Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1255: Fifty-eight

At this time, Teacher Yu discovered that the light in the room was bright and that something had been cleaned up by Shuyan. He stepped a few steps inside, and saw the broken and familiar Buddha statue, his face suddenly changed.

Chi Shuyan cared about the baby sister’s birth, and had no time to explain to the teacher. However, seeing him gritted his teeth and trembled all over, he was obviously scared and confused. Before going out, Chi Shuyan patted the teacher. On the shoulder, telling him it's okay.

Teacher Yu's face is still as ugly as before.

He can now be sure that his sister has always been pregnant with a child and was not born. I am afraid that this is the problem with this strange Buddha statue. When I think of this thing, it is very evil. If it were not for the beautiful face, I am afraid that he would die at home tonight. Not only did Teacher Yu turn pale, the color of her lips faded one by one, but she was frightened and fearful, and she was very grateful to Shu Yan.

Seeing that Teacher Yu was still dumbfounded, Chi Shuyan heard the old lady Yu's anxious complaining outside: "Boss, are you there? Did you call the hospital for emergency? Xiaowei was just about to give birth, why did your wife suddenly If you say you're unconscious, you're unconscious? What can I do? Why is my daughter so fate!"

The old lady listened to the fierce howling of her daughter, and howled with tears in her eyes, while rushing to the kitchen to boil water.

Chi Shuyan immediately went out and walked into the Yuwei room.


Because of her severe stomachache, Yu Wei's face was very pale, and her forehead was in dense cold sweat. Her body was not well. After a while, her body was exhausted, and she was lying on the bed with her dying person who was just salvaged from the water. .

Chi Shuyan's right eyelid jumped sharply, his eyes fell on her bulging stomach, and he immediately transported aura into it.

It's a pity that she lost for a long time. Although Yu Wei's complexion improved, the child in her stomach didn't absorb the aura she gave, and there was no reaction at all.

Chi Shuyan faintly felt that it was not good. I am afraid that nine out of ten fetuses in the stomach may be stillborn. After all, this child is really not a Nezha. He was supposed to give birth in September, but he was held in his stomach for a few months. , Where can I live?

"Mom, it hurts... I hurt!" Yu Wei was half awake and suffocated a few words. Just as she was about to be brought in with boiling water, the old lady heard it, and the crying called distressed: "My poor girl! Why is the child's life so bitter?"

The old lady Yu cried and saw that the boss hadn’t come, she hurriedly shouted: "Boss, what are you up to? Your sister is in pain. Did you call the hospital for emergency? By the way, to the old man. The Yang family made a phone call. At any rate, my daughter died so painfully to take over the golden grandson of the old Yang family. How can the old Yang family not send anyone here?"

The more the old lady Yu thought about her daughter's life, the more bitter she felt, but soon the old lady thought that her daughter might give birth to a baby grandson or a fairy golden grandson. Seeing Lao Yang's family do not regret it?

Teacher Yu was indeed very worried about his sister at the moment, and she didn't care about the unconscious daughter-in-law, so she hurried to the room where her sister gave birth. Seeing that Shuyan was there, Teacher Yu was subconsciously relieved.

In fact, Chi Shu's face was calm when she first saw human birth, and she was still a little flustered. After all, she had a practice of ghost hunting, and she really couldn't deliver children.

Thanks to the old lady who has delivered babies before, she has some experience. If the doctor doesn't come, she can deliver her daughters by herself.

Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the old lady's behavior. She couldn't help with the delivery, but it was still possible to give Yu Wei some aura from time to time.

She discovered that the teacher’s sister, Xiao Wei, was suffering from a severe physical loss, and her essence was obviously insufficient. She didn't think much about it before, but now it is almost certain that the lack of micro essence might not be related to the Buddha statue.

No, Chi Shuyan thought about the Buddha statue, and the old lady Yu also thought about the Buddha statue. She subconsciously wanted to take out the Buddha statue under her daughter's pillow and let her daughter hold her and bless her.

But how did she know that she was looking for it, and there was nothing under the pillow, without the slightest Buddha statue.

The old lady Yu believed that the expert also believed in the Buddha statue. At this moment, seeing that the Buddha statue was missing, she was panicked, but she had to deliver the baby and couldn't make it, so she rushed to her own old road: "Boss, mom left Where is the Buddha statue under your sister’s pillow? Did you take it? If you didn’t take it, hurry up and find it for your mother, so you can hold it for your sister. Bless your sister!"

The old lady Yu took care of the delivery and didn't see Teacher Yu was hearing his mother mention the Buddha statue, her face was ugly and frightened. If it wasn't for the situation right now, Teacher Yu wanted to settle the Buddha statue with his mother.

Afraid of his mother being distracted by the delivery, Teacher Yu had to pretend to be stupid: "Mom, I really didn't see it. Maybe where did the younger sister put the Buddha statue? Or don't forget it, it's more important to deliver the baby first, etc. Is it not too late for Xiaowei to find the Buddha statue after giving birth?"

It is very important for the old lady to see the Buddha statue, but now no one is as important as the fate of her daughters and daughters, so the old lady Yu agreed and hurriedly delivered the baby for her daughters.

Fortunately, Chi Shuyan was sending aura from time to time, and he opened the mouth of the palace quickly.

A few hours later, the child came out quickly, and the old lady screamed excitedly and quickly said: "Xiaowei, try harder, my dear fairy Jinsun has seen his head, you put on harder, he will soon After you come out, your life in the Yang family will be easier in the future!"

Yu Wei pained to death and alive. It had been painful all night. After hearing his mother's last words, he gritted his teeth and worked hard, and the child immediately slipped out of her legs.

After Yu Wei gave birth to the child, he passed out. The old lady Yu was sure that her daughter was okay and the child was born again. That was a joy and excitement.

The newborn, Chi Shuyan and the teacher did not dare to touch, but the old lady Yu was busy and cautiously about to pick it up, but just about to pick it up, the old lady Yu saw that this child was very different from other children.

I saw half of this child’s yellow and tender skin from a normal child, and half of his body skin, including his face, body, and right leg, was burnt black. The two colors formed an extreme contrast, which was really scary.

Old lady Yu shook her hand immediately, and almost threw the child out of her arms in fright, screaming and shaking her voice: "Boss, old... boss, what's the matter? What's the matter...what's the matter?"

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