Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1254: fifty seven

Sister-in-law Kong was really scared by the scene in front of him and the kitchen knife that was cut down and she was scared to pee. Her eyes turned black for a while, she wanted to scream for help, but her throat was blocked by something, and her head was blank. , Trembling all over.

I could only see the sharp kitchen knife and the strange grimace getting closer and closer to her.

Seeing that the kitchen knife was about to stick to her face, Sister-in-law Kong was shocked, her blocked throat finally pulled out a scream, the scream burst through her throat, hiss exhausted and stern.

Although the teacher can't beat the thunder when she sleeps on weekdays, Sister Kong's voice is too loud at this time. It is estimated that the whole building can be heard, let alone a person lying in a room with a bed.

At this time, Mr. Yu was awake a long time ago by the eardrums of his wife's screaming ears, and he was about to ask his wife what was going on.

A white light flashed in front of him.

The white light flashed and hit something, and a heavy gasp of anger came from the room, which also let Teacher Yu clearly see what the ghost standing in front of his wife's bed looked like.

Seeing that thing was not only ugly, but also grinned at them with an angry grin, with sharp beast fangs in his mouth, but the teeth were sparse, ugly and terrifying, and the people who looked at it were numb.

There were also those eyes that occupies one-half of his face. Teacher Yu was shocked and dumbfounded at this time, looking dull and stupid.

Just shaking his whole body betrayed his fear.

Although Teacher Yu said he had seen ghosts before, he suddenly saw him again at night. He was still at his own house. He was scared and almost lost his soul. He was shaking his voice and was about to scream for help with his wife.

Chi Shuyan suddenly stepped forward, knocked down the kitchen knife in that thing's hand, and slammed it on the ground with a bang to prevent the thing from attacking the teacher and sister-in-law of Kong. He calmly and immediately said: "Teacher Yu, calm down and take sister-in-law to go out first. !"

After finishing talking, Chi Shuyan didn't care about the two couples, fighting with that thing.

Chi Shuyan didn’t plan to kill this thing right away at first. He wanted to figure out what the heck it was. When she was thinking, the thing had already attacked. In the past, the thing wailed immediately, and his face became more and more ferocious.

She squinted her eyes. She didn’t look at the thing carefully before, and only looked at his face, but when she started doing her hands, she found that the thing’s two hands were actually different from each other, and the very large palm was very different. Strength can be large or small.

Seeing that the thing made another move, the palm of his right hand suddenly became bigger and pressed against a mountain on top of her head. Chi Shuyan's body flashed quickly, and as soon as his hand fell, the ground was shaken immediately.

The thing was very angry when it missed a hit, its eyes widened, and the face looked more horrified. The side barked and grinned, revealing the sparse fangs, and the mouth grew bigger and bigger, and soon another one appeared. Hit, this time blocking people at the foot of the wall, and that hand stretched out to pinch her neck.

Chi Shuyan's body flashed agile again, but saw that the thing didn't attack her, but directly pounced on Teacher Yu and Sister Kong.

Sister-in-law Kong was really frightened by the ghost tonight. Seeing the thing rushing towards them, Sister-in-law Kong screamed, rolled her eyes in shock, and passed out first.

Sister-in-law Kong suddenly fell into a coma, and Teacher Yu was frightened. She rode her Shuyan to stop the thing, fearing that the two would drag her back, so Teacher Yu hurried out with his wife shaking her legs.

Chi Shuyan then flashed before the thing again.

She obviously found that although the thing was powerful, its body was extremely inflexible and its movements were slow.

After finding the opponent's weakness, Chi Shuyan no longer dragged her feet away. Before the opponent attacked, she suddenly jumped behind the thing, took out three or four bursting charms and stuck it behind the thing, the thing's body suddenly stiffened.

Then I saw sparks splashing from the back to the chest, banging loudly, blasting a big hole,

Fearing that this thing would be too hard, Chi Shuyan took out a bursting talisman and stuck it on the head of the thing in front of him, and saw that the thing's head also exploded with a hole, and the whole body suddenly hit the ground with a bang. Not long after, Chi Shuyan heard a click, something breaking.

Because it was secretly in the room and couldn't see clearly, Chi Shuyan immediately turned on the light and saw that the thing on the ground had become a scorched Buddha statue.

The head of the Buddha statue grinned a few gaps, and it was separated from the body into two parts. Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the thing was really dead. She lowered her head to study the Buddha statue carefully when she heard the noise in the living room outside Yu's house.

Not long after, Teacher Yu suddenly rushed to the door of his room, excited and horrified: "Shuyan, Xiaowei...My sister is going to give birth! She is going to give birth!"

Chi Shuyan's face condensed when he heard this, and just about to get up, suddenly thinking of something, he took out an exorcism talisman and stuck it on the scorched and cracked Buddha statue.

It didn't take long to see that a black misty object suddenly condensed in the Buddha image to break free from the Buddha image, but when the misty object touched the fourth-rank high-level exorcism talisman, it immediately dispersed, then condensed, and then dispersed.

Chi Shuyan simply put this misty thing into Yuli, and then rushed to the teacher: "Sure, I'll go and see!"

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