Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1317: One hundred and nineteen

Except for the things mentioned before, they didn’t know about other things after living for a few days. On the one hand, the population in this village is relatively tight, on the other hand, the people in this village at least seem to be doing very well on the surface. , Self-sufficient, happy.

Wu Haoming thought for a moment and said, "Boss, it's really gone! We only stayed here for a few days. If something really happened, the villagers would not tell us. They repeatedly emphasized that we must not approach the temple. I I always feel that there may be something wrong with the temple, or else, how could it be so hidden?"

Xiao Shan immediately agreed with the matter. Chi Shuyan always felt that there was something uncomfortable in the matter. For a while, several people in the room were meditating, until the man Qi Zhenbai keenly noticed that a stranger came in, and looked over.

He was born in a high position, with a strong aura, and his sharp eyes shot past. Those who were swept felt chills in their hearts. They were all ordinary villagers. The few villagers who came in were really shocked, their faces turned pale and pale. Frightened, he stammered: "Brother Wu... Brother Wu! Are you...your friends here?"

Qi Zhenbai determined that the villagers were not in any danger, and estimated that they had been close to Wu Haoming in the past two days, and immediately reduced the coldness in his eyes.

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan have indeed been close to these villagers in the past two days. To be honest, if it were not for the Buddha statues, they really think that most of the people in this village are nice, warm and hospitable.

One of the three young people who came was named Daqing, Xu Meng and another named Xu Gao. When Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan lived in the village, they took great care of them, but they had such affection.

The three of them are not more than 30 years old, almost in their twenties. The youngest brother Xu Gao has just turned twenty this year. Xu Meng and Xu Gao are still brothers of their compatriots.

At this time, Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan saw the three of them coming, and they immediately introduced their boss and Qi family with a smile: "Boss, President Qi, Chi Da..." Teacher, the last word has not yet fallen, Chi Shuyan let them Changed his mouth: "Just call my name!"

This village is full of mystery and weirdness. Who knows if the word ‘master’ is very taboo on their side?

Since arriving in this village, Chi Shuyan has not let his guard down.

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan were taken aback, but Qi Zhenbai and Feng Yuanlin were both very smart people. As soon as Shu Yan's words fell, the two immediately understood Shu Yan's purpose. Feng Yuanlin immediately echoed: "Old Wu, Old Xiao, he said that since the relationship is good, he will call Shuyan's name directly from now on, and forget the other names!"

When saying this, Feng Yuanlin was also worried that his brother would be jealous, after all, his brother was not generally possessive of Shu Yan.

But to Feng Yuanlin's expectation, his brother's expression remained unchanged after hearing his words, and he nodded at them.

In fact, Feng Yuanlin thinks too much about this aspect. Qi Zhenbai knows that he is very possessive and jealous, but he is not a person who only knows the love of his children regardless of the severity of the matter, let alone a name, as long as the man next to him Don't call his daughter-in-law nicknames such as Yan Yan and daughter-in-law, Qi Zhenbai doesn't care.

Feng Yuanlin breathed a sigh of relief, and listened to Lao Wu and Lao Xiao continuing to introduce the three villagers, saying repeatedly that these three took good care of them and were nice.

After hearing Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan say this, the three of them looked a little shy and waved their hands hurriedly.

Chi Shuyan was the only woman in their group. What's more, she was very beautiful and had white skin. She was incompatible with this village, and the three young people in the village frequently paid attention.

But the people in this village are indeed very simple. The older Daqing and Xu Meng didn't dare to look at them after a glance. Only the youngest Xu Gaoduo glanced at them, and his face and neck were immediately flushed.

Qi Zhenbai's face suddenly sank, and Xu Gao didn't dare to look at it anymore.

Chi Shuyan was not disgusted with the gaze and curiosity of the three young people. The other's eyes were clear, and there was no other thought. When they looked at the three of them, they were not evil people. Her face was much softer, and she actively asked: "The three are here. Are you looking for us here?"

When Chi Shuyan asked, the three of them immediately remembered what had happened. The eldest Daqing immediately said, "Brother Xiao...Brother Wu, I heard that your friends are here, and the village chief asked you to take your friends to sit there for a while. "

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming also knew the custom in the village. When a stranger entered the village, they had to go to the village chief to brush their face, and immediately agreed: "Yes, thank you for reminding me!"

Daqing, Xu Meng, and Xu Gao waved their hands hurriedly. The three of them didn’t bother too much. They immediately found an excuse to leave. Before leaving, the three of them did not forget to remind: "Then Brother Xiao and Brother Wu hurried to the village chief. Although our village has some strict rules and regulations, we still welcome guests. The village chief is also very good. He has never embarrassed anyone. As long as you don’t violate the rules of our village, the village chief won’t say a word. By the way, you just happened to be here in time. Recently, I heard that there is a very famous crew to film with us. You can play for a few more days!"

After saying these words, the three of them left.

Chi Shuyan stared at the back of the three of them and disappeared at the door, pursing his lips and said: "The people in this village are not bad! But isn't this village very repellent to outsiders? Can the crew be allowed to film here?"

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