Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1309: One hundred and eleven

Chi Shuyan took care of the Ruan family affairs, including the banquet last night and today, but was surprised that Feng Yuanlin almost didn't stop the brakes directly, and his expression was horrified, but fortunately Feng Yuanlin asked himself as an experience. After a lot of strong winds and waves, he immediately calmed down after a while, but his face sank again when he thought about the black Buddha statue.

Chi Shuyan did not deliberately avoid the name when he said this. Ruan Shenglin is also very familiar with the name. Speaking of it, Ruan Shenglin is the only actor he likes. On the one hand, this person is very famous, on the other hand, the other party’s acting skills, The reputation is really good. He has also seen several plays that this actor has played. They are really good, so after being shocked, he is more surprised. He didn't expect this actor Ruan to be so unlucky.

Feng Yuanlin sighed and suddenly said, "No wonder there are so many reports on this King Ruan today! I really thought this one was addicted to drugs again, but I didn't expect to be an evil!" After a pause, Feng Yuanlin said again. With a bit of entertaining ridicule: "However, this actor Ruan is also very lucky. Not only did he meet Shuyan, he also believed in you. If he doesn’t believe you, he will treat you as a liar. This kid will definitely regret his intestines in the future! Unexpectedly, this King Ruan still has some eyesight!"

Chi Shuyanxin said that people did not believe her at first, but she had the strength and nothing was a big deal. Soon her attention was focused on the news. She rushed to Ruan’s house this morning, and she really didn’t watch the news and heard the news. Brother asked, a little curious: "What news?"

After Feng Yuanlin finished speaking, Chi Shuyan knew what happened at the dinner last night, that is, the story of the King Ruan's sudden'pinching and beating people' drug addiction has been on the news, and there are still vague videos. Issue the certificate together.

The entertainment circle is really deep!

It’s just that Yang Kun’s agent and Ruan Shenglin’s movie emperor never responded. As for whether he didn’t want to respond or the other party didn’t know about it, Chi Shuyan didn’t know. Brother Feng stopped talking about this subject after a sudden call.

Feng Yuanlin buckled his earplugs and picked up the phone. He was driving. He did not look at the phone screen just now. When he heard Zhenbai’s familiar voice, Feng Yuanlin’s lips curled up and he was in a good mood: "Yo, Zhenbai Why are you free to call me now? What are you looking for?"

After Feng Yuanlin knew that it was Zhenbai who made the call, he subconsciously glanced at Shu Yan in the passenger seat next to him, but he did not forget that the young couple seemed to have quarreled before, and they were so noisy. As for the point of breaking up, Feng Yuanlin still doesn't know whether the reconciliation is good or not.

Feng Yuanlin still thinks that the main reason why the couple broke up is because of his younger brother. Although his cousin is still in the hospital these days, he honestly can't cause trouble to him, and he has no life safety. He is in a good mood. He was a little bit less angry with Zhenbai, who kicked his cousin into the hospital. He was rarely in the mood to joke. Before he could speak, he deliberately said: "How can I find your wife? In the co-pilot position next to me!"

Qi Zhenbo's eyes condensed after hearing Brother Feng's words, and immediately said, "Have you had lunch? Let's eat together?"

Feng Yuanlin knew that his brother was a drunkard who meant not to drink. It is estimated that the purpose of inviting him to dinner was all on Shu Yan. Feng Yuanlin had a bit of confidence in his heart, and deliberately hummed and teased: "Which green onion am I? Zhenbai, your kid will invite me to dinner too? I can’t agree with this personally, I have to ask Shuyan first!"

Feng Yuanlin sighed about the plastic brotherhood of the two, and directly asked Zhenbai about the dinner. Chi Shuyan didn't want to have much contact with each other, so he asked Feng to send her back to the villa.

Qi Zhenbai over there vaguely heard his wife's reply, his face sank sharply, and suddenly he spoke, with a rare request in his tone: "Brother Feng, help bring my daughter-in-law here! I accept this love."

Feng Yuanlin sighed when he heard that this kid would only soften a little bit in the beauty of his face, and his always strong character would converge a little.


One thing drops one thing!

Feng Yuanlin is reluctant to look at his good brother, who is really making trouble with Shuyan. To be honest, it will not be easy for his brother to find such a capable, young and beautiful girlfriend in the future.

Shuyan is definitely the only one in his heart. When the couple were sticky before, Feng Yuanlin was quite envious and jealous. After experiencing Qin Qing’s miserable girlfriend, he felt that the brother Zhenbai was looking for a girl. My friend found Shuyan, such a young and beautiful girlfriend who has the ability, good character, and is not too lucky.

If you don't grasp it well, you will regret your intestines in the future. If Shuyan is the daughter-in-law of his good brother, maybe he can't help but want to chase people if he is a different person.

After hearing Zhen Bai’s words soften, Feng Yuanlin made a decision and reluctantly agreed. After hanging up the phone, Feng Yuanlin played an emotional card and said: "Shuyan, accompany Brother Feng to have lunch first. As the saying goes, there is free I don’t eat my lunch for nothing. How about we continue talking about business while having lunch?"

Before Shuyan refused, Feng Yuanlin once again persuaded: "If you really look at that boy Zhenbai, you will keep staring at Brother Feng. I don’t mind. Thinking about it, we haven’t been together for a long time. Have lunch!"

With that said, thinking of the possessiveness and jealousy of Zhenbo's brother, Feng Yuanlin still squeezed a cold sweat in his heart.

Chi Shuyan was amused by Feng's words now. Speaking of which, she still had Qin Qing talking with Feng. She thought about it, and there was not much rejection of this lunch, as long as she was not alone with a man. Feng's face still had to be given, so Chi Shuyan didn't think long before he agreed.

Not waiting for Brother Feng to finish excited, Chi Shuyan subconsciously asked, "Is there any other contact between Brother Feng and that Miss Qin?"

Chi Shuyan didn’t want to interfere with Brother Feng’s personal affairs. After thinking about it, he added: “As far as I know, this Miss Qin has something to do with the Buddha statue. This time the Ruan family Buddha statue was given by her. !"

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