Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1217: twenty

Old Yu took Shuyan into her sister’s room. Originally, there were only him, his wife and his mother in the house. But since his sister was pregnant for more than nine months, he has not given birth to a child. He is really worried, and his brother-in-law has been Unreliable, she doesn't care much about her sister.

His sister’s mother-in-law is not a good match. At first, she watched the child in his sister’s stomach change his attitude towards her sister. It’s not bad, but after more than nine months, the child has not been born. The younger sister's mother-in-law looked at his sister and the child in her belly completely changed.

His sister was really hard at his husband's house. Her husband didn't care about her. Seeing that his sister's face was getting paler and worse, his complexion was getting worse and worse. He really couldn't help it, so he took the person home.

After he took the person home, his sister's husband and mother-in-law hadn't seen anyone for nearly half a year. He could see clearly the shamelessness and conscience of the family. How dare he send her sister back to her husband's house.

So his sister has always lived in his house.

Fortunately, his wife has a good relationship with his sister, and they are gentle, but they agree that his sister lives at home, and his mother also loves his sister. She always takes care of his sister, but people are a little superstitious.

Of course, after experiencing the incident before, Yu really believes in some superstitions, but some superstitions can't be confused, right?

For example, his sister has not been pregnant for so long, and he and his wife are in a hurry, but his mother keeps saying that his sister carries the **** Nezha in her belly.

Such an unreliable and brain-dead superstition would only be believed by his mother. He didn't believe a word, and even felt that his sister's stomach was full of weirdness.

Then I asked Shuyan for help.

Chi Shuyan followed Teacher Yu in, and he was in the innermost room of the living room corridor. When he opened the door, Chi Shuyan stood at the door and saw a pale and ugly woman half leaning against the bed.

The hair is **** casually, the dress is somewhat simple, the color of the clothes is very plain, and the belly is covered with a little quilt, and the pregnant belly is not visible.

Chi Shuyan thought about the age of the woman in bed, seeing that she was older than the teacher, but the woman in bed was definitely not the age

Teacher Yu is old.

And the most profound impression that Ms. Yu's sister in front of her is that she is thin. Normal pregnant women will get a little fatter when pregnant. But Ms. Yu is scary and looks very thin. It's hard to imagine this turned out to be a pregnant woman.

The movement of the few of them coming in shocked Yu Wei, that is, Teacher Yu’s sister. Teacher Yu’s real name is Yu Sheng. Yu Wei is usually a little timid. He was startled when he heard the movement at the door. When he saw his brother and his sister-in-law, Yu Wei He was relieved and shouted: "Brother! Sister-in-law!"

After yelling, Yu Wei found that there was a beautiful little girl beside his brother and sister-in-law. Chi Shuyan was very beautiful, but she didn't wake up at the slightest attack. Yu Wei had a good impression of the little girl at first sight. Not afraid, after taking a few breaths and struggling to ask: "Brother, who is this little girl?"

Teacher Yu listened to his sister saying a few words, and was very worried. He quickly walked over and said: "Okay, okay, Xiaowei, don't rush to talk, this is a student of mine, come and see you! "

Since her sister was pregnant with the baby, she was seeing weaker and weaker things, so that his mother would believe that the child in his sister's belly was a god, and if his sister was suffering a little now, it was all right.

He always felt that if he dragged on, his sister's life would be gone.

Teacher Yu didn't dare to show the slightest worry on his face. At this time, seeing his sister's weak face became more and more frightened, hoping that Shuyan could see something.

Teacher Yu’s wife also looked at her sister-in-law with a look of worry, because Xiaowei and A Sheng were a little older. When she married, the sister-in-law had not yet been married. The two have been together for many years, and they are also very affectionate. Not an exaggeration.

At this moment, Kong Yingjin, Yu's wife, also looked concerned and agreed: "Xiaowei, do you want to drink water, sister-in-law will pour you?"

As both Teacher Yu and Master Yu focused on Wei, Chi Shuyan calmly began to look at the sister of Teacher Yu carefully, frowning the more she looked.

She didn't see anything else, but she saw the faint life of death gradually enveloped around the teacher's sister's forehead. There was not much life of this kind, but once a person became infected with this life of death, it was not far from the time of death.

