Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1253: Fifty-six

Chi Shuyan followed, and made up her mind to stop the thing before the family. However, it was not the time to do it. She couldn't figure out how this thing came from. Who made such a disgusting thing, and what does it have to do with the child in Wei Sister Yu's stomach?

Chi Shuyan stood at the door of Wei Wei and stared at the scene inside, and saw that thing suddenly came to Yu Wei's bed with a knife. At first, she was afraid that the thing would cut people directly with the knife. Luck and aura make full preparations.

I saw that thing just standing in front of the micro-bed and grinning triumphantly. Those eyeballs kept sticking to the micro-belly, staring greedily, as if staring at something delicious, that greedy and evil gaze was really strange and frightening. Uncomfortable.

Chi Shuyan was very suspicious of whether that thing regarded the child in Yu Wei's belly as a Chinese meal, and his face changed drastically.

It’s also fortunate that the thing in it has not been started, thinking about the child in Wei Wei’s stomach has been dragged until now. Chi Shuyan thought that this thing was strange and unreasonable before, but now it is more and more certain that someone is behind it. He also raised some things that shouldn't be harmful to people.

Chi Shuyan stared inside while pondering, and saw the thing stretched out his hand ‘gently’ to touch the slightly raised belly, the ‘gentle and weird’ looking at the food was really full of goose bumps.

Before long, I saw the thing reluctantly glanced at the slightly raised belly, turned and went out, and saw that the thing was going out, Chi Shuyan rushed to the bathroom.

The thing seemed very keen. After walking out of the door of Wei Wei's room, he suddenly stopped. He still smelled strangely, but Chi Shuyan Daoxing was tall now, and the thing didn't notice her for a while.

Seeing that thing walking towards the bedroom where the teacher and Sister Kong lived, Chi Shuyan's right eyelid twitched and immediately followed.


I saw the thing unscrewing the bedroom door of the two couples, and it creaked in the middle of the night, the sound was very abrupt.

Inside the big bed, Teacher Yu and Sister Kong are sleeping, but compared to Mr. Yu's thunder, Sister-in-law Kong sleeps relatively shallowly. She always feels that she hears something, and feels that it is unlikely that night, and her head is sleepy. That's awesome.

However, Sister-in-law Confucius was still a bit of a sense of crisis or habit. She was so sleepy that she looked black or subconsciously glanced towards the door, and saw a little gap opened in the door of her bedroom.

Why did the door open?

Sister-in-law Kong, who was about to fall back on her pillow, didn't react at first. After waiting for a while, she thought of opening the bedroom door in the middle of the night, and hurriedly struck a spirit.

In the middle of the night, the outside of the door, including the inside and outside of the room, was dark, or there was a little light coming in from the curtains, vaguely seeing the things in the room and the open door.

Seeing that the door was really wide open, and feeling in the middle of the night, Sister Kong always felt terribly flustered, but she didn't think much about it, and hit the sleeping Lao Yu next to her with her elbow. Little temper said: "Old Yu, why didn't you close the door tightly when you went to the bathroom in the middle of the night? Hurry up and close the door!"

The answer to Confucius' sister-in-law was Lao Yu's scream.

Sister-in-law Kong was a little angry with her head hurt by the loud voice of her own Lao Yu, but she hit Lao Yu with her elbow again. Teacher Yu was a little more awake, but she didn't open her eyes: "Don't move me, sleep well, I I didn't go to the bathroom!"

Throwing out this sentence, it didn't take long for Teacher Yu to snooze and fall asleep again.

Sister-in-law Kong was also very sleepy and planned to close the door in a while, but when she put her head on the pillow, she suddenly realized that there is a private bathroom in her bedroom. Although it is smaller than the living room, the two couples are used to using the bathroom in the room on weekdays. There is a bathroom in the living room. If the sister-in-law was not there before, Lao Yu might go out.

But Lao Yu didn't go up, why the door of their bedroom was open, the more Sister Confucius thought about it, the more something went wrong. She had a good memory, and she clearly remembered that before going to bed, the door was closed by her herself.

Who opened the door of their couple this night?

Can she open it if she is locked?

I don’t know if it’s the Buddha statue and the darker and more midnight atmosphere tonight. The more I think about it, the cooler Sister-in-law Confucius is. There is always some chill and something wrong. Looking at the surrounding places, I don’t feel safe at all. I even want to go for a while. I didn't have the guts to close the door.

Sister-in-law Kong was a little frightened, thinking about a lot of absurd things, and her face became paler, but Sister-in-law Kong was still a little bit courageous, and gradually thought that she might scare herself by herself, maybe she just went out to the bathroom and forgot to forget It.

Sister-in-law Kong thought this way, but she felt calmer. As soon as she was about to fall asleep, she saw a strangely stretched long shadow on the edge of her bed, and she hadn't moved since just now.

She didn't pay attention just now, but now she saw that the thing moved faintly. She clearly saw that the dark shadow on the ground looked like a big human hand, and she seemed to be holding a knife in the shape of a kitchen knife. .

Sister-in-law Kong subconsciously raised her head and looked over, waiting to meet the distorted and proud face with a distorted smile that was one-half of her eyes, only to hear the thing spit out from her throat, ‘Go to death! ’Then the sharp kitchen knife immediately chopped it down.

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