Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1345: One hundred and forty seven

"Oh? Really?" After listening to Wu Haoming's words, Chi Shuyan followed him to the living room to see the ‘things’. Xiao Shan watched carefully from the side in the living room, not daring to slack in the slightest.

If you don’t look at this ‘thing’ seriously, it’s really dead.

Xiao Shan was still a little frightened. He felt relieved when he heard Master Wu Tongchi's words at the door. After Master Chi followed Lao Wu in, Xiao Shan breathed a sigh of relief and shouted, "Sister-in-law!"

Chi Shuyan nodded to Xiaoshan, and then focused all of his attention on the ‘villager’ who was stuck by Fu Lu. At this time, the ‘villager’ was no longer a ‘villager’ at all, the ‘person’ was motionless, just like a dead person.

Xiao Shan said at this time: "Sister-in-law, the person is indeed dead." He has also had the experience of solving crimes before, dealing with some forensic doctors, and knowing something: "This man has stiff and cold limbs, but there is no corpse spot on his body. Not a few hours soon after he died!"

After hearing what Xiao Shan said, Wu Haoming became more confused, and said, "Sister-in-law, I did see this person during the day. It seems that it was at five or six in the evening." Wu Haoming checked his watch after saying this and continued: " It's only half past seven. Could it be possible that this person had an accident during this period, and then he changed immediately?"

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan only had some experience in autopsy when dealing with forensic doctors, but they didn't even know the ‘corpse change’ and the prerequisites, so they could only look at Master Chi.

At the same time, the two of them rarely thought of the things they had solved in the past. When they thought that they did not believe in ghosts and murdered people, they also went to the morgue. There were countless corpses parked there. At that time, they didn’t feel much, but now they understand that there is still There is something like'corpse transformation', and the two of them only take out the cold and cool off the cold. They are extremely lucky that they can live until now.

If the original homicide case encountered a ‘corpse change’ before the two met Master Chi, I’m afraid their lives would have been long gone.

At the thought of this, the two of them shrank their necks together, and their eyes flashed in fear.

Chi Shuyan has been paying attention to the'corpse' in front of him, and took a few more careful glances, not paying attention to the strangeness of the two people beside her, but she stared for a long time and did not see any other ways, even the possessed one. The possibility was also ruled out by her.

As for the ‘accident’ and ‘corpse change’ that Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming speculated, she always felt that things were not that simple!

Chi Shuyan did not believe in evil, and put his hands on the pulse of the opponent's arm and chest again, and he found that there was no heartbeat in the heart of this ‘person’, and the pulse was not moving, and the whole body was cold. This situation was completely similar to the dead person they said.

She stared at the ‘corpse’ in front of her somehow, and suddenly flashed in her mind the scene of the beautiful boy she met on the street with Xu Tong today.

Some symptoms of the boy are exactly the same as those of the “person” in front of him. They have no heartbeat or pulse, just like a dead person. The only difference between the two is that the little boy has his own reason and thought during the day, ignoring the pulse and heartbeat, completely like a normal person. general.

But the villager in front of him has no thoughts or reason, and is more like a walking corpse and something.

The more Chi Shuyan thought about it, the more confused she became, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened. There was no direct connection between the two, but she always felt that she had overlooked something.

Originally planning to solve this ‘thing’ immediately, she was a little hesitant at the moment.

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan saw the doubts in Master Chi's eyes. They didn't understand what Master Chi was wondering. They didn't think about it, they just asked: "Sister-in-law, do you want to inform the other villagers and the village chief of this village?"

This Dashan Village is someone else’s site. Let’s not talk about how the villager died and how his corpse was changed. The two were worried that the accidental death of this “village” would be held on their heads by others. It's not easy to explain it, adding more troubles is not easy to explain.

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan saw that Master Chi hadn't responded for a long time, so they asked again, and they heard Master Chi speak: "Don't tell people first, find people in an unoccupied room and talk about it tomorrow!"

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan widened their eyes after listening, and they didn't understand what Master Chi was doing.

Wu Haoming always felt that it was better to inform the villagers of this matter as soon as possible, and to clear up their relationship as soon as possible, and that the suspicion of telling them later would be more serious.

Wu Haoming gritted his teeth and couldn't help but want to say a few words, only to shut up obediently when Xiao Shan bumped his arm with an elbow.

