Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1259: Sixty two

The man said that he stared sharply at the two bags in her hand, his thin lips pressed tightly without speaking, his eyesight and the hidden blade wanted to penetrate the two bags, his eyes were very bad.

But the man's emotions are deep, and if you don't look carefully, you really can't see anything.

Although Chi Shuyan noticed the other's unusual gaze, she didn't think much about it, but she was a little surprised and confused. If she had a correct memory, she could tell the true meaning of the other party last night. This man made her'get off' last night. , What is it to come to see her again this morning?

Now that she broke up, where did she go last night?

Does this man care too much?

Chi Shuyan wanted to speak without mercy, but to face the man’s inexplicable gloomy face, it was too ugly to make trouble early in the morning. In fact, she even wanted to ignore people and treat people as transparent people and bypass them into school, lest they go into school. Broke her mood.

She thought for a while, and finally realized that the Qi family had treated her well in the past, and they still gave the other side a bit of face. She replied: "A teacher's house had a temporary accident last night. He called me over and I went there!"

Qi Zhenbai was dissatisfied with this answer, and even more dissatisfied with the alienated and cold tone of the woman in front of him. Had it not been for him to learn about her whereabouts and things from Li Yuchu last night, Qi Zhenbai would not have thought about knowing this woman. The mood of not returning overnight.

But despite this, knowing that she hadn't returned to the villa all night, but lived in another ‘man’’s house last night, Qi Zhenbai’s blue veins on his forehead jumped.

But today he was here to make peace or not to quarrel. Qi Zhenbai strongly suppressed the anger that had been suffocating all night, pinched his eyebrows, calmed down, and rarely showed weakness and said: "Daughter-in-law, how are we making up? You last night I don’t think I’ve heard those words before, so shall we get along as well as before?”

This man has an advantage if he looks good. Seeing the always strong man in front of him suddenly shows weakness, Chi Shu's face is startled. If she changes to another woman, she would have been soft-hearted long ago, but Chi Shu's face is different, she feels that she has a strong heart. Hard, living a lifetime of experience, let her not be a soft-hearted girl with a few words, but made her a little more rational.

She doesn’t want to calculate the old account and keep caring about the unfeeling of the man in front of her, but she simply feels that the two are really inappropriate.

Instead of getting divorced after getting married, it's better to break up early. Besides, now she is really not thinking about feelings.

So Chi Shuyan didn't want to refuse without hesitation: "No, but really goodbye. Breaking up means breaking up. I think Shao Qi, you are not a sloppy character."

Chi Shuyan doesn't care how gloomy or ugly the man in front of him is at this time. Since she broke up, she doesn't need to persuade her. After thinking about it, she feels that what she said last night is quite clear. This man shouldn't come to her again. , And the man in front of him should not be a sloppy character.

After all, the other party still has feelings for her, Chi Shuyan’s eyes are a little complicated to look at the other party, but it’s just a bit complicated.

If it were not for a lifetime of experience, I am afraid she would not be able to be so decisive. After all, she would have lived a lifetime longer and experienced life and death. What else can't be seen?

But entanglement like this is not the way to get entangled. After thinking about it, she added: "Qi Zhenbai, I think we are really inappropriate! So it's a matter of reconciliation, I hope we...get together!" She still couldn't say the last two words, mainly because the face of the man in front of him was too scary and ugly at the moment, with bulging veins on his forehead, and although there was no expression on his face, it was more scary than having an expression.

Chi Shuyan couldn't help wondering if she was a bit too unsympathetic. After all, she had talked about a relationship. Even if she wanted the two to stay together forever, there was no need to say it. Moreover, she just didn't want to be entangled with the man in front of her, but she didn't plan to. Draw a clear relationship with the Qi family, and she still thinks about dealings with Qi old son, Qi mother, and Qi Hao.

After thinking about it, she still feels hypocritical to say a few good things and supplement the scenes, and then adds a few words: "I hope you will find a suitable woman again in the future! A happy life for a lifetime, and an early son!"

She said these words sincerely. Although she might feel a little bit sad when thinking of the man in front of her in the future, marrying a wife and having children, the two paths have been completely different since she decided to take the two paths of cultivation.

She looked at the man in front of her more, and with the look of this man, she would never lack a woman. Thinking about this, Chi Shuyan was not ashamed, and looked at him calmly.

But I didn’t know that Qi Zhenbai’s **** heart was gone when she was behind. The hands behind his back tightened, the bones squeaked and creaked, and the joints were distinct and white, and his complexion was more than just being able to. To describe it as gloomy.

When it comes to this, Chi Shuyan has nothing to do with this man. She deliberately raised her wrist to look at the time, and nodded at the other party: "It’s getting late. I have to go to school in the future. Talk again when you have time! If you can't be a couple, you can still be friends, right!"

She absolutely talked about the last sentence at will. The scenes sounded nice, otherwise she seemed too unfeeling too!

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