Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1315: One hundred and seventeen

When Yang Lan thought that Feng Qin had handed in all the gold just now, she was so annoyed that she would call someone a fool. She really didn't know that there was such a stupid and stupid person in this world. She was blind when she saw him.

Yang Lan hadn't broken up with the other party at this time, she felt that this period of time when she decided to date a man surnamed Feng was a blemish for her life. Thanks to her fortune gradually getting better and better, she could get rid of it in a few days. Man, you don’t need to be **** with the man in front of you all your life. If she really has to marry a surnamed Feng in the future, Yang Lan feels that she might as well go jumping in the river. With this man, she can’t see a trace of prosperity and a good life. hope.

Feng Qin looked a little surprised. Obviously he did not expect Yang Lan to be so angry and to accommodate his girlfriend. However, in some principles, Feng Qin was very stubborn. He didn't think he was wrong at all. Of course, he could see clearly now. Now, if he comforts Yang Lan with these words, I am afraid that the person who will provoke him will be even more angry. He has to have a good temper: "Lan Lan, the gold is not our money, but you can rest assured, I will definitely let you live a good life in the future. of!"


Here, Chi Shuyan and the three of them watched a farce, Feng Yuanlin shook his head, feeling that the two of them would never last.

Feng Yuanlin was not a gossip person either. After watching the gossip for a while, he was ready to leave. Before leaving, in order to get Shuyan to ride in Zhenbai’s car, Feng Yuanlin deliberately said again: "Shuyan, I still have I won’t give you anything else, just take Zhenbai’s car!"

Chi Shuyan saw that Brother Feng's meaning was very obvious, and then he saw that the man beside him had already pressed his lips, strode over to open the car door and signaled her to get in the car. Chi Shuyan had to walk over and get in the car.

As soon as Chi Shuyan got in the car, Qi Zhenbai greeted Feng Yuanlin, and then got into the driver's seat. His expression didn't change much, but he looked closely at the heavy eyes on the woman next to him. The deputy can't get tired of it.

Chi Shuyan didn't need to pay much attention and was keenly aware of the hot gaze of the other party falling on her. Her complexion was a little stiff, and she couldn't find the topic for a while. She simply looked out the window and after a long time, thinking that the man next to her might not know where Yu's family is. Just took out my phone, clicked on Baidu Navigation, and said, "Send me to Yujia!"

Seeing his daughter-in-law look like he had nothing to say, Qi Zhenbai pursed his thin lips again, his eyes dimmed and said nothing: "Sure!"

After the car drove some distance away, Chi Shuyan withdrew his eyes from the window, and couldn't help but glance at the indifferent man on the side.

Speaking of which, she still feels very complicated and contradictory towards Qi Zhenbai, a man. She just broke up before and was in an emotional time. In the name of a peaceful breakup, she wanted to be a stranger in the future. She really wanted to use this man to stay away from the Qi family.

She didn’t think much about it before, but now she has completely calmed down. Thinking about it, she is a bit selfish and hypocritical. Chi Shuyan sighed and decided to go with the flow of things in the future. There is no need to deliberately give men a look. Of course, the premise As long as this man no longer asks for reconciliation.

Although Qi Zhenbai’s eyes fell on his daughter-in-law’s look from time to time, he couldn’t really guess her thoughts from his daughter-in-law’s calm look. There was a red light ahead. Qi Zhenbai stepped on the brake and just thought Find a topic to chat with his wife, the phone ringing suddenly rang.

He put on his earplugs, and Feng Yuanlin's extremely anxious voice suddenly came over there: "Zhen Bai, is that you? You didn't take Shu Yan away? Something happened, can you find a place to turn around and return to the Yipinxuan restaurant just now? At the door in place?"

Qi Zhenbo knows the character of this brother. If it weren't for the urgent matter, Yuan Lin is unlikely to be so anxious and anxious: "Sure! You just wait where you are!"

After talking and waiting for the green light to turn on, Qi Zhenbai immediately turned around the front of the car, and explained to his wife: "Yan...Yan, Brother Feng is looking for you in a hurry, let us go back to where we were just now!"

Chi Shuyan was surprised by Qi Zhenbai’s notice. The car didn’t drive far. Three minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of Yipinxuan. Before Chi Shuyan got off the car, he saw Brother Feng hurriedly looked anxious. Catch up and slap the door.

Chi Shuyan didn't care to get out of the car, so she hurriedly rolled down the window and shouted, "Feng brother, what's the matter!"

"Something big! Shuyan! What a big thing!" Feng Yuanlin thought of the report of his own staff just now, and when Zhenbai drove the lock, he immediately screwed the car door to the back seat, his eyebrows were anxious, his face turned blue, and the bottom of his eyes. There was still a lot of panic. As soon as he got into the car, he did not hide it, and immediately said the matter: "Shuyan, did you ask me to find out the secrets of the Buddha statue? I was thinking about it, I was afraid this thing would harm too many pregnant women. , So I asked a group of people to check whether there were pregnant women with abnormal conditions in major hospitals. At that time, there were indeed no pregnant women with abnormal conditions. I was relieved at that time. Until today, they said in Xiaoshan that they accidentally hit a woman. In a remote village, I found that everyone in the village was enshrining the black Buddha statue, and the situation of the pregnant women in the village was very wrong."

The fact is actually more serious than what he said. He also heard from Xiaoshan that people in the village believed in that thing for several lifetimes, and it was said that countless pregnant women and babies died somehow in that village in several lifetimes. The people in the village thought it was them. The belief was not pious enough. Later, someone specially pointed out that a temple was built for it, but many people still died.

In short, when he thought of the things in the village at this moment, he was terrified and thoughtful.

Chi Shuyan's face changed drastically after listening to Feng's words, and immediately made a decision: "Fengge, let's go and see now!"

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