From Xiao Shan's point of view, Master Chi was right in everything he said, anyway he believed Master Chi's words.

Chi Shuyan didn't tell the two of her suspicions and conjectures. After all, she still hasn't figured out what the matter is. Staring at the motionless corpse in front of her, she still has a vague guess in her heart, forget it. , Wait until she confirms.

Before letting Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan put the corpse aside, she asked one more thing, so that they would not accidentally pull the talisman attached to him.

Otherwise, at your own risk!

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming hurriedly responded, "Okay!"

After this happened, Chi Shuyan couldn't sit still in the room. She arranged for Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming to look after the corpse, and let them take care of Brother Feng. She went out.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were still a little worried: "Sister-in-law, are you going out again? Mr. Qi... hasn't come back yet? Could something happen?"

Chi Shuyan has been focusing on the weird things in the village these days. She really didn’t pay attention to Qi Zhenbai’s actions. Suddenly, when they heard what they said, she looked a little dazed, and she immediately felt a little worried, but Thinking of that person surrounded by purple qi, he would generally dare not do anything to him even with more profound Taoism. What's more, the man has a lot of treasures she once gave to him, such as the thousand-year-old Bodhi that has not been taken off his wrist. Thinking, she felt relieved, and nodded at the two of them: "I'll go out!"

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming thought that Master Chi was worried about Mr. Qi, so they immediately responded. Before she went out, they told her to come back as soon as possible.

Chi Shuyan knew that they were worried about her doing her good, and nodded, "I see!"

After leaving the door, Chi Shuyan walked on the sandy road in Dashan Village. To be honest, because it was in the countryside, it was completely different from the high-rise buildings and lights in the city.

She was standing on the sandy road in Dashan Village, raising her eyes to look at the darkness almost everywhere. After walking for a long time, occasionally a few dim yellow lights shone on the sandy road outside through the window.

The whole village felt quiet and gloomy to her at this time.

And along the way, she found that almost after nightfall, every family in Dashan Village had their doors tied, and no one appeared outside to wander around, making the whole village quiet, strange and abnormal.

Chi Shuyan walked with the purpose of strolling, somehow, she couldn't help but walk the way the little boy pointed before, until she reached a doorway.

The outside was still very dark, and the door was fastened. Chi Shuyan stood motionless outside the door and glanced inside. The door and the stone wall blocked the view, and he couldn't see the inside at all.

Chi Shuyan thought for a while, took out an invisibility talisman and stuck it on her body, and then entered through the wall.

It was dark outside, and there was a dim yellow lamp in the rudimentary courtyard inside. She scanned her eyes and saw that this residence was simpler than the others in the village.

There are blue brick walls on the outside, and the inside rooms are all wood, looking dilapidated and old.

Chi Shuyan actually didn't quite understand why she came here suddenly. The reason why she came here was based on an impulse in her heart. After Yang Kun's incident tonight, she felt more and more that there was more than that hidden in this village. A day-old secret is hidden behind it.

As for the secret, she can't guess it now, but her instinct tells her that the longer she stays in this village, the less beneficial it will be. At the same time, she feels more upset.

This kind of anxiety even exceeds the crises she has encountered in the past or even in her previous life.

Chi Shuyan looked at it and saw that there was no one outside the yard. Just about to choose a room to inquire, I heard a cough coming from the door facing her.

It should be a woman who listened to the coughing sound. She stood for a while, and listened to the coughing for a while. Not only did it not stop, but it became more and more severe.

The louder he coughed, the fierce he almost coughed out his lungs.

Chi Shuyan's eyes condensed, only when the door of the room creaked open, and an old woman with white hair walked out from inside, holding a child in her hand. Who is that child than the shy and beautiful boy last time? ?

But at this time Chi Shuyan clearly noticed that the beautiful boy not far away had a dull look in his eyes, which was different from the cleverness of the day, and his face was pale, just as she saw the pale white on the villager's corpse's face. It's a bit chilly at times.

However, the look and expression of the old woman next to him were very normal, and Chi Shuyan recognized that the other person was a normal person at a glance.

Her eyes became more and more suspicious. She stood still, only listening to the old woman who was not far away faintly whispering and coughing weakly: "Of course, mother will take you away from the village in some time, so happy?"

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