi Shuyan walked into the community, took the elevator to the sixteenth floor, and waited for Teacher Lao Yu's house to ring the bell and soon the door was opened.

It was Mr. Yu who came to open the door. Mr. Yu was so excited when he saw the student Shuyan, he quickly said, "Come in and sit inside! Sit inside! Shuyan!"

Chi Shuyan nodded to Teacher Yu and walked in. She saw a gentle woman beside her. She guessed that it was Teacher Yu's wife.

Teacher Yu introduced it, it really is!

Chi Shuyan yelled: "Mother!" He went straight to the subject and asked Teacher Yu directly: "Teacher Yu, where is your sister? Why don't you let me see her condition first?"

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