Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1314: One hundred and sixteen

The waiter's voice was too loud. As soon as his words fell, the originally messy first floor was instantly smashed by the news, and everyone looked at the waiter with shocked faces for a while.

Until a long time later, the restaurant manager regained his senses first, but his calm face was stimulated by a duffel bag of gold, his face stunned in disbelief, and his eyes stunned: "You...what did you...say?"

The waiter said the matter immediately. It turned out that there was a customer upstairs who went to the bathroom to go to the bathroom. Somehow he found a duffel bag in the bathroom. At first, they didn’t care. When they opened the zipper, they found that it was full of gold. People are stupid.

The man was really there. He didn't hide it. Instead, he came out and asked everyone upstairs if they had lost anything. Because the bag of gold was picked up in the restaurant, the other party informed the waiter of the restaurant.

This was the scene where the waiter went downstairs to inform the restaurant manager.

"After...Manager, do you want to... call the police first?" The waiter asked excitedly. He hadn't calmed down yet. He couldn't calm down even as a bystander when he thought of the bag of gold worth millions of millions of dollars.

Qi Zhenbai and Feng Yuanlin, who were going to leave here, stopped when they heard this. Qi Zhenbai was indifferent. In addition, he was born into the Qi family and was born in the Qi family. He had no mood swings for ten kilograms of gold.

As a policeman, Feng Yuanlin had to stop first when he encountered this incident. As soon as he was about to pass, he saw a familiar couple going downstairs. Among them, the man dragged a duffel bag downstairs, attracting the crowd on the first floor.

Feng Yuanlin almost recognized the couple at a glance. Isn't one Shuyan classmate? Isn't another friend who has only one side with Shuyan? The young man surnamed Feng just attracted Zhenbai's jealousy?


Is this guy so lucky?

Feng Yuanlin suddenly thought that Feng Qin, who Shu Yan mentioned before, had a good fortune. If something good happened today,

His face changed suddenly.

However, Feng Yuanlin has also been with Shuyan for a long time, and he is not surprised by Shuyan's ability, but he is surprised that Feng Qin is so lucky?

Feng Yuanlin looked at Shu Yan subconsciously, Chi Shuyan curled his lips and said: "From birth, people have good fortunes and bad fortunes. This Feng brother has a very good fortune. Picking up gold is not uncommon. thing!"

The corners of Feng Yuanlin's mouth twitched fiercely when he heard these words, with a look of envy and envy, especially when he heard the phrase "very good" described by Shu Yan, one can imagine how good the other party's fortunes are.

Chi Shuyan glanced at Brother Yanfeng’s face, raised her lips and added another deliberately: “For example, if there is a robbery or someone who wants to harm him, it’s only the bad luck of others, even if your gun is pointed at him and the injured Only you!"

This is a very clear explanation of Feng Qin's good fortune. Feng Yuanlin took a breath on the spot and blurted out a swear word: "Fuck!"

Originally, he was only a little bit jealous and envy, then after knowing the fortune of Young Man Feng, Feng Yuanlin's jealous eyes were red. You must know that they were a police officer. When they were on missions before, they all took their lives. If they didn't pay attention to the loss, they would lose their lives. If they had this fortune, Feng Yuanlin's chest was agitated and his face flushed.

Qi Zhenbai's eyes have been unwavering. He doesn't care if his fortune is good or not. What makes him have to care is that his wife's attention to the boy surnamed Feng not far away makes him feel uncomfortable.

Chi Shuyan didn't pay attention to the faint expression of a cold-faced man next to him. He turned around and continued: "Although good fortune is good, occasionally it is not a good thing, isn't it? As the saying goes, it's easy to get caught up with it? "

After Chi Shuyan’s words are finished, Feng Yuanlin is a wise man, almost immediately knowing what she means. Here’s quite fantasy.

In the world, it’s really not a good thing to have good luck.

Feng Yuanlin immediately stopped his envy, jealousy, and hatred. He looked over and saw that the young man surnamed Feng had a simple face and proactively said to the manager that he would call the police to deal with the matter. After all, the gold is worth a lot of money, but the surname is Feng. The woman beside the young man had a very ugly face and an annoyed look. Her eyes were staring at the duffel bag from time to time. There was a flash of greed in her eyes, and Feng Yuanlin could see clearly.

Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but whispered to Shu Yan: "This young man surnamed Feng is really nice, and he's really honest," Feng Yuanlin was deeply moved when he picked up such a large duffel bag of gold and was not greedy. The young man surnamed Feng was so simple and honest, he was very fond of him in his heart, and then he continued: "But this girlfriend by his side is really not worthy of him, Shu Yan, look at that woman with a look of disgust and disgust. The look in the boy's eyes, I guess he must be thinking of people as stupid, they are not conspiring to each other, these two people are not far away!"

Chi Shuyan sighed with emotion when he heard Brother Feng's face, and she burst into laughter, and she couldn't see Yang Lan's very ugly face in a distance. No need to guess, she also knew why Yang Lan's face was ugly at this time, and she was in a good mood!

Qi Zhenbai saw his wife staring at the boy named Feng not far away, and she suddenly took a step to directly block her vision, and also lost the height of others. For Chi Shuyan's height, the man who blocked her vision was almost the same A big mountain was so high that she couldn't see the distant scene when she stood on her toes.

She moved a few steps away, but the man didn't know whether she was keeping in front of her intentionally or unintentionally. The last thing she looked at was tired when she tilted her head up, and she didn't bother to look at developments not far away. Since Feng Qin called, The police should deal with the matter immediately, and the owner of this bag of gold should be found soon.

"Let's go, Brother Feng, there will be the police here to handle things in a while!"

Feng Yuanlin wanted to stay for a while to watch the excitement, so Zhen Bai directly made a sharp look at him: "Go!"

After talking about people's pace, the pace was steady, but it was a lot faster than usual. Feng Yuanlin thought that there was something urgent for Zhenbai, but didn't think much about it, so he regretted that he couldn't watch the excitement and follow along.

After leaving the entrance of the Yipinxuan restaurant, Chi Shuyan didn't plan to get on the bus with them, and said to Feng Feng, "Brother Feng, I have to go to Yu's house. You can go first!"

"I see you off!"

"Shu Yan, I'll give it to you!"

The two said in unison. When the words were over, Feng Yuanlin saw Zhen Bai's anxious eyebrows and couldn't help holding his stomach and laughed and said, "Yes, Shu Yan, let Zhen Bai send..." You,

Before Feng Yuanlin said this, a sharp woman not far away suddenly roared: "Feng Qin, have you considered me your girlfriend? Just now you picked up a duffel bag of gold and didn’t follow me. What does it mean to talk to other people first? Why do you just turn in?"

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