Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1313: One-hundred and fifteen

Feng Yuanlin originally wanted to inquire, but looking at the indifferent and gloomy face of Zhen Bai in front of him, it is really ugly. It is estimated that he is very jealous. Feng Yuanlin can't help feeling that this can be jealous? I couldn't help but laugh, but instead of deliberately irritating people like just now, I talked about other things with Shuyan.

Chi Shuyan withdrew his attention, and did not focus more on the couple Feng Qin and Yang Lan, but focused more on the black Buddha statue and what happened today in the Ruan family.

At this time, Qi Zhenbai spoke very little uncharacteristically, with a reserved face, and rarely spoke. Most of it was Chi Shuyan talking with Feng Yuanlin, but Chi Shuyan found that he didn't pick up many dishes, but the dishes in the bowl never lacked. , There is even a tendency to pile up into hills.

Seeing the hills in her bowl, her brows were slightly frowned, but she had been polite with the other several times just now, and they did not listen to her. In the end, Chi Shuyan insisted on not wasting food, so she had no choice but to put it in her mouth. Don’t say, the food in this restaurant is really delicious.

Just having an appetite, Chi Shuyan took several mouthfuls, occasionally echoing Feng's words.

When Qi Zhenbai saw his daughter-in-law finally ate the food he picked up, his gloomy expression was much softer, and the atmosphere of the three of them was just right.

A sudden cell phone ringing broke the calm, Chi Shuyan thought it was his cell phone at first, touched his pocket, and found that it was the cell phone ringing in the pocket of the man beside him.

Seeing that the man next to her hasn't answered the phone for a long time, she lightly tapped her finger on the man's cuff to remind: "The phone is ringing!"

Feng Yuanlin deliberately ridiculed: "Zhenbai, did you keep staring at Shu Yan just now, so you didn't hear the ringtone?"

Qi Zhenbai picked up the phone slowly, looked at his wife a few more times, Chi Shuyan looked away, and was very helpless at Feng Ge's ridicule of her and Qi Zhenbai from time to time.

Feng Yuanlin's gossip couldn't help but deliberately continue to ask: "Oh, Zhenbai, who called your kid?"

Qi Zhenbai gave the brother in front of him a warning look, and at first he was a little careless while answering the phone, until he heard what the other person said, his face changed vaguely, and he immediately got up and said to the two people: "I have something, go out to answer the phone. Come back in a while!"

When he said this, he kept staring at his wife. Seeing that she had no response, he was quite disappointed on his face. Then he immediately replied to calm down, got up and strode downstairs to answer the phone, but his expression became more serious and peaceful. indifferent.

Feng Yuanlin obviously noticed that Zhenbai's mood was a little wrong, and didn't know who called Zhenbai. His brows followed with a frown: "Shuyan, you should ask what happened to Zhenbai when you are free, and how do I look? He looked a little ugly just now?"

Chi Shuyan originally wanted to refuse, but under Brother Feng's worried eyes, he nodded and agreed: "Okay!"

At the entrance of Yipinxuan, Qi Zhenbai stood upright by the door and made a call. His face became more ugly and serious, and his tone was frosty and urged the human being on the opposite side of the phone: "Don't pay attention to people, let them go early!"

Qi Haoxin said that he didn’t have the skills for his cousin. The fourth uncle specially chose the old man’s absence, and brought the woman named Zhuang back to Qi’s house. He called the family relationship with the family. In fact, he still wanted his cousin to marry the woman he decided. He also introduced brainwashing to the uncle's aunt, and has been persuading the uncle's aunt that the woman surnamed Zhuang is more worthy of the cousin, he!

Qi Hao saw the uncle and aunt's face look ugly several times, if it wasn't for the fourth uncle, how could the uncle and aunt give the fourth uncle and aunt a little face.

What disgusted him the most was that his uncle and aunt, who had always treated him poorly to his family, had been using his elders to suppress him. He was suffocated in his heart. Qi Hao felt that he couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help saying: "Brother, do you want to come back quickly? Don't you know that this time the fourth uncle not only brought the woman named Zhuang to our house, but also brought an elder of that woman to discuss the marriage between the two families."

Qi Hao felt that his four uncles and aunts were too shameless. His brother was just a nephew, not their own son, and even his own son might not be willing to let them play like that.

After listening to Qi Hao's words, Qi Zhenbai's eyebrows were full of disgust, but thinking about the attitude of the family, he was not worried, by the way, let Qi Hao describe the appearance of the banker's elder.

"Nothing special, just a very gentle and ordinary old man. He said that it was the woman surnamed Zhuang or uncle. He had a good temper. He talked about it with his uncle and aunt. People didn't come to force marriage, but to come. I apologize and say that cousin you really have a girlfriend. If the two are unfavored, they will get along as ordinary friends in the future, but the fourth uncle and the fourth aunt are unwilling. They have been trying to match your woman with the same surname Zhuang in front of your uncle and aunt. The atmosphere is particularly embarrassing! I don’t understand, what advantage does the woman surnamed Zhuang get to make them want to tell you so much!"

Qi Hao paused and continued: "Brother, by the way, that Ms. Zhuang really seems to have a lot of interest in you. Every time I talk about you, the shy and shy look on my face is an eye-opener. , But you can’t sorry my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law is thousands and hundreds of times better than this woman in all aspects!"

"Don't bullshit!" Qi Zhenbai said sternly.

"Brother, when are you coming back? Are you coming back?" Qi Hao asked again.

Qi Zhenbai squinted and thought of Zhuang Yanru's clean and unusual background. To be honest, he really wanted to see Zhuang Yanru's uncle who went to Qi's house to see if there was anything tricky, but he thought that his wife was still there. In the dining room, he converged his expression and said lightly: "No more, the old man at home is not here, you just call him!"

"I see! Brother!" Qi Hao flattened his mouth, he heard the sound of Dudu hanging up the phone, rubbing! His brother is too unfeeling!

Qi Zhenbai had been on the phone for a long time. When he stepped in, he saw his wife and Yuan Lin stopped at the counter to buy the order. He stepped forward and asked in a low voice, "Why did you finish eating?"

Feng Yuanlin was about to reply, and suddenly came down a waiter from upstairs. The waiter was overwhelmed with excitement and shocked to the manager and shouted: "After...Manager, someone...someone picked it up in the toilet upstairs. Arrived in a duffel bag of gold!"

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