Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1327: One hundred and twenty-nine

It was two days since Daqing suggested to invite the Buddha to worship. In these two days, Chi Shuyan didn't do anything, and the villagers were very vigilant, she could only stroll around the village at most.

She thought about using the invisibility charm to explore the temple, but when she thought of the unknown thing being worshipped in the village,

Up to now, she hasn't figured out what is causing the trouble, and she is afraid of getting started.

Ordinary people can't see her invisibility charm, but some "things" may not be necessary.

Without knowing enough information, she is still more willing to be cautious in the surroundings of others.

As for the Buddha statue, since she knew that there was a problem with the Buddha statue, it was naturally impossible to invite any Buddha statue.

It's just that they don't plan to invite Buddha statues, but the villagers seem to be very intolerant of them not inviting Buddha statues to come home to worship.

So at nine o’clock that morning, Chi Shuyan and a few had just finished their breakfast, and someone from the village informed that this time he was a strange villager, in his forties, with an inexplicable gloomy and hostile look in his eyes. The cold voice knew: "We The village chief is looking for you for something, so that you can go there after breakfast!"

This person left immediately after saying this sentence, but the gloomy expression and eyes full of hostility just now made Chi Shuyan, Qi Zhenbai, Wu Haoming, and Xiao Shan very impressed.

After all, the villagers they knew before were very hospitable.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming thought about the weird Buddha statue and the strange place in the village. Wu Haoming immediately couldn't help but put down the chopsticks and asked with a special face: "Chi... Sister-in-law, what should I do now? What's a good way, or...or we go and invite..."

Before Wu Haoming finished speaking, Xiao Shan immediately interrupted him: "Please that thing, do you want to die?"

Wu Haoming also blurted out immediately: "If you don't invite that thing, you don't have to die? Not to mention that if you invite that thing, you don't necessarily die!"

I have stayed in this village for the past two days. Although nothing happened, Wu Haoming keenly noticed that something was wrong, but what was wrong was wrong. They hadn't found any useful information in the past two days, and Wu Haoming felt inexplicable. Panic, I always feel that something is wrong.

So he was very upset, and if Xiao Shan sang against him, his heart would get angry.

However, Wu Haoming quickly realized his emotional problems, and he immediately relaxed for a while before regaining his sense of reason and explaining: "Mr Qi, sister-in-law, I have inquired clearly about a few things in the past two days, such as why this village believes in this statue of Buddha. The real reason is that the villagers here said that the Buddha is like a real spirit. If you want to think about it, you can only worship and believe it every day, and become its believer. Maybe one day it will realize your thoughts. There used to be a household named Xu in the village. The family was originally very poor and couldn’t make ends meet. There was also the kind of his mother who had a terminal illness when his mother was old. Hospital treatments are 100% deaths, but the surname Xu is a very well-known filial son. He knew that his mother had the disease, and he didn’t know if he was too desperate. He went to the village temple every day and kneeled for a whole day. Few people in the village said that Xu Xiaozi was stupid, but later, sister-in-law, guess what happened later?"

Wu Haoming became more and more vigorous as he spoke, but he forgot the anger he had just talked to Xiao Shan, but occasionally he glanced at Mr. Qi who was sitting on the opposite side and didn't open his mouth.

After all, this is not only President Qi, but also the famous and decisive head leader Qi. He actually got angry directly in front of this person just now? Do you still want to die?

Wu Haoming lamented that he was bold, but fortunately, Mr. Qi had not moved.

Chi Shuyan raised her lips to Wu Haoming's gaze and replied, "Later the **** is healed, and the Xu family is also rich?"

Wu Haoming had deliberately raised Master Chi's appetite. How did she know that Master Chi was so good, she didn't need to say anything, she guessed everything?

Wu Haoming's eyes widened for an instant because of shock, Chi Shuyan was a little amused when he looked at it with a look of disbelief.

Wu Haoming still couldn't believe it: "Chi...sister-in-law, you are too good! You are too smart!"

Chi Shuyan:...

Qi Zhenbai's eyes from Gu Jing Wubo suddenly looked sharp at Wu Haoming.

Fortunately, Xiao Shan interjected excitedly at this moment: "How is it possible? Really so godly? This is not fake, right? What happened later? Old Wu!"

Old Wu inquired about this matter, he really didn't know.

Wu Haoming was frightened by the sharp and sharp eyes of Mr. Qi on the opposite side. He quickly shut up and did not dare to praise him more. He continued: "Later, Xu Xiaozi's mother is really well, and the Xu family has suddenly become one of the richest households in the village. It’s just that the days of abandoning the village were too dull, so I moved to live in the city. By the way, the house we lived in was still in the Xu family. This was all decades ago! It is said that there were a few villagers in the village. When I went out to buy things in the city, I saw the filial son Xu and his mother. They were alive and well, so this Buddha statue was highly respected and respected in the village!"

Xiao Shan had forgotten the anger of being stunned by Wu Haoming. He was very fascinated by what Wu Haoming said. As soon as Wu Haoming finished listening, Xiao Shan immediately asked: "Sister-in-law, is there such a efficacious thing?"

Chi Shuyan raised her eyelids. There was no temperature in her eyes. She didn't know whether it would work or not, but she knew very well that there was no free lunch in the world. I am afraid that things were not easy for the Xu family back then.

Chi Shuyan has an intuition. If you want to clarify things about the village and the Buddha statues, you must first figure out what happened to the Xu family back then. It’s just that, like Wu Haoming inquired, Xu’s family is living well, very well. But now and decades ago, I really want to find someone. It is almost impossible to find a needle in a haystack. Thinking of this, Chi Shuyan feels exhausted inexplicably.

At this time, a pair of slender hands placed a glass of water in front of her. The man's tone was familiar and natural, and his eyebrows showed a somewhat restrained concern: "Tired? Let's take a break!"

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