Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1329: One hundred and thirty-one

As soon as they heard about the true Buddha, everyone in the living room listened attentively. Ruan Shenglin wanted to say something but stopped, with a little anxiety on his face, and he kept silent.

The village head rarely lowered his face and said, "A few days of delay?" But his brows and eyes were still cordial and friendly. Coupled with his own good-looking looks, most people would not think too much when they saw it. I would think that the head of Dashan Village is a good man.

But Chi Shuyan saw the blackness of the village chief Pan's body, smiled a little, and continued: "Well, it was delayed for a few days. It just happened that someone on our side was going out recently. I thought I would have to invite the true Buddha. Going together sincerely, what's the matter of leaving someone behind? Village Chief Pan, don't worry, we will all be willing to ask the true Buddha to be the most important thing."

I don’t know if Chi Shuyan’s last words made the head of Dashan Village Pan quite satisfied. His serious face showed a smile or two, and he asked them who was going out and when they were coming back, and also expressed the scenery of their village. Yes, it would be better if you could bring more people.

Chi Shuyan saw Village Chief Pan looking forward to them, as if she really hoped that they would bring outsiders into the village again. There were a lot of thoughts in her heart. It was always strange, but she couldn't think of what was wrong, and finally nodded and said, "Sure! "

When she responded, Chief Pan gave them three days of grace, and said, "By the way, how long do you plan to stay?"

The few Chi Shuyan really didn't think about how long they would stay. Village Chief Pan first said, "After a few weeks, the annual birthday of the true Buddha in our village will be very lively. Would you like to stay and join in the fun? "

When it comes to the birthday of the true Buddha, Chief Pan has a very warm welcome and a very friendly attitude. If it weren't for the village's weirdness, Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming would have been interested in it.

Fearing that they should be wrong, the two of them all looked at Mr. Qi and Master Chi in front of them, without saying a word.

Xu Tong, who just came here and didn’t know what’s going on, was very moved by the words of the village chief Pan. He looked at the man on the side from time to time. How dare Ruan Shenglin respond? He just thinks about the true Buddha worshipped in this village. Goose bumps all over my body, I can't wait to leave immediately, just listen carefully to Master Chi's reply without seeing my wife's eyes.

Chi Shuyan and Qi Zhenbai frowned subconsciously when they heard what the village chief Pan said about the festival, but they both knew that they would either leave immediately, or choose to stay and there would be no reason to refuse. They looked at each other. , And finally agreed.

Seeing that they were willing to stay to participate in the birthday of the true Buddha, the head of Village Pan was suddenly radiant, and his face was still a bit ruddy, and his wrinkled face was stretched out, and he seemed to be in a very good mood. He was satisfied when they nodded: "Good boy ! Good boy!"

After talking about the business, Mr. Pan stayed with them for a while, Chi Shuyan watched for a while, and sat for a while before taking the people away. When she left this time, she kept her eyes on her and found the huge blue brick house inside and outside. There was only the village chief alone, and she went out of the blue brick gate. She whispered to Xiao Shan as she walked: "After a few days, you can help us find out if the village chief Pan of Dashan Village has any other family members!"

Xiao Shan didn't know why Master Chi asked him to investigate this, but Master Chi's words were taken seriously by Xiao Shan and immediately responded.

The two were just talking about business, not paying attention to the closer and closer they were.

Qi Zhenbai saw his daughter-in-law get closer and closer to other men, his eyes stern, Xiao Shan always felt a cold light on his back inexplicably, his body shivered instinctively, and as soon as he raised his head, he confronted Mr. Qi with a cold glow. His eyebrows and scalp were numb, and when he realized something, he immediately avoided suspicion and drew away from his body.

Qi Zhenbo was only satisfied now, and his expression was a little relieved.

Xiao Shan breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but yelled at Wu Haoming: "My mother, did you see it, Mr. Qi just **** me out of his eyes!"

Wu Haoming looked gloat: "You kid still knows that before the closure of the game, you didn't hear the instructions of the closure of the game? If you can keep your distance from Master Chi, you should keep your distance. Don't be clumsy. The Qi family is not jealous. Generally deep."

Chi Shuyan didn't notice the abnormality. Seeing the two whispering frequently, he couldn't help asking: "What are you talking about?"

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan shook their heads quickly, Ruan Shenglin's urgent and anxious shout came from behind suddenly: "Chi Da...Miss Chi! Wait!"

Ruan Shenglin yelled twice, but Chi Shuyan heard him, stopped, turned his head and waited to see a scene not far away, couldn't help narrowing his eyes, only to see the good old village chief who just sent someone out, his eyes passing frequently. Xu Tong's bulging stomach, his eyes are very cryptic, and his complexion is as calm and kind as ever, but the cloudy fundus occasionally passes over Xu Tong's bulging stomach, flashes of excitement and excitement.

Chi Shuyan was sure that she was right, and then raised her eyes to look at it. The other party has recovered to calmness, and her eyes are as kind and friendly as before, making her almost think that she was dazzled just now.

She looked too fascinated, and a pair of slender and powerful hands suddenly pressed one of her shoulders and the other on the back of her head. Taking advantage of her surprise, she pressed her head against his chest, and the familiar male breath of men lingered on her instantly. At the tip of her nose, she was a little stunned, and a man's familiar magnetic voice came from above her head: "What are you looking at? You look so absorbed?"

Chi Shuyan:...

From a distance, the two behaved intimately. Both Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan were taken aback. Ruan Shenglin, who was supporting his wife from a distance, was even more at a loss. He didn't know why Master Chi was suddenly in Pan. Show affection at the door of the village chief?

Village Chief Pan followed, and saw the intimate behavior of the two and smiled amiably: "So it's a young couple? Are you married yet?"

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