Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1328: one hundred thirty

Resting really doesn't need to rest. Chi Shuyan is not a fragile person. She regained her energy after she was depressed. She didn't waste the kindness of the man next to her. She was just a little thirsty, so she took a few sips of water from her cup.

Seeing that his wife did not reject his kindness, Qi Zhenbai's cold eyebrows softened a bit, and his eyes looked at his daughter-in-law with unknowingly gentle pampering and affection. Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan next to him only felt that they were affected by Mr. Qi. The sticky eyes were full of goose bumps.

I really didn't expect that the once-famous and decisive and unreasonable head leader Qi would have such a warm scene. The two looked at each other and then interrupted to interrupt.

Chi Shuyan's thoughts were still on business, but she racked her brains to figure it out. She was too lazy to think. She drank the water and got up and said, "Go, since the villagers notified us just now, let's go over there. As for Please don’t please.” At this point, Wu Haoming remembered something, and quickly said: “By the way, my sister-in-law, I haven’t finished speaking yet. Apart from the Xu family’s affairs, I also inquired about all kinds of weird things. As long as they don’t believe in the true Buddha, and there are people who are not sincere to the true Buddha, there will be all kinds of unlucky consequences. For example, there was the first family in this village by the roadside at the end, because they did not believe in the Buddha statue. The man went to work in the back mountain and accidentally stepped on it and fell into it. A few thin, sharp and long iron wires were placed in the sink and wanted to trap the wild boar. How could he know that others would accidentally step on the center and get caught. Wearing in the sink, the human body rotted and was found in the sink!"

"There are also one or two households who are a little unbelieving, and they also talked about feudal superstitions with others. That night, the family suddenly caught fire for no reason, and the family failed to escape."

The more Wu Haoming talked about Xiao Shan, the more frightened he was. He felt the same as Wu Haoming felt when he inquired about these things from the villagers.

As for Chi Shuyan and Qi Zhenbo, both of whom are anti-stress talents, they only frowned, and then recovered their calm, leaving Wu Haoming to talk and leave.

On the way to the village chief’s house, Wu Haoming said everything he inquired about in detail, except for these things, he could not find out anything else, and he found that the village was very evasive to say this. The bad things about Buddha statues are also very taboo to talk about things related to Buddha statues.

Wu Haoming shut up immediately when he approached the village chief’s residence.

Chi Shuyan found out that she had a good relationship with Ruan Shenglin, or would she see people here at the village head twice, but this time she discovered that Ruan Shenglin had given her wife into the village?

Looking at Xu Tong's bulging belly, Chi Shuyan's right eyelid violently twitched.

Xu Tong also saw Master Chi at this time. It was an excitement, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly shouted: "Chi Da..." Master.

The words made Chi Shuyan have no time to refuse. Fortunately, the man beside her suddenly grabbed her waist and interrupted Xu Tong's words: "Yan Yan, who is she?"

With his looks and aura, Qi Zhenbai is not a person with a weak sense of existence even if he doesn't speak. This intimate, familiar and reminiscent remark just fell and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Ruan Shenglin and Xu Tong have both been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and they still have a little eye power. The tall man next to Master Chi is definitely not a normal person at first glance. Regardless of his looks, he just looks at the momentum of his body, Ruan Shenglin asked himself When people were silent, he didn't dare to step forward and say a word.

Ruan Shenglin was a little bit unbelievable about his'counseling', and in the end it could only be attributed to the grandeur and majesty of the man next to Master Chi. It was the first time that he was so counseled by his vibe.

Ruan Shenglin did not dare to underestimate the man next to Master Chi, and once again thanked that he did not offend Master Chi much before. At the same time

Make up your mind to never offend the other party easily even if you don't have a good relationship with the other party.

Because his sixth sense tells him that if he offends the other party, I am afraid there will be unimaginable consequences that he cannot bear.

Ruan Shenglin extremely believed in his sixth sense.

Compared to Ruan Shenglin's inner complexity, Xu Tong is much simpler. Although he was initially frightened by the majesty and majesty of the tall man next to Master Chi, his face is truly natural, so good, and naturally attractive. Women are also easy to arouse good feelings among women, so at this time Xu Tong, besides looking straight at his eyes and lamenting his good looks, he also has an inexplicable affection for the man next to Master Chi. Of course, this affection is not an admiration, it is just right. He looks so inexplicably admired.

Finally, Xu Tong looked at the majestic man next to Master Chi and at the same time Master Chi. How do you feel that Master Chi and the one next to her are really worthy, but the age seems to be a little different.

Xu Tong blinked gossip. If it weren't for the wrong occasion, she would blurt out and ask about the relationship between the two.

Chi Shuyan saw some gossip thoughts in the other party's heart from Xu Tong's gossip eyes, and couldn't help but pull the corners of her mouth. She was quite thankful that she was on the side of the village chief, and she stretched out her hand to remove the hand that was holding her waist. The man stopped her waist and started, Chi Shuyan's body instinctively tightened subconsciously because of the other's touch just now.

Qi Zhenbai seemed to be aware of his wife's resistance. Before she could step up, he let go of the gentleman first and took the initiative to greet the couple Ruan Shenglin, but he was naturally indifferent, and his greeting was just nodding.

Ruan Shenglin and Xu Tong didn't know why they were not offended, but rather flattered. They always felt that the man next to Master Chi was born in a high position and was awe-inspiring.

When Xu Tong still wanted to talk, Ruan Shenglin realized something and asked, "Miss Chi, why are you here?"

At this time, the village chief who had been ignored was not unhappy. Instead, he smiled cheerfully and suddenly asked, "Everyone knows?"

Chi Shuyan's vigilance has never been relaxed. When the village chief spoke, she did not forget what was going on. She also showed a little smile on her face and asked straight into the subject: "Mr. Pan, some of us may have to leave these days. In a few days, can you wait for a few days to invite the true Buddha?"

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