Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1321: One hundred twenty-three

Ruan Shenglin was so irritated that he didn't pay attention to the leader Wang, and didn't know what he said.

And Yang Kun, who was on the side, was pale and uglier at this time and trembling all over, he almost screamed. If he didn't know that Master Chi was present, he wouldn't be able to guarantee that he would not lose his mind.

Yang Kun waited to see Sheng Lin's almost pale face with him, and then recovered a bit of reason. He hurried over a few steps and broke a few words with Dao Wang with difficulty. After Dao Wang left and worked on other things, Yang Kun thought about the Buddha statue. His forehead couldn't help but sweat again, his face looked astonished as he wanted to say but he didn't dare to say. When Yu Guang accidentally caught a glimpse of the Buddha statue, Yang Kun was not frightened to the ground again. Fortunately, Sheng Lin was next to him. With his arm, there was no joke.

Yang Kun finally shook his voice and squeezed out a sentence: "Sheng...Lin, this...what is going on?"

Wouldn't the Buddha statues linger on them?

Thinking of this, Yang Kun, a big man, wanted to cry out.

There is another possibility. Maybe the Buddha statue in this village is just a coincidence, and it is completely different from the one given by the woman named Qin before.

Yang Kun really wanted to be the latter.

Yang Kun couldn't be sure for a while. Seeing that Ruan Shenglin hadn't moved and didn't respond, he was even more worried. Thinking that Master Chi was on the scene, he hurriedly said: "Sheng... Shenglin, Master... isn't the Master here? Why don't we hurry to find..., we hurry to ask, maybe... this is just a coincidence and a misunderstanding!"

Ruan Shenglin took a deep breath, his complexion tense, and he could only wait for misunderstandings and coincidences.

Not far away, Chi Shuyan had been staring at the crew of the crew after worshipping the Buddha statue, and then the Buddha statue was carried away by the villagers, her solemn expression remained unchanged.

Qi Zhenbai and Feng Yuanlin, who had never really seen this black Buddha statue, guessed something when they saw Shuyan's face change. Of course, even if they didn't guess, the Buddha statue just now gave them a very unharmonious feeling.

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan have seen black Buddha statues, but the previous ones were all small, but it was the first time they saw the big Buddha statue just now. Except for the size and appearance of the small black Buddha statue, there is really no difference. Live in a low voice and report to his boss.

Qi Zhenbai's eyes deepened.

Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Shu Yan, the Buddha statue just now?"

He looked at Shu Yan, and saw Shu Yan nodded, without saying a word, he still wanted to ask, next to him, Qi Zhenbai spoke strongly: "Go back and talk about it!"

Feng Yuanlin thought about the messy environment and atmosphere around him and nodded. If there is a problem with the Buddha statue, and everyone in this village believes in it, then Feng Yuanlin's heart in this village sinks inexplicably.

A few people had originally decided to leave first, but Feng Yuanlin didn't expect that he and Qin Qing's ex-girlfriend were so close to each other that he would meet them in a remote village.

He almost turned around, and Qin Qing's familiar and gentle voice came from behind him: "Yuan Lin, why are you here?"

Feng Yuanlin's body suddenly stiffened, and Chi Shuyan's eyes glanced at him.

Feng Yuanlin found that even Zhenbai, who never gossip, had his eyes on him, but in a blink of an eye his indifferent and sharp eyes shot directly at the cheeky woman who was not far away.

Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but want to scream, his eyes really showed obvious disgust.

Speaking of it, I will see a familiar woman again. The relationship between the two of them was really good in the past few years, but he didn't expect that one day is wrong, but now he really sees through the woman surnamed Qin, leaving aside the cheating, cheating The matter may not be able to conclude the character.

But when he learned that the woman Qin Qing was related to the black Buddha statue, he specially sent this thing to harm others. He wished that he had never known this woman before, and hated his ignorance and blindness. I was afraid that he was with him. In the past few years, this woman has been hiding her real face, but he has never recognized it.

Fortunately, he broke up with a woman surnamed Qin now.

So at this time, Qin Qing is so beautiful that this woman is dressed, and Feng Yuanlin has a tendency to stay still and Liu Xiahui, not looking at her.

Feng Yuanlin didn’t want to say hello to this woman at all, and didn’t want to entangle with her anymore. Before, this woman kept saying that she was pregnant with his child, and there was no answer. Now he is afraid that this woman will do something to entangle him. .

Feng Yuanlin's tone was extremely light: "Miss Qin is here too? I have something to do, let's go now!"

After finishing talking, Feng Yuanlin wanted to take Shu Yan Zhenbai and hurried away.

Apart from Chi Shuyan and Qi Zhenbai who know the true face of Qin Qing and the inside story, Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan only know that the woman in front of them is their former sister-in-law. As for how their boss broke up, they don’t know at all. They can’t wait to see their boss now. I left immediately, and didn't have much to say, I just thought my boss was embarrassed when he saw his ex-girlfriend.

However, her ex-girlfriend, the boss of the Bureau of Sealing, looks good, and even the friends around her look really good. Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan couldn’t help but look at them a few more times and said with emotion, they deserve to be from the entertainment industry, and they look outstanding. Of course, the two have a consensus that whether it is Qin Qing or her friend, no matter how good they look, Master Chi is as good and exquisite.

Feng Yuanlin wanted to escape and didn't want to get involved with Qin Qing, but it was a pity that people came here prepared this time with a thick skin. After Feng Yuanlin refused, her expression remained the same, and she deliberately looked natural and familiar. Take the initiative to introduce them to the two friends beside her, one is Du Lan, the other is Ke Mingmei.

Both of them are quite famous celebrity actors of the new generation, especially Du Lan, who is still the second female of the show, it can be said that the limelight is in full swing, I am afraid that after the movie is released, her worth will double again.

Therefore, Du Lan looked at them with a very critical and arrogant look. She didn't understand the significance of Qin Qing bringing her to meet this group of ordinary people.

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