Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1312: One hundred and fourteen

Feng Qin watched Yang Lan's temper and left, his simple face was anxious, and his eyes were a little confused. He didn't know where he had offended his girlfriend.

He was sluggish for a while, scratching his head and hurriedly greeted Chi Shuyan, and then hurriedly chased him. There was no trace of the anger on his face that Yang Lan had made him embarrassed by tearing down the stage before. Instead, he waited for him to catch up with him, looking at a loss Chong Yang Lan whispered to admit her mistake.

Not far away, Yang Lan didn't respond to the other party's love, with a look of disgust and indifference. Feng Qin's expression did not change. He poured tea and served the other party considerately, without the slightest resentment in his eyes. Instead, he was gentle and honest. .

Chi Shuyan, who has a very high standard, can't help but feel that Feng Qin has a good temper, and a true honest person can be called the best boyfriend of the year.

Speaking of it, her ideal boyfriend in the first two lives was really an honest person like Feng Qin, who didn’t have to look too good to live. He was gentle and honest, broad-minded, and he was capable and single-minded. the man.

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but look at her a few more times, a bit of envy flashed away in her eyes, but no matter how good the other person was, she was also a boyfriend of someone else. She didn't have the habit of stealing a boyfriend from someone else. Her boyfriend is still beside her.

And after experiencing the last relationship, some aspects of her liking for men have also changed a lot because of Qi Zhenbo's man, and now it is more emotion and appreciation.

Chi Shuyan sighed with emotion and planned to look away. A low and extremely magnetic man's voice suddenly remembered: "What are you looking at?"

Chi Shuyan noticed that the man next to her was very close. Because she was too close, her ears clearly felt the warm breath of the man's exhaled breath. Her body became stiff, and she subconsciously tilted her body slightly to keep the distance between the two and the other side. Distance, said lightly: "Nothing?"

Qi Zhenbo's insight is extraordinary. He had already collected his wife's series of subtle actions and expressions toward a man just now, including the envy and appreciation of his eyes.

If it wasn't for the other party to have a nominal girlfriend, Qi Zhenbai would be really unable to calm down at the moment, but now that the other party has a girlfriend, he still can't calm down a bit.

When he thought that his wife had never looked away from the man surnamed Feng just now, Qi Zhenbai only felt an urge to kill in his heart.

Fortunately, his personality is restrained, but even so, his face is still a little bit green at this time, and his tone is uncharacteristically aggressive: "Do you like the man surnamed Feng?"

After listening to the aggressive words of the other party, Chi Shuyan looked crazy and looked at the man beside her. If it hadn't been for Feng Ge in front of her, she would not have given face to leave first, so where could this man be given a chance to question her.

Before the man questioned her, he might as well think about the relationship between the two.

Chi Shuyan didn't want to say a word with a man next to him, and simply ignored the man next to him.

Fortunately, Feng Yuanlin suddenly chipped in, breaking the calm: "What is the matter of a young couple bullying my single dog and flirting in front of me?"

Chi Shuyan:...

Qi Zhenbai heard his brother's words, especially the words'Little Couple', which really caught his heart, and his cold and stern face was softer, his thin lips pressed lightly, and his lips curled up with a smile and said: "Sheng Now, I won’t flirt with my daughter-in-law and talk about it later!"

When he said this, he emphasized the words'my daughter-in-law'. Feng Yuanlin couldn't bear to look directly at him when he saw and listened, and the corners of Chi Shuyan's mouth twitched fiercely, but she didn't want to quarrel with the man next to her. What? Just ignore this sentence and take the initiative to talk about other topics with Brother Feng.

Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but curiosity, and asked her numbly, "Shu Yan, are you familiar with the couple just now?"

Chi Shuyan nodded and shook his head: "It's okay, one is my classmate, the other is a friend introduced by a friend's boyfriend, but the latter has only one fate!"

Qi Zhenbai naturally knows who his wife’s classmate is. As for the one-sided fate that his wife said, the friend introduced by her boyfriend is undoubtedly the man named Feng just now. He finally feels much better, and his face looks colder and colder. Softly and faintly said: "That's it!"

Chi Shuyan glanced at a man beside him, very speechless.

Feng Yuanlin also caught Feng Qin's low-pitched apology just now. He has been in the police for many years. He saw the nature of the woman named Yang just now. He narrowed his eyes and said: "The guy named Feng is an honest person, but that surname Feng's kid really doesn't have any eyesight. It's okay to find a girlfriend who is inconsistent in appearance, and kick it early, otherwise some will be dragged down by that woman in the future and it will be bad luck! Being dumped is considered lucky for that kid!"

At a glance, that woman is not the master of a good wife and mother.

For Brother Feng’s evaluation, Chi Shuyan looked at him quite unexpectedly, mainly because he was too accurate in seeing people, but he could see that Yang Lan was inconsistent with each other at a glance, why didn't he see the inconsistency of Qin Qing's woman. ?

Feng Yuanlin seemed to see Shu Yan's thoughts, and coughed a few times with embarrassment on his face, and quickly changed the subject: "Go, go, don't talk about this!" Turning his head to Zhenbai and deliberately asked: "Yes, Zhenbai, Why is your kid so leisurely asking me to have dinner today?"

Without waiting for Qi Zhenbo to speak, Chi Shuyan continued to answer: "Not necessarily, Feng Ge is lucky!" At the blessing on his body, as long as Yang Lan does not let people take Feng Qin's luck from his body Sooner or later, Feng Qin soared into the sky, and Yang Lan wanted to drag him down!

Chi Shuyan said this to seek truth from facts, but did not notice that the face of a man next to her suddenly became gloomy again. Feng Yuanlin was also a bit taken aback when listening, mainly listening to Shu Yan's tone, Shu Yan was not far away The man surnamed Feng is not so deep, if it weren't for Zhenbai in front of him, he would want to ask Shuyan why he keeps saying good things for that man?

Chi Shuyan didn’t know how Feng Ge’s brain was filled. She had always seen more than ordinary people. She looked at Feng Qin’s guy more seriously and found that the blessing light around him was brighter today, and she lifted her lips. Fen smiled suddenly and said, "Brother Feng has something good today!"

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