Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1322: One hundred twenty four

Until she saw the most outstanding and imposing one of these people.

Even if she is a person who is used to good looks in the entertainment industry, she can't help but look straight when she first sees the outstanding man in front of him. In fact, the good looks of this man is second, and what she likes most is that the man in front of him is expensive. The demeanor and extraordinary momentum.

I saw that the man on the other side was tall and straight, with a cold face and no anger or prestige. Just standing still, he gave people a domineering field of two meters and eight.

The other party glanced at her indifferently, Du Lan only felt that his heart was beating fast, his heart almost jumped out of his chest, his haughty expression turned into a gentle, shy and generous appearance, and he took the initiative to say hello: "Hello, This is Du Lan!"

Chi Shuyan recorded this scene in his eyes, while feeling that the women in the entertainment industry changed their faces and acting so quickly, while feeling that a man's peach blossom luck is as always...

However, she sighed with emotion at the most, and had no other thoughts. Looking at the man named Ke Mingmei who followed Qi Zhenbai to say hello, Chi Shuyan sighed again for the power of her appearance.

Feng Yuanlin saw this woman Qin Qing and his scalp was tingling at this time. If it weren't for this woman, he really wanted to tease the brother Zhenbai's peach blossom luck at this moment. He was quite worried and cared about the beautiful face. His complexion was relieved to see that Shu Yan's complexion had not changed.

Looking at Zhenbai again, his face was colder than before, and he was even more resistant to others. He completely treated the two women in front of him, no, the three women including Qin Qing as transparent people, and took the initiative to speak to Shu Yan in a low voice without paying attention. In a word, Feng Yuanlin admired deeply, no, it was simply impressed.

If he had the ability to be cruel and unkind as Zhenbai, Qin Qing would not entangle him until now.

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan didn't think much about it, but were very envious of Mr. Qi's luck.

Du Lan and Ke Mingmei had no idea that they would be so ignored on the spot, and when the scene froze, they couldn't believe it.

Look carefully, let alone Du Lan and Ke Mingmei, Qin Qing's face is a little stiff.

Qin Qing knew the true identity of Mr. Qi in front of him, so he didn't dare to offend him too much, and knew that Mr. Qi would not talk to her, so he always took the initiative to talk to Feng Yuanlin.

But the two others didn't know, they were angry and bitterly hated by ignoring the tall and majestic man in front of them.

The best thing to do in this line is to save face, and in this circle, as long as you become popular, many people will praise them, so Du Lan and Ke Mingmei can't stand someone who dares to ignore them.

Looking at the tall man in front of him taking the initiative to talk to other women, this woman looks very good. Not only does her facial features look better than them, but her skin is much better than them. Ke Mingmei is okay. After all, she herself is a little self-knowing about looks, better than her. Good things are there, and the mentality is not too serious, but Du Lan, who has been soaring since his debut, turned green with jealousy.

On weekdays, she can't even tolerate someone on the team who is prettier than her. What's more, the man who made her fall in love at first sight but has been ignored frequently speaks to this woman.

Du Lan couldn't bear it, and directly attacked Chi Yan on the spot: "Who are you? Isn't it clear that the crew can't come in at will?"

This is a disaster... almost...

Chi Shuyan looked helpless, and Feng Yuanlin nearby knew that this woman was completely aimed at Shuyan, or why did this woman only question Shuyan and not the others?

As for Qin Qing, who has been ignored all the time, seeing Du Lan attack Chi Shuyan on the spot, her heart is dark and refreshed, but when she sneaks a glimpse of the condensed coldness in the eyes of the Qi family, Qin Qing can’t help but beat. When she was excited, Du Lan, this woman would just be dead on her own, but if it hurts her, when she thinks of Mr. Qi’s methods and coldness in front of her, Qin Qing beats a violent spirit and hurries to help speak, but she just speaks. The level is very difficult to describe.

She saw her apologizing for Du Lan with a look of guilt: "Shuyan, I'm so sorry, Du Lan was not intentional. It is indeed the crew's regulations that the staff cannot enter, Du Lan did not deliberately specifically target you."

Look, what this said, when you apologize, you still don’t forget to cheat her. Chi Shuyan sees it through and is too lazy to say it. She has no idea of ​​talking to this woman Qin Qing. Sometimes arguing with some people can only lower her grade. Ignore people.

Besides, she didn't just come to this village to quarrel with this woman Qin Qing, she paid more attention to business affairs than to play tricks with this woman Qin Qing.

It just so happened that Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin came over and said that they were both very famous people in the crew. Some other actors didn’t want to make excuses to talk about. They were surrounded by groups of people before they took a few steps. After coming here too late, the two of them still looked muddled and horrified.

When the two of them waited to see Chi Shuyan, Yi Ji Ling became sober and anxiously shouted: "Da...Master, Master Chi!"

Chi Shuyan glanced at the two of them, and said: "My name is Chi Shuyan, not a master, just call my name!"

Ruan Shenglin knew: "Chi...Miss Chi!"

Ruan Shenglin knew Qin Qing a few times. After a few glances, he suddenly realized that his face changed drastically and his eyes were on Qin Qing, and then she followed the crew. Ruan Shenglin swallowed his stomach as soon as he was about to say something. The **** is extremely ugly.

Yang Kun also knows Qin Qing and recognizes people. Now when I see Qin Qing appearing on the crew, his expression changes drastically. Wait, if he remembers correctly, the role of Qin Qing was still mentioned by Sheng Lin, but At that time, Director Wang did not agree, but why did this woman appear here?

When I thought that Director Wang might be the last one to let this woman come on Shenglin’s face temporarily, Yang Kun’s face was even more difficult to say than Ruan Shenglin and too ugly, and his face was very blue and purple, and finally he gritted his teeth and squeezed out with bitterness and hatred. One sentence: "Qin...Why is Miss Qin here?"

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