Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1256: fifty-nine

Don’t say that the old lady was frightened at this time. Even Teacher Yu was frightened by the child born to her sister. His face was greatly changed with horror. Even his mouth trembled and he swallowed saliva. I couldn't hold back a word, I only knew that I was staring at the child in my own mother's hands. It took a long time to squeeze out a few words: "Mom, I...I don't know!"

Chi Shuyan knew that the other half of the child's body was scorched because of evil spirits entering the body.

Before she could speak, the old lady Yu quickly took off the child’s calf and looked in. When she saw that the child was a girl and not her golden grandson, her eyes turned black, completely disappointing the old lady. Mrs. Yu was greatly irritated, and she was always unwilling to believe how her baby, the fairy grandson Jin, became a granddaughter, and the child's appearance is also strange and ugly. If it weren't for the child's own daughter, Yu Lao The wife left her hands alone too early and was too lazy to manage.

But it doesn’t mean that the old lady disliked how long this grandson Jin became a granddaughter. The old lady Yu also discovered that the child hadn’t cried or moved since just now. This is really a big stimulus, and she didn’t even bother to dislike the child, and went immediately. The child patted **** his buttocks a few times. In the end, the child’s **** was swollen, but the child didn’t even say a word of crying, nor did he respond at all, just like a stillbirth!

Old Mrs. Yu and Teacher Yu looked terrified, she couldn't believe it, and it was even more unacceptable. Old Mrs. Yu threw the child on the bed and was shocked with a scream. She didn’t care about her face, sitting on the ground and slapping her legs. Crying: "My poor girl, how can my life suffer? My poor grandson, how can it be possible? The expert said that the child will be a god, be healthy, and be particularly promising when he grows up. How... how could it be possible ..." Is it stillborn?

Old Mrs. Yu is a person of the older generation, some patriarchal but not serious. The reason why she is very patriarchal to the children of her maiden’s belly, on the one hand, she is sure that the superior is right, on the other hand, she also knows It’s hard for her daughter to live in Lao Yang’s family. It’s only when she has a grandson that her life will be better. She only hopes that her daughter will give birth to a grandson for Lao Yang’s family. The Lao Yang family dare not treat her daughter badly. A stillbirth? How will her daughter live in the Yang family in the future?

The more she thought about it, the more grief came from the old lady, she burst into tears and suddenly pulled her boss's trousers and cried heartbreakingly: "Boss, boss, what should your sister do in the future? What should she do in Lao Yang's house? I'm suffering. My daughter Yo! How will she live in the future!"

Chi Shuyan saw that the old lady’s voice became louder and louder. Seeing Yu Wei on the bed frowning and trying to wake up, she immediately said: “Old lady, sister Xiaowei is still resting after giving birth. If you quarrel her Woke up……"

She didn't say much in the second half of the sentence, and the old lady Yu immediately cried with the duck who was pinched by the neck, and her crying voice was obviously weakened, but her face was still unsightly and her voice was choking.

Teacher Yu was also greatly shocked by the stillbirth of his sister. He subconsciously asked for help and looked at the student Shuyan, and when he saw Shuyan shook his head at him.

Teacher Yu staggered, his eyes were red, and his eyes were full of pain.

Chi Shuyan felt uncomfortable seeing the appearance of the teacher. To tell the truth, although she could practice Taoism, she really couldn't do anything about stillbirth. What's more, she obviously realized that the child's soul was no longer there.

Of course, she wasn't sure whether the child's soul was swallowed by the Buddha statue or where it went. Seeing the shock of the family, she couldn't talk about it first.

Teacher Yu thought a lot at this moment. He faintly knew that the child in her sister's belly might become a stillborn child. It might have something to do with the Buddha statue, but when he thought that the Buddha statue was given to his sister by her mother, Teacher Yu couldn't say much.

Wait a minute, no, this Buddha is like a ghost made by some master, and even has something to do with Jiang Li's woman. After all, since Jiang Li's act of stealing Xiaowei's husband, why can't she do anything to harm Xiaowei? thing.

Thinking of this, Teacher Yu's face was very cold. If this matter is really related to Jiang Li, then he would have to ask why she did this, and why they Yu Jia and Xiaowei are sorry for her.

Teacher Yu was holding back a lot of things in his heart, but he dared not make trouble in the small room like his mother, holding his stillborn baby and taking his mother out of the room first.

Mrs. Yu still cried her father and mother all the way out of the room, crying very miserably.

Teacher Yu was hit by the big blow but calmed down a lot. He had no time to comfort the old lady at the moment. He had a lot of questions in his mind to ask Shuyan. Chi Shuyan knew what the teacher meant, and nodded at him: "Teacher Yu, I Go to your study and wait for you, so comfort the old lady first! The old lady may feel uncomfortable at the moment!"

Teacher Yu was grateful and shouted thanks again and again.

Chi Shuyan didn't stay in the home study for a long time, and Teacher Yu arrived on his back. At this time, it was already bright outside. Thinking of Shuyan being busy at home all night, Teacher Yu was grateful and guilty.

Chi Shuyan said, "Teacher Yu, let's talk about business first! I have already collected that thing, and I will take away the Buddha statue first, but it doesn't mean that the matter is over, and your family is fine!"

Having said this, Chi Shuyan's tone paused. Teacher Yu didn't know what he thought of after listening. He shuddered severely and continued to listen carefully to Shuyan's words: "I have two important things to give to Teacher Yu. First, you'd better take leave of absence to accompany the old lady recently, so that she must never take any Buddha statues home, and ask the old lady about her superior appearance and causes and consequences. If you can tell me carefully that the expert looks better. Secondly, observe carefully what is wrong with the old lady. If the old lady finds the expert, you can tell me immediately when you see the person clearly. I will also help with this. I have a friend in the police station, teacher, don’t panic!"

After listening to Shu Yan's words, Teacher Yu's heart was throbbing with a sigh of relief, but the thought of Xiaowei's stillborn child made Teacher Yu really uncomfortable.

Chi Shuyan also wanted to comfort Teacher Yu because of the stillbirth, but it really couldn't be comforted. As for how to deal with the stillbirth, she couldn't intervene in the matter of stillbirth. Teacher Yu should be able to handle it well, and finally only comforted. Said: "Teacher Yu, sorry!"

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