Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1337: One hundred and thirty-nine

As soon as Yang Kun's agent finished speaking, Ruan Shenglin didn't doubt the authenticity at all, and his face turned white. He immediately echoed his agent's words and tried to persuade Director Wang and the deputy director to change the location of filming.

As long as it wasn't this village, he would have no objection no matter how remote!

Director Wang, the deputy director and the producer, including the heroine Song Yanru, looked at Yang Kun with a strange look. It is estimated that the famous actress Ruan Shenglin and his agent have such a superstitious side.

The deputy director is also surnamed Wang, named Wang Changan, and producer Xiang Zhongqiangsheng is afraid that Director Wang will listen to Yang Kun's suggestion. If he really listens to his suggestion, what is the loss?

The two immediately interrupted Yang Kun's words: "Yang Kun, how old is your kid this year, so I am ashamed to believe that there are none? Besides, do you think moving a place is a trivial matter? What is the loss in it?" , The two hurried to the king and said: "Pharaoh, you must not listen to this kid's words to change the place. Isn't there any risk of accidents wherever you move? You are afraid of accidents in the future, just be careful."

Song Yanru also thought that Yang Kun's agent was too irritated, and comforted him to calm down. As for the suggestion of changing places, he felt that it was not a good suggestion.

Yang Kun, Ruan Shenglin: ...

Chi Shuyan and Qi Zhenbai:...

Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin saw that Dao Wang gradually calmed down and were persuaded by the assistant director. Their expressions changed, they quickly looked at Chi Shuyan and shouted anxiously, "Master Chi, don't you say something?"

Chi Shuyan and Qi Zhenbai have not made any comments just now, and Qi Zhenbai does not suggest agreeing with his wife’s suggestions.

Pull the person directly to the back, get up and carry the person to leave.

Chi Shuyan was not injured at all, so he let it go while struggling subconsciously where he wanted this man to back.

Qi Zhenbai's eyebrows were cold and solemn, and the deep voice lowered his voice and said, "Yuan Lin has an accident! Let's go first! Don't move!"

Chi Shuyan originally wanted to struggle, but suddenly her face suddenly changed when she was frightened by the man in front of her. She was worried about sealing her brother, so she didn’t care about struggling any more. She had no time to make excuses to leave with Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin. Immediately follow Qi Zhenbai and leave first.

But before leaving, she still gave Director Wang some suggestions as Yang Kun meant, saying that it was indeed a bit weird and strange. This village is not a good place for filming. It would be nice to leave this village early!

After Chi Shuyan and Qi Zhenbai left, they didn't know if it was Chi Shuyan's last sentence. Several people, including Director Wang, looked at each other.

But apart from Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun, no one else was willing to believe it.

In view of the frequent accidents that happened just now, Director Wang, Wang Zhen, decided to take pictures in a different place, and immediately summoned a group of people to move to another place. Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun said, "Is this the head office?"

Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun looked at each other with heavy expressions, especially after seeing the accident that happened to Master Chi just now, Yang Kun has been fidgeting.

Director Wang waved his hand to disperse several people. One of the assistant directors, Wang Changan, who was looking for trouble, didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly asked Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin in front of everyone, "Wait, you just... called that little girl master? What kind of master can a little girl be?"

Wang Changan, the deputy director, and Yang Kun, the gold medal manager, are still a bit dirty on weekdays. Yang Kun thinks that Wang Changan is not good, and Wang Changan feels that Yang Kun has many people and is quite fake. This is not a sudden arrest. Residing in charge, he deliberately said bitterly in front of Dao Wang: "Lao Yang, Sheng Lin, I won't say anything. How can you be fooled by a little girl like you, who is obviously playing with you two. What kind of village is not suitable for filming? A mysterious secret almost said that there are ghosts in this village, and your kid can believe in this feudal superstition? I said that the last time Shenglin was a mysterious secret, I kept clamoring for the king The guide left this village, it turned out to be your problem!" After speaking, the deputy director Wang Changan also rushed to Ruan Shenglin: "Sheng Lin, you should listen to what Lao Yang said, and don’t listen to what you shouldn’t. !"

Yang Kun:...

The deputy director Wang Changan became more confident as he spoke, and the producer Xiang Zhongqiang who had been close to Wang Changan also kicked in. He was always trying to persuade him to clear his head, and don’t believe in any mess. The satire is over. Commander in the past.

When Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin saw that director Wang, Yanru Song, and the producer had believed in the words of the deputy director Wang Changan, Ruan Shenglin wanted to speak but also wanted to speak for his brother Kun.

It's a pity that Director Wang didn't give him a chance to speak. He patted Brother Kun on the shoulder and asked him to prepare. At the same time, he asked Kun not to believe in other things. There was no thought or idea of ​​leaving the village.

When Director Wang left, the two of them looked very ugly and disappointed, especially Yang Kun, who was ridiculed by Wang Changan just now. Seeing that the deputy director Wang Changan's eyes were cold and uncertain, he gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "I promise that someone surnamed Wang will one day regret not believing in me and Master Chi!"

Yang Kun thought of Wang Changan's typical timid and fearful of death, and he felt a little comforted.

But thinking of the weird and inexplicable things in this village, Yang Kun felt heaviness and fear spreading in his heart. He raised his eyes to the top of the mountain that had just been smashed down. Because it was too far away, he could only see a little blurry and bald area. There was nothing for a while, but when he thought of just now, he really saw a pair of hands deliberately pushing a stone towards Master Chi to kill her.

Had it not been for the sudden appearance of the partner beside Master Chi just now, he would not dare to think about the consequences.

Master Chi almost couldn't save his life in the village, not to mention ordinary people like them, Yang Kun felt chills in his heart.

If he was only a little frightened because of the Buddha statue before, then now he really saw what happened in this village beyond him.

The imaginary unknown and strange event, the panic in his heart has risen to twelve points, and there is a chill in his bones.

Because he knows that staying here is really possible to die, Yang Kun gritted his teeth and suddenly rushed to Ruan Shenglin and said: "No, Shenglin, we can't just sit and wait for death. If others don’t believe in Master Chi, we can’t help but we have to go again tonight. Find Master Chi!"

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