If she hadn't come this time, I'm afraid it would go on like this. Teacher Yu's sister would be more and more fortunate in two or three months.

Chi Shuyan was fascinated, but Yu's wife, Confucius, asked her if she was thirsty. She recovered and said politely: "Mother..."

"Just call your sister-in-law if you call any kind of mother!" Sun's sister-in-law is a very cheerful character.

Chi Shuyan nodded: "Yes, sister-in-law, but I'm not thirsty. Just pour some water for sister Yu to drink!"

When Yu Wei heard his brother's students call her "elder sister", she felt more cordial in her heart. She also wanted to get out of bed, but was quickly stopped by Teacher Yu.

But Chi Shuyan suddenly said, "Teacher Yu, Sister Yu has always been pregnant, and it’s not good to stay in bed all the time. It's better to walk around, and it's better for future births!"

Teacher Yu also knows this, but he watched his thin sister walk with such a trembling belly. He was always afraid that this big belly would bend Xiao Wei's waist, and Xiao Wei would take a few breaths tired when talking. , Not to mention getting out of bed and walking around, he was really worried.

However, Teacher Yu was convinced of the student, and Xiaowei himself asked to get out of bed and walk around, so Teacher Yu nodded in agreement and carefully helped Xiaowei out of bed.


As soon as the quilt was lifted, a big belly tremblingly looked terrified. In fact, the belly is not terrible. What's terrible is that teacher Yu is really thin. She just got out of bed and walked a few steps, she panicked and her face turned Bai, fainted all over, almost fainted, still Yu teacher's hand was quick to hold on to others.

Teacher Yu originally wanted to take back what he had just said and let his sister go to bed again. Chi Shuyan took the position of the teacher and helped Yu Weidao: "Teacher Yu, I will help sister Yu to walk a few steps, it's okay!"

Due to her sister's body, Chi Shuyan felt that even if she hadn't hit the evil spirits, it would be more difficult for her to have children because of her weakness.

Yu Wei didn't like to lie down on the bed all the time like a waste person. He immediately nodded, panting and replied, "Brother, I... go!"

At first, Teacher Yu was afraid that Shuyan's student could not hold Xiaowei, but then saw that Shuyan's face was not red or breathless, and she was holding Xiaowei, and finally he was relieved.

Chi Shuyan had always been patient, and helped her sister Yu walk for a few minutes. After seeing her, she couldn't breathe and couldn't hold on, so she helped her sit down on the sofa.

Her stomach was too big to sit down, so she half-leaned on the sofa as if she was half-lying. After a long time, Yu Wei's expression improved a little.

Chi Shuyan didn't tell her about her identity as a master, but talked to her sister in the same place as a friend. Yu Wei was in a good mood and had little thoughts. He almost answered all questions about Chi Shuyan.

From the conversation, she knew that this sister was only eight or nine years older than her. She was married very early, and she was married when she was almost twenty-two.

In addition, she married her husband on a blind date. They were introduced by neighbors and friends. After a couple of months, she felt suitable. After hearing her mother's words, she married.

Chi Shuyan was a little weird to hear, but if her family was originally from a rural area, it was his brother who was struggling to get admitted to university and teach at the university. The family situation was better. She brought her and her mother from the countryside to the city together. Thank her brother.

At that time, her brother was just an ordinary university teacher, and the salary was not bad. She went to junior high school and didn’t go to school. After that, she lived in the city and worked hard to find work. Later, she was introduced by neighbors and friends to marry. The husband now.

Her current husband is in good condition, and her family is well-off.

It's just that her mother-in-law has been dissatisfied with her.

Yu Wei has always had a sense of inferiority. She came from the countryside and only had a junior high school education. She always felt that she had climbed her current husband’s family high, so she did not dare to complain about her current husband’s family, but hoped that this pregnancy could give birth to a boy. That's it.

Yu Wei was also very nervous about the delay in the birth of the baby in her stomach, but after going to the hospital several times, she was relieved when the hospital said that the baby was all right.

Chi Shuyan was very complicated after hearing what Mrs. Yu said, her eyes fell on her raised belly and asked: "Sister Yu, can I touch your belly?"

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