Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1260: sixty-three

Back to the school class, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief, and put the two bags on the table, thinking that when he entered school just now, the man stared at her gloomy and gloomy eyes, and shuddered inexplicably, but thought She thought that she had broken up. She really didn't need to persuade her. Her expression was better. Besides, she didn't think that Qi Zhenbo was a man who couldn't afford to let go.

If it were other men, it might still be a little bit possible, but Qi Zhenbai, this man, has always been calm, self-sufficient and decisive. Whether it's about the other side or his own feelings, maybe he still has some feelings for her, but he After a few days, when the feelings faded, it would be almost the same. Moreover, she was not the only woman left in the world. If she was the only woman left, it might be possible for a man to keep entangled.

Without her, let alone, someone might find a better and more suitable one than her.

She has always believed in this. After all, people have family background, ability, and appearance, and it is impossible to find a better one.

Thinking about it this way, Chi Shuyan sighed and sighed. After all, it was the first love that was devoted to her wholeheartedly in her two lifetimes. No matter how sensible and thorough, she would occasionally feel a little disappointed and regretful.

Perhaps one day when she looks back, she might regret not saving this relationship, but at least she does not regret it now, and she also knows that the two characters are really inappropriate.

If you agree, you will come; if you don't, you will disperse.

But speaking of it, the man’s words of weakness just now shocked her a bit. Forget it, the two of them are not fate, and Chi Shuyan no longer thinks about the gloomy man staring at her just now, wishing to stare at her in a cold hole. With her eyes closed, she no longer thinks about emotional matters related to the man anymore. The emotional matters are too complicated. Since she has chosen the path of cultivation, she should go on firmly, and breaking up is not a matter of family.

When it is broken, it is broken, and when it is continuous, it is chaos!

Still decisive, the lotus root is too ugly!

As soon as Chi Shuyan adjusted her mood, she saw when Yang Lan took the initiative to come over with a smile and greeted her naturally: "Shuyan! What are these two bags?"

Chi Shuyan saw that Yang Lan came over and smiled a little, and she saw Yang Lan opening the bag naturally as she said, glanced inside, and found that they were all lunch boxes, but she couldn't see what was delicious inside. Don't know who sent it?

There are a lot of good fruits next to it.

Thinking of this, Yang Lan's eyes flashed. Last night, I saw an accident in the coffee shop. Yang Lan vaguely guessed something, but she was in a good mood to see the late woman in front of him. Yang Lan felt unsure for a while. He asked: "Shu Yan, who delivered these breakfasts? Could it be your Mr. Qi! You are too blessed!"

Chi Shuyan is now taking precautions against Yang Lan. After cheating on her last night, he could still be so natural and so innocent to talk to her to try and squint her eyes.

Chi Shuyan didn't speak, and Yang Lan didn't notice any difference. It was still early to take the time, so she sat on the stool in front of her and turned around, her eyes flashed, and she suddenly said, "By the way, Shuyan, last night you... Are you OK!"

Why would Chi Shuyan not know what the woman in front of him wanted to test, she was curious about the reason why the other party had repeatedly targeted her, and her tone was not salty and not indifferent: "What can I do?"

Yang Lan was stunned. Some of the things she wanted to test originally choked, but Yang Lan was unwilling to miss the show. She is also a smart person, knowing that what she did last night might be exposed at any time, so she took the initiative to explain: " Shuyan, we were wrong. After Zhen Yu and I parted ways with you last night, we saw you and Mr. Qi near the coffee shop. We met Feng Xiaoshao not long afterwards."

Having said this, Yang Lan's interest in Feng Yuancen seemed to be unabated, and a faint dim light flashed in his eyes, and Chi Shuyan did not directly expose her, but quietly listened to what she said.

Yang Lan said with an apologetic expression: "At that time, Feng Xiaoshao said that he was looking for you. Zhen Yu and I were surprised to see Feng Xiaoshao holding a bunch of flowers in his hands, but didn't think much, and then I told Zhen Yu told him where you are?"

At this point, Yang Lan's tone became more and more sorry, and her expression of guilt was very uncomfortable. If she had not seen through the woman in front of her, she might have been deceived by the other party's acting skills. This acting is really good. It's a pity not to be an actor. Up.

Seeing that even though Yang Lan had dragged Zhen Yu into the water, she didn't put all the blame on Zhen Yu, it was considered that this woman had some conscience, but she didn't dare to touch her anymore.

Although Chi Shuyan was not afraid of tearing his face with the other party, he also planned to tear his face with the other party, but he did not plan to make trouble in the classroom at school and it would be too ugly for people to watch.

What the kid Feng Yuancen did at school last night might have made her famous. How could everyone in the class see her with such weird eyes?

Fortunately, her psychological quality is still good, and she directly ignores the strange and weird eyes of everyone in the class. She now hopes that the kid Feng Yuancen made the incident last night and immediately suppress it.

She squinted her eyes: "Since it is unintentional, then forget it!"

Since the other party can act, why can't she act? What happened last night, sooner or later, she will settle accounts with the woman in front of her!

Yang Lan's eyes became more and more guilty: "Shuyan, that President Qi didn't misunderstand, right? Or, I will explain to you and the President Qi myself? By the way, I will also explain to Xiao Shao for you? By the way, that Feng Xiao Where is the little boy? Nothing happened in the cafe last night! Why did I see the ambulance last night?"

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