Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1308: one hundred and ten

As soon as Yang Kun's agent finished speaking, Ruan Shenglin, the actor on the side, became more anxious.

Compared with Yang Kun, the agent who wants to buy more Fulu insurance, Ruan Shenglin, the actor, is really anxious. On the one hand, for fear that Kun will buy more, he will not have to buy or buy less.

On the other hand, he is more worried that the master in front of him will not sell Talismans to him. He is quite restrained, but he is really anxious at the moment, and his anxious look is on his face. It is rare to please look at Chi Shuyan on his face. No matter how much money is made, the words are definitely a master of money.

Chi Shuyan likes such a client. She is naturally willing to do a single business, but thinking of the other's attitude just now, she deliberately said: "I thought that Emperor Ruan couldn't look down on me like this talisman?" After finishing talking to the broker, Yang Kun The person asked, "How many talisman Yang is still short of?"

Chi Shuyan only paid attention to Brother Kun and ignored him. Ruan Shenglin snorted in his heart, his face paled a lot, but Yang Kun quickly said that he wanted to buy more talisman with a look of ecstasy.

Chi Shuyan directly took out ten exorcism and ten peace talisman and handed them over. Each one was 100,000 yuan, and asked Yang Kun, the agent, to transfer her Alipay account directly, and then left. Before leaving, she rushed to the sluggish King Ruan. Said that if you want to buy a symbol, you can buy it directly from the broker, Yang Kun.

Based on the friendship between the two, Chi Shuyan is not afraid that Yang Kun, the agent, will not sell the talisman to the other party, but what Chi Shuyan does not know is that Yang Kun does sell the talisman to Ruan Shenglin, but he only sells a few. Zhang, these photos are still the result of a long quarrel between the two. It can be seen that the two have a rarity for Fuluo. This is for the time being.

After leaving the Ruan’s villa, Chi Shuyan originally wanted to take a taxi to Yu’s house as usual, but before getting on the bus, he suddenly received a call from Brother Feng. He heard that Brother Feng was very close to her, and he still had something to say to her. , Chi Shuyan had no choice but to stop taking a taxi and waited for Brother Feng's car to drive over.

Fifteen minutes later, a familiar police car stopped beside her, Feng Yuanlin rolled down the window, and Chi Shuyan saw Feng Ge's familiar outline.

"Get in the car, Shu Yan!"

Chi Shuyan also didn't want to stop him, and bypassed the passenger seat on the other side.

As soon as she got in the car, Feng Yuanlin went straight to the subject and said, "Shu Yan, do you know what happened to the Yu family recently?"

When Chi Shuyan heard this, her expression was rarely dignified, and she pursed her lips and said, "Brother Feng is talking about children?"

Because she just received a call from Yu's family at Ruan's house, she also knew it from Yu's mouth.

Originally, after Yu Wei gave birth to the stillbirth, Teacher Yu's family chose to bury the corpse in the soil and let her into the soil for safety. This is not because the child had just been buried for a few days, or if Yu Wei woke up and was stimulated by the child, he wanted to see it. Child, the Yu family didn’t even know that the grave they set up for the child had been passed away. It happened to find that the child’s abdominal heart, intestines, and various organs had been hollowed out, leaving only an empty shell buried in it. This sounded like nothing. Appalling.

It was at that time that Chi Shuyan picked up the phone from Yu's home, and she heard a bit of chill in her back when Teacher Yu said about it. This was what she was going to talk to the Ruan family just now.

However, the Ruan family is much more fortunate than the Yu family. After thinking about it, she felt that the Ruan family was quite irritated today. There was another heavy stimulus. She was afraid that the Ruan family could not stand it.

Before Chi Shuyan wanted to get absorbed, Feng Yuanlin suddenly opened his face again and asked solemnly: "Shuyan, what can you see from this?"

Chi Shuyan sighed when he heard Brother Feng's questioning. To be honest, this matter was really complicated. She really couldn't see anything for a while, and could only say that the people behind him never let the child go to death, and behind him. I am afraid that the purpose of human beings is mainly in the child, even not to let go of all the internal organs in the child's abdominal cavity. What exactly does the person behind want to do?

But this visit to Ruan’s house is not without gain, at least let her know how Qin Qing this woman has something to do with this matter, what she is most curious about now is what role Qin Qing plays in this matter, and Is there a direct or indirect relationship between this matter?

Thinking of Qin Qing's previous relationship with Brother Feng, Chi Shuyan hesitated to say and looked at Brother Feng who was driving, not knowing how to speak about it.

Feng Yuanlin suddenly said, "Shuyan, I only found out some of the things you asked me to check last time. Although the old lady Yu Jia and Miss Zi Zi were specially recommended to the expert, they were recommended. Their people have nothing to do with the people behind the Buddha statue!"

Feng Yuanlin did not conceal the name of'Jiang Li' directly. Speaking of this woman surnamed Jiang, it led to a series of dog-blood dramas at the Miss’s husband’s house in Yu Jiatong. As for the tertiary hospital, except for serious problems. In addition, it has nothing to do with the Buddha statue.

Except for these two incidents, Feng Yuanlin did not find any pregnant women who were given a black Buddha statue around. When he first learned about this, Feng Yuanlin breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the person behind the statue was not a cruel person. Just waiting to learn about the stillbirth of Yu's family, Feng Yuanlin dispelled his previous thoughts in his heart, and only felt more uneasy in his heart.

It’s too peaceful at the moment. On the contrary, Feng Yuanlin had a premonition before the storm. Recently, his right eyelid jumped. Feng Yuanlin only hoped that he would think more. At this time, he was unwilling to think about other things, so he simply transferred to other questions: " By the way, Shuyan, why are you here now?"

Feng Yuanlin glanced at the area through the rearview mirror, and found that this is a rich area, where did Shu Yan come here? Or is something wrong here?

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