Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1338: one hundred forty

On the other side, Chi Shuyan was backed to his residence to find out what had happened to Brother Feng.

It turned out that Brother Feng could not leave the village, but was almost buried alive. Fortunately, Qi Zhenbai found out one step first, and then rescued Brother Feng and went straight back to his residence.

As for the reason why Qi Zhenbai appeared on the crew just now, it was because Feng Ge suddenly had an accident, and he went to the crew to look for her. He could only say that he went too in time and prevented her from doing so.

Although she couldn't die when the stone fell today, she could still be injured. After this moment, Chi Shuyan also understood that she was still not vigilant enough.

Today, she was not vigilant enough, so she did not pay attention to the danger beside her.

After Chi Shuyan made up his mind, he had to be more careful in this village. Why did this village look at something wrong? No, it should be too wrong.

While thinking, Wu Haoming wailed, Qi Zhenbai helped Feng Ge first, and Chi Shuyan saw that Feng Ge just woke up and vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Brother Feng!"

"What to do? What to do? What to do if the bureau is closed? There is no hospital or doctor in this village. What should I do now when the bureau is closed?" Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan anxiously followed the ant group leader on the hot pot. Look at Master Chi and treat people as saviors.

Xiao Shan gritted his teeth and asked first, "Sister-in-law, what happened to the closure?"

Qi Zhenbai calmed the two of them and checked Feng Yuanlin’s injuries. Chi Shuyan guessed that the reason Feng had vomited blood was because he was buried alive and the chest cavity was squeezed into bleeding. She didn’t care if her aura was useful. , Keep losing to Feng Ge.

It's just that her aura is very useful for some injuries, but it is not useful for normal human injuries, but this aura is still very useful for the human body, not only moisturizing the human body, but also keeping the body vitality.

As a precaution, Chi Shuyan also specially gave Feng Ge a moisturizing pill, while digesting this moisturizing pill for Feng Ge, when Feng stopped vomiting blood and breathing slowly, she and Qi Zhenbai looked at each other. , The two people breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now the man said that the matter of Brother Feng was too simple, and she still had a lot of questions to ask, not only her, but Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan who were next to him had doubts in their hearts.

Several people voluntarily left Brother Feng's room and out of the living room. She couldn't help asking the cold man in front of him: "What is going on with Brother Feng? How could he be buried alive?"

Wu Haoming couldn't help but said, "I was planning to leave the village just now, and suddenly there was an accident after the closure. What is going on? Who did it?"

A few people just now generally knew that Brother Feng was buried alive. Just now, they were vomiting blood and didn't think about it. At this moment, I will hear about Brother Feng being almost buried alive. Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming gasped together. My heart was frightened and my scalp numb.

When the Qi family knew that their closed bureau was buried alive, only one head was left, Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming's hands trembled, and Chi Shuyan's face was very ugly and pale.

Qi Zhenbai's face was also very gloomy and ugly, frowned, his face was full of solemnity, and his face was covered with a layer of frost, and said lightly: "Yuan Lin was almost buried alive. The specific details are estimated to wait for him to wake up. Said, when I was there, he was indeed buried alive with only one head left. If the other party wanted him to die slowly, but didn’t want to kill him immediately, I’m afraid he would have already..."

He didn't need to say much about the final meaning, everyone understood it, and because of that, each of his faces became more solemn.

Chi Shuyan immediately opened his mouth to Wu Haoming: "Today you leave the village and wait until Feng Brother wakes up!"

Wu Haoming nodded.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming have always been convinced that the force value of their closed games is not generally high. It is not that there are no people who can close the games and almost bury them alive, but very few. Then the people who almost buried the games this time are the ones who almost buried the games alive. ?

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were different. Before, the two had experienced the things in the Fifth Middle School, thinking about all sorts of weird things in this village, and thinking more about it, it was almost scary. Maybe the other party might not be someone at all.

The two looked at each other and felt a chill in their hearts. Xiao Shan immediately greeted Wu Haoming and said, "Fortunately, Lao Wu is walking slowly, otherwise..."

Wu Haoming also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, very thankful that he didn't leave first. If he encounters the same thing as the closure, the closure will suffer. What's more, he is not afraid of death, but he is really afraid of encountering something beyond. Something people imagine.

Wu Haoming asked himself if he was not enough courageous enough, shivering and digging into his pocket the talisman given by Master Chi, but luckily it was still there.

Chi Shuyan still had something to say to Qi Zhenbai that she was talking about the fact that the crew was almost smashed just now, and she planned to dismiss Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan. After all, the two had just been frightened by Brother Feng. She was frightened by what happened to her, so she planned to drive them away, and heard the sound of a car starting an engine outside the door.

"Which person seeking death wants to leave the village at this time?" Wu Haoming couldn't help but ran out immediately.

Chi Shuyan heard the sound of the car's engine coming from nearby, and so on, she suddenly remembered that Ruan Shenglin and his wife lived next to him. She also suggested that Ruan Shenglin let her wife leave the village immediately. Thinking of this, Chi Shu Yan also couldn't sit still, and hurried out, fearing that he would be too full. Wu Haoming, who rushed out first, said loudly: "Old Wu, see if the person next door is leaving the village, stop the car first!"

If something happened to Xu Tong's departure from the village, Chi Shuyan would be so guilty that she couldn't be responsible for asking herself, not to mention that she was pregnant with one in her belly. Chi Shuyan thought about it and thought that Xu Tong was the best in the village now.

She looked too anxious, and the tall man next to him was a bit blind to see, and even more so that her daughter-in-law was not used to all the attention of others, she first held her shoulders and said lowly: "Don't worry, Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming have already gone out and probably stopped people. !"

Chi Shuyan nodded: "Yes, that's right, you tell me where Brother Feng was buried alive, I plan to go there!"

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