Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1316: One hundred and eighteen

Chi Shuyan drove to Dashan Village.

The main reason why Dashan Village is called Dashan Village is that it is surrounded by mountains. Although the place is close to Kyoto, it is very different from other villages. First of all, its area is very small. The entire Dashan Village has only a few dozen households and a maximum of 100 families. It is very remote and easily overlooked.

Chi Shuyan came to this village for the first time. To her surprise, the village is not poor. After all, it is very close to Kyoto. In addition, most of the village is self-sufficient. If it were not for the Buddha statues, the people in the village had a good life. .

Of course, these are all her observations on the surface of the car. The villagers in Dashan Village do not suffer from poverty. On the contrary, everyone is in good spirits, especially young people.

But when she came in from the village by car just now, she found that there are especially many young people here, with very few women, and quite a few children. There are still some doubts in her heart about what Feng Brother had said before.

Chi Shuyan didn't think much, until the car stopped outside a blue brick house. After she got off the car, she found that the nearby villages were living in good blue brick houses, and she secretly said that her previous guess was correct.

There are a group of innocent children playing in the mud not far away, and occasionally meeting young people in twos and threes talking and laughing. Chi Shuyan secretly said in her heart that if it weren’t for Brother Feng, she might not have noticed any problems in this village. .

Chi Shuyan was observing, and Feng Yuanlin and Qi Zhenbai also collected the local customs and customs of the surrounding areas. The former has been wearing police uniforms for so many years and he has natural insight, while the latter is naturally keen and capable of detecting. Information in the village

Only a lot more is scanned.

Feng Yuanlin really thinks that the people in this village have a pretty good life. Although the village is small and partial, he has never heard the name, but he thinks of what Xiao Shan told him, he always feels that these things have something to do with this village. It doesn't matter.

He couldn't help but wondered: "This village is pretty good. It's impossible for the little guys in Xiaoshan to fool me with alarmism!"

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to speak, Qi Zhenbai keenly pointed out the strange differences in this village, and said sharply: "This village looks good on the surface, but we have been standing for so long and there is no woman around. Don't you think it's a violation?"

At first, Feng Yuanlin thought that the weather is hot now, and it may not be necessary for a woman to rest at home or be busy until five minutes later, waiting for Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming to come and meet.

The two immediately took them into the room they had stayed in for the past two days before they began to talk about Dashan Village.

As Qi Zhenbai said, this Dashan Village does not lack men or children, but it does lack women. Most of the women in the village are pregnant women.

They stayed here for a few days before they happened to see a few pregnant women. The pregnant women's complexion was not very good, they were very pale, and they still had some fear under their eyes. As for the real reason for this fear, they didn't know much, but they felt keenly. I'm afraid it has something to do with the Buddha statue.

Since they accidentally hit and found the Buddha statue, they found an excuse to live in the village, and they have never told the village of their identity. This village seems to be a bit repellent to outsiders, not very welcome, and outsiders are stunned. The other party will not resolutely refuse to live, of course, the premise is to follow the rules and regulations of the village.

For example, you don’t go out at night, or you are not outside the village. Outsiders are not allowed to enter the temple specially built by the people in the village. For the people in this village, the temple is the most sacred place in the village. If you are allowed to enter rashly, you will be punished. As for what the punishment is, Xiao Shan and the others said that they didn't know it, but they had a bad feeling.

As for knowing that this village rebuilt a temple for the Buddha statue, it was because they came to the village by accident. The village happens to hold a temple event. There is a special time every year to invite the Buddha statues from the temple into their homes. One night, immediately returned to the temple the next morning and early in the morning.

According to the people in this village, this is what they mean by requesting shelter from the Buddha.

The few in Xiaoshan lived in this village for a few days, and what I found most clearly was that the people in this village attached great importance to this temple, and their respect for the Buddha statue was also very pious.

Chi Shuyan immediately digested the words of Xiaoshan and Wu Haoming in a short time. From the words of the two, there are indeed some strange things in this village that reveal mystery.

When Chi Shuyan thought about things, Wu Haoming couldn't help but said, "Master Chi, why do I always feel that this village is very problematic? If the boss wants us to stay in this village, can we support a few talisman?"

After Wu Haoming knew that there were really extraordinary events in this world, they even encountered a few major events. Although they had developed the courage, they still had a lot of fear and awe for certain creatures that the unknown could not touch.

Speaking of it, they would rather accept ten murder cases than contact this kind of supernatural thing, but things go against their wishes, and this kind of thing has always been in their hands.

But the only thing that comforted them was that the boss had a very reliable master friend. He had obtained a lot of good things and talisman from the master before, and he felt a lot of comfort in his heart.

As soon as Wu Haoming finished speaking, Xiao Shan immediately agreed, and looked at the little girl in front of him with a flattering smile. It was estimated that the smile was too bright, and Chi Shuyan did not notice a flash of the eyes of a tall man on the side.

These are not big things, Chi Shuyan immediately accepted it, and there is another reason. The village gave her a very bad impression. It was almost when she got out of the car, she realized that the village was very suffocating and even a little inexplicable. This is the first time that this strong feeling felt like this. It was out of self-protection for the two of them. Even if they didn't say anything, Chi Shuyan planned to give them a few talismans just in case.

Wu Haoming and Feng Yuanlin didn't even notice other abnormalities, and they couldn't help being happy when Master Chi readily agreed, which made them very happy.

However, Qi Zhenbai glanced at her sideways, pursing his lips without speaking.

"Apart from these things, what else have you discovered in this village these days?" Feng Yuanlin asked again.